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English-German translation for: Fredholm alternative
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Dictionary English German: Fredholm alternative

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math. Fredholm alternativeFredholm'sche Alternative {f}
math. Fredholm alternative [also: Fredholm's alternative]fredholmsche Alternative {f}
Partial Matches
math. Fredholm integral equationFredholm'sche Integralgleichung {f}
math. Fredholm integral equationFredholm-Integralgleichung {f}
pol. alternative facts [Kellyanne Conway, 2017]alternative Fakten {pl} [oft pej.]
alternative dispute resolutionalternative Konfliktlösungsmöglichkeiten {pl} zur Vermeidung eines Prozesses
lit. F The Devil's Alternative [Frederick Forsyth]Des Teufels Alternative
There is no alternative.Es gibt keine Alternative.
alternative to working harderAlternative {f} zu härterer Arbeit
pol. Green-Alternative List [German political party]Grün-Alternative Liste {f} <GAL>
to find an alternative to sth.eine Alternative für etw. finden
as an alternative (to ...) {adv}als (eine) Alternative (zu [+Dat.] / für [+Akk.])
alternative to fixed-rate creditAlternative {f} zum Kredit mit festem Zinssatz
law alternative dispute resolution <ADR>alternative Streitbeilegung {f} <AStB>
alternative to direct financingAlternative {f} zur Direktfinanzierung
alternative to loansAlternative {f} zu Darlehen
econ. alternative trading systems <ATS>alternative Handelssysteme {pl}
ling. alternative (form of) spellingalternative Schreibweise {f}
alternative means of communicationalternative Kommunikationsmittel {pl}
comm. alternative source (of supply)alternative Bezugsquelle {f}
ecol. alternative energy sourcealternative Energiequelle {f}
econ. alternative energy technologiesalternative Energietechniken {pl}
RealEst. alternative residential accommodationalternative Wohnversorgung {f}
cost-effective alternativekostengünstige Alternative {f}
equally effective alternativewirkungsgleiche Alternative {f}
math. Fredholm operatorFredholm-Operator {m}
math. Fredholm theoryFredholmtheorie {f}
pol. The Greens - The Green Alternative [Austria]Die Grünen - Die grüne Alternative <GRÜNE>
pol. Alternative for Germany <AfD> [right-wing populist political party in Germany]Alternative {f} für Deutschland <AfD>
acceptable alternativeakzeptable Alternative {f}
alternative addressalternative Anschrift {f}
automot. alternative drivetrainsalternative Antriebe {pl}
ecol. alternative energyalternative Energie {f}
alternative explanationalternative Erklärung {f}
alternative measuresalternative Maßnahmen {pl}
med. alternative medicinealternative Medizin {f}
alternative methodalternative Methode {f}
pharm. alternative opioidsalternative Opioide {pl}
alternative productionalternative Produktion {f}
alternative routealternative Strecke {f}
alternative solutionalternative Lösung {f}
alternative strategiesalternative Strategien {pl}
med. alternative therapyalternative Therapie {f}
med. alternative treatmentalternative Behandlung {f}
mus. alternative tuningalternative Stimmung {f}
math. Fredholm integral equation [also: Fredholm's integral equation]fredholmsche Integralgleichung {f}
math. Leray-Schauder alternative [also: alternative of Leray-Schauder]Leray-Schauder-Alternative {f}
mus. alternative (music)Alternative {m}
alternative choiceAlternative {f}
alternative solutionAlternative {f}
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