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Dictionary English German: Friday

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NOUN   a Friday | Fridays
SYNO   Fri | Friday
Friday {adj} [attr.]
Friday <Fri., Fr.>
Freitag {m} <Fr., Fre., Frei., Freit.>
2 Words: Others
by Friday {adv}bis Freitag [bis spätestens Freitag]
every Friday {adv}immer freitags [eher mündl.: jeden Freitag]
every Friday {adv}jeden Freitag
2 Words: Nouns
hist. stocks Black FridaySchwarzer Freitag {m}
Black Friday [shopping] [Am.]Black Friday {m} [Freitag nach Thanksgiving, an dem traditionell hohe Umsätze gemacht werden]
cloth. jobs casual FridayCasual Friday {m} [die übliche Kleiderordnung in den Firmen ist gelockert / aufgehoben]
Friday afternoonFreitagnachmittag {m}
Friday eveningFreitagabend {m}
Friday morningFreitagfrüh [ohne Artikel] [bes. österr.]
Friday morningFreitagmorgen {m}
Friday morningFreitagvormittag {m}
Friday nightFreitagnacht {f}
Friday nightNacht {f} von Freitag auf Samstag
Friday noonFreitagmittag {m}
relig. Friday prayerFreitagsgebet {n}
relig. Friday sermonFreitagspredigt {f}
journ. Friday's editionFreitagausgabe {f}
journ. Friday's editionFreitagsausgabe {f}
jobs girl FridayAllroundsekretärin {f}
jobs girl FridayMädchen {n} für alles
relig. Good FridayCharfreitag {m} [veraltet, bes. schweiz.] [Karfreitag]
relig. Good FridayKarfreitag {m}
relig. Good FridayHoher Freitag {m}
relig. Good FridayStiller Freitag {m}
man FridayFaktotum {n}
Mufti Friday [coll.]Casual Friday {m}
Mufti Friday [coll.]lockerer Freitag {m} [ugs.]
3 Words: Others
(on) Friday evenings {adv}freitagabends
(on) Friday evenings {adv}Freitag abends [alt]
(on) Friday evenings {adv}freitags abends
every Friday evening {adv}jeden Freitagabend
every other Friday {adv}jeden zweiten Freitag
Monday to Fridaymontags bis freitags
on Friday afternoons {adv}freitagnachmittags
on Friday week {adv} [Br.] [Aus.]Freitag in einer Woche
3 Words: Nouns
Business Casual DayCasual Friday {m}
Dress Down DayCasual Friday {m}
Friday the 13th [superstition]Freitag {m} der 13. [Aberglaube]
hist. pol. Good Friday AgreementKarfreitagsabkommen {n}
relig. Good Friday liturgyKarfreitagsliturgie {f}
4 Words: Others
(on) one Friday afternoon {adv}eines Freitagnachmittags
(on) one Friday night {adv}eines Freitagnachts
a week from Friday {adv} [Am.]Freitag in einer Woche
Is it Friday yet?Ist es schon Freitag?
promised for last Fridayfür letzten Freitag versprochen
Thank God it's Friday! <TGIF>Gott sei Dank ist (es) Freitag!
Thank goodness it's Friday! <TGIF>Zum Glück ist Freitag!
4 Words: Nouns
bibl. relig. events {pl} of Good FridayKarfreitagsgeschehen {n}
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Q 2017-11-11: +Friday feeling+ on Thursdays?
A 2016-11-27: +I won't be paying the rent and late fee by Friday next week.+
A 2015-01-20: Variant: Regular updates each subsequent Friday (Data Date)
A 2015-01-20: Regular updates each subsequent Friday < KISS principle
A 2015-01-20: The respectively subsequent Friday is the basis for the update.
A 2014-11-21: nenn ihn doch einfach "Platzjunge" oder "Platzboy". Oder "Junge für alles"...
A 2013-06-30: am .... not compulsory if it's any odd Friday ..... but it has to be ...
Q 2013-05-20: Snow is forecast for Friday
Q 2013-05-04: Friday
A 2013-04-27: Friday "Sabbath"
A 2013-03-29: The +kar+ of +Karfreitag+ is easily Englished: Friday of cares (and woes)
Q 2013-03-29: "Good" Friday
Q 2013-03-23: Spreadin' The Friday Joy
Q 2013-03-09: Friday Listening Comprehension
Q 2013-02-09: Friday Cat Video
A 2012-04-14: Thank God It's Friday
A 2012-01-18: All correspondence took place on Friday afternoon.
Q 2011-11-26: Fleeing from Black Friday
Q 2011-09-18: The Friday demonstration on Tahrir Square was at first standard fare
Q 2011-08-12: She has been here since last Friday.

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