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English-German translation for: Frieden stiften
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Dictionary English German: Frieden stiften

Translation 1 - 50 of 137  >>

VERB   Frieden stiften | stiftete Frieden/Frieden stiftete | Frieden gestiftet
to bring about peaceFrieden stiften
Partial Matches
to donatestiften
to endowstiften
to institutestiften [einsetzen]
to wreak havoc [idiom]Chaos stiften
to do goodGutes stiften
to provide a sense of purposeSinn stiften
to be divisiveUneinigkeit stiften
to cause a disturbanceUnruhe stiften
to cause troubleUnruhe stiften
to create confusionUnruhe stiften
to disturb the peaceUnruhe stiften
to kick up a breeze [coll.] [idiom]Unruhe stiften
idiom to make troubleUnruhe stiften
idiom to set / put the cat among the pigeonsUnruhe stiften
to cause confusionVerwirrung stiften
to create confusionVerwirrung stiften
to hop it [Br.] [coll.]stiften gehen [ugs.]
to move it [Am.] [coll.]stiften gehen [ugs.]
to bring about a marriageeine Ehe stiften
to donate a prizeeinen Preis stiften
to endow a prizeeinen Preis stiften
to indue sth. [spv.] [endue, endow]etw. stiften [durch Stiftung]
to do a bunk [Br.] [coll.] [idiom]stiften gehen [ugs.] [abhauen]
to have the most useful effectden höchsten Nutzen stiften
to skedaddle [coll.]stiften gehen [ugs.] [abhauen, türmen]
to cause turmoilUnruhe stiften [zu Unruhen führen]
electr. extension with pinsKupplung {f} mit Stiften [bei Steckverbindern]
to be of the greatest utilityden größten Nutzen stiften / bringen
to bring about sth.etw. stiften [z. B. Frieden, Unruhe]
at peace {adv}im Frieden
in peacetime {adv}im Frieden
at peace {adv}in Frieden
peacefully {adv}in Frieden
pol. to negotiate peaceFrieden aushandeln
to declare peaceFrieden erklären
to win peaceFrieden finden
to keep peaceFrieden halten
to conclude peaceFrieden schließen
to make peaceFrieden schließen
domestic harmonyhäuslicher Frieden {m}
heavenly peacehimmlischer Frieden {m}
inner peaceinnerer Frieden {m}
peace of mindinnerer Frieden {m}
shanti [Ind.]innerer Frieden {m}
hist. Peace of Prague [1635]Prager Frieden {m}
pol. social harmonysozialer Frieden {m}
pol. sociol. social peacesozialer Frieden {m}
hist. Treaty of Westphalia [1648]Westfälischer Frieden {m}
brittle peacezerbrechlicher Frieden {m}
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A 2014-11-29: agree with sunfunlili: bewirkter, geschöpfter, erschaffener Kundennutzen (...

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