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English-German translation for: French chop
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French chop in other languages:

Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: French chop

Translation 1 - 50 of 550  >>

NOUN   a French chop | French chops
gastr. French chop [a rib chop with the meat trimmed from the end of the rib]Kotelett {n} [ohne das auslaufende Ende]
Partial Matches
Chop-chop! [coll.]Hopp, hopp! [ugs.]
to chopabhacken
to chopabschneiden
to chophacken
to chopkleinhacken
to chopkürzen
to chopschnippeln
to chopschnipseln
to chopspalten
to chopzerkleinern
gastr. chopKotelett {n}
admin. chopSiegel {n} [China]
chopStück {n}
naut. chopWellengang {m}
chop-chop {adv}schnell
mus. chop [sl.]Chop-Schlag {m} [Gitarre, Mandoline]
to chop backwegschneiden
to chop backzurückschneiden
to chop downmit der Axt niederschlagen
to chop downniederhacken
to chop downumhauen [Baum]
to chop ineinfallen
to chop inins Gespräch fallen
to chop outplötzlich hervortreten
to chop upklein machen [zerkleinern]
to chop upschnippeln [ugs.] [Gemüse]
to chop upzerhacken
to chop upzerkleinern
to chop woodHolz hacken
chop sawKappsäge {f}
gastr. chop sueyChopsuey {n}
chop-houseSpeisehaus {n}
karate chopHandkantenschlag {m}
karate chopKaratehieb {m}
karate chopKarateschlag {m}
gastr. lamb chopLammkotelett {n}
gastr. mutton chopHammelkotelett {n}
gastr. mutton-chopHammelrippchen {n}
gastr. pork chopSchweinekotelett {n}
gastr. pork chopSchweinskotelett {n}
gastr. veal chopKalbskotelett {n}
to chop sth. [hew]etw. hauen [regional] [hacken, z. B. Holz]
geogr. Chop [Ukrainian town]Tschop {n}
to chop down sth.etw.Akk. fällen [mit einer Axt o. ä.]
to chop sth. downetw.Akk. fällen [mit einer Axt o. ä.]
to chop sth. offetw.Akk. abhacken
to chop sth. offetw.Akk. absäbeln
to chop sth. offetw.Akk. weghacken
to chop sth. upetw.Akk. klein hacken
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