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SEE ALSO gdgebtr |
 | hist. mil. [U.S. Lt. General equivalent of the mountain corps of the German Wehrmacht] | General {m} der Gebirgstruppen <G.d.Geb.Tr., GdGebTr., Gen.d.Geb.Tr.> |  |
Partial Matches |
 | hist. mil. [U.S. Lt. General equivalent of the German Wehrmacht's armored corps] | General {m} der Panzertruppe <G.d.Pz.tr., GdPztr., Gen.d.Pz.Tr.> |  |
 | hist. mil. [U.S. Lt. General equivalent of the signal corps of German Wehrmacht] | General {m} der Nachrichtentruppen <G.d.Na.Tr., GdNaTr., Ge..d.Na.Tr.> |  |
 | date of birth <DOB, d.o.b.> | Geburtsdatum {n} <Geb.> |  |
 | Anno Domini {adv} <AD, A.D.> | nach Christi Geburt <n. Chr. Geb.> |  |
 | hist. mil. [U.S. Lt. General equivalent in aviator's branch of the Wehrmacht] | General {m} der Flieger <G.d.Fl., GdFl., Gen.d.Fl.> |  |
 | hist. mil. [U.S. Lt. General equivalent of the engineer corps of German Wehrmacht] | General {m} der Pioniere <G.d.Pi., GdPi., Gen.d.Pi.> |  |
 | ind. tech. technical rules <TR> | technische Regeln {pl} <TR> [Regelwerk] |  |
 | EU protected geographical indication <PGI> | geschützte geographische Angabe {f} <g.g.A., G.G.A.> |  |
 | phys. total reflection <TR> | Totalreflexion {f} <TR> |  |
 | med. tricuspid regurgitation <TR> | Trikuspidalregurgitation {f} <TR> |  |
 | myth. relig. Geb | Geb {m} [ägyptischer Erdgott] |  |
 | hist. mil. [U.S. Lt. General equivalent of the German Wehrmacht's airborne corps] | General {m} der Fallschirmtruppe <Gen.d.Fallsch.Tr.> |  |
 | phys. Big G [coll.] [(Newtonian) gravitational constant] <G> | (Newton'sche) Gravitationskonstante {f} <G> |  |
 | hist. German East Africa Company | Deutsch-Ostafrikanische Gesellschaft {f} <DOAG, D.O.A.G.> |  |
 | chem. mass concentration <g/L, g/dL, γ, p> | Massenkonzentration {f} <g/l, g/dl, β, p> [Formelzeichen: β, p; Einheit (Beispiel): g/l, g/dl] |  |
 | biochem. thioredoxin reductase <TR, TrxR> | Thioredoxinreduktase {f} <TR, TrxR> |  |
 | mus. G major <G> | G-Dur {n} <G> |  |
 | math. without loss of generality {adv} <w.l.o.g.> | ohne Beschränkung der Allgemeinheit <o. B. d. A.> |  |
 | math. without loss of generality {adv} <w.l.o.g.> | ohne Einschränkung der Allgemeinheit <o.E.d.A.> |  |
 | unit grams per liter [Am.] <g/l, g/L> | Gramm {pl} pro Liter <g/l, g/L> |  |
 | comp. econ. QM technical review <TR> | technisches Review {n} <TR> |  |
 | mus. G minor <g, Gm> | g-Moll {n} <g, Gm> |  |
 | med. QM German appropriateness evaluation protocol (criteria) <G-AEP, G-AEP criteria> | G-AEP-Kriterien {pl} [auch nur G-AEP] |  |
 | mus. G flat <G♭> | Ges {n} <G♭> |  |
 | mus. G sharp <G♯> | Gis {n} <G♯> |  |
 | electr. D-type flip-flop <D-FF> | D-Flipflop {n} <D-FF> |  |
 | mus. G sharp minor <G♯ minor> | gis-Moll {n} <gis, Gism, G♯m> |  |
 | G as in George [Am.] | G wie / für Gustav |  |
 | phys. (Newtonian) constant of gravitation <G> | (Newton'sche) Gravitationskonstante {f} <G> |  |
 | phys. Unverified local acceleration of gravity <g> | Ortsfaktor {m} <g> [lokale Erdbeschleunigung] |  |
 | phys. Newton's constant of gravitation <G> | newtonsche Gravitationskonstante {f} <G> |  |
 | astron. G-type main-sequence star | Hauptreihenstern {m} der Spektralklasse G |  |
 | phys. local gravitational acceleration <g> | Ortsfaktor {m} <g> [lokale Erdbeschleunigung] |  |
 | phys. local gravity acceleration <g> | Ortsfaktor {m} <g> [lokale Erdbeschleunigung] |  |
 | EU gastr. protected geographical indication <PGI> | geschützte geografische Angabe <g. g. A.> |  |
 | ling. mus. print g [letter, musical note] | g {n} [Buchstabe, Ton] |  |
 | ling. mus. print G [letter, musical note] | G {n} [Buchstabe, Ton] |  |
 | phys. Newton's constant <G> | Newtons Gravitationskonstante {f} <G> |  |
 | phys. acceleration due to gravity <g> | Fallbeschleunigung {f} <g> |  |
 | med. incision and drainage <I&D, IND, I and D> | Inzision und Drainage <I&D, I und D> |  |
 | mus. open-G tuning [esp. for guitars] | offene G-Stimmung {f} [bes. für Gitarren] |  |
 | med. German diagnosis-related groups {pl} <G-DRGs> | G-DRG-System {n} [Fallpauschalen-System, Deutschland] |  |
 | econ. design and development <D&D> | Design und Entwicklung <D & E, D&E> |  |
 | mus. D major <D> | D-Dur {n} <D> |  |
 | Internet grin <g> | grins <g> [einfaches Grinsen] |  |
 | unit gramme <g> [Br.] [spv.] | Gramm {n} <g> |  |
 | anat. G-spot | G-Punkt {m} [Gräfenberg-Punkt] |  |
 | geol. material phys. shear modulus <G> | Schermodul {m} <G> [Schubmodul] |  |
 | idiom G for George | G wie Gustav |  |
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