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English-German translation for: GM
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Dictionary English German: GM

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SYNO   g | gm | gram | gramme
SYNO   Gigameter | Gm [Einheitenzeichen]
med. gynecomastia <GM> [Am.]
Gynäkomastie {f} <GM>
geogr. Gambia <.gm>Gambia {n}
unit gigameter <Gm> [Am.]Gigameter {m} {n} <Gm>
unit gigametre <Gm> [Br.]Gigameter {m} {n} <Gm>
med. gynaecomastia <GM> [Br.]Gynäkomastie {f} <GM>
med. gynaecomastia <GM> [Br.]Männerbrüste {pl} [ugs.] [Gynäkomastie]
med. gynecomastia <GM> [Am.]Männerbrüste {pl} [ugs.] [Gynäkomastie]
2 Words: Others
biotech. genetically modified {adj} <GM>genmanipuliert
agr. biotech. FoodInd. genetically modified {adj} <GM>genverändert
biotech. genetically modified {adj} <GM>genetisch verändert
agr. biotech. FoodInd. genetically modified {adj} <GM>gentechnisch verändert
2 Words: Nouns
mus. G minor <g, Gm>g-Moll {n} <g, Gm>
games game master <GM>Spielleiter {m}
anat. med. gastric mucosa <GM> [Tunica mucosa gastrica]Magenschleimhaut {f}
ind. General Manager <GM>Geschäftsführer {m}
general meeting <GM>Hauptversammlung {f} <HV>
automot. General Motors <GM> [US-American multinational car manufacturer]General Motors <GM> [US-amerikanischer multinationaler Automobilhersteller]
geol. phys. geomagnetic latitude <gm. lat., GM LAT>geomagnetische Breite {f}
math. stat. geometric meangeometrischer Mittelwert {m} <GM>
dent. gingival margin <GM>Gingivarand {m}
dent. gingival margin <GM>Zahnfleischrand {m}
dent. gingival margin <GM>Zahnfleischsaum {m}
dent. gingival margin <GM> [limbus gingivae]Gingivalsaum {m}
agr. biotech. GM corn [Am.]Genmais {m}
agr. biotech. GM crop [short for: genetically modified crop]gentechnisch veränderte Nutzpflanze {f}
biotech. FoodInd. GM food [genetically modified food]gentechnisch verändertes Lebensmittel {n}
agr. biotech. GM maize [Br.]Genmais {m}
agr. biotech. GM technologyGentechnik {f}
biotech. FoodInd. GM tomatoGentomate {f}
biotech. FoodInd. GM tomatoGen-Tomate {f}
math. Gram matrix <GM> [also: Gram's matrix]Gram-Matrix {f} <GM>
math. Gramian (matrix) <GM>Gram'sche Matrix {f} <GM>
math. Gramian (matrix) <GM>gramsche Matrix {f} <GM>
mil. guided missile <GM>Fernlenkwaffe {f}
mil. guided missile <GM>Lenkflugkörper {m}
mil. guided missile <GM>Lenkwaffe {f} [Flugkörper, Rakete]
geogr. The Gambia <.gm>Gambia {n}
law utility model <UM>Gebrauchsmuster {n} <GM>
3 Words: Nouns
MedTech. phys. Geiger-Müller counter <GM counter>Zählrohr {n} [Geiger-Müller-Zählrohr]
phys. Geiger-Müller tube <GM tube>Geiger-Müller-Rohr {n}
agr. biotech. genetically modified crops <GM crops, GMCs>gentechnisch veränderte Nutzpflanzen {pl}
agr. biotech. genetically modified maize <GM maize>genveränderter Mais {m} <Gv-Mais>
agr. biotech. GM corn cultivation [Am.]Genmais-Anbau {m}
agr. biotech. GM corn growing [Am.]Genmais-Anbau {m}
agr. biotech. GM maize cultivation [Br.]Genmais-Anbau {m}
agr. biotech. GM maize growing [Br.]Genmais-Anbau {m}
4 Words: Nouns
agr. biotech. law ban on GM maize [Br.]Genmaisverbot {n}
MedTech. phys. Geiger-Müller (-type) counter <GM counter>Geiger-Müller-Zählrohr {n} <GM-Zählrohr>
geogr. Republic of The Gambia <.gm>Gambia {n}
geogr. pol. Republic of the Gambia <.gm>Republik {f} Gambia
5+ Words: Nouns
biol. granulocyte monocyte colony-stimulating factor <GM-CSF>Granulozyten-Monozyten-Kolonie-stimulierender Faktor {m} <GM-CSF>
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A 2012-05-10: GM
A 2010-08-27: Thks. GM
A 2010-03-15: Quite right, GM. Set up and run by an Austrian, dict.cc really ought to do...
A 2010-02-13: GM, ich weiß nicht, ob du mich verstanden hast, ich meinte den letzten Satz
A 2010-02-09: Spare a thought for the bosses at GM, romy. Are they still mastering the game?
A 2009-10-04: GE not Gm: http://www.truefood.org.au/newsandevents/?news=70
Q 2009-10-03: Gm Coffee
A 2009-09-12: Go with GM's suggestion
A 2009-08-23: @ GM
A 2009-08-22: #GM And why not? Sounds fine to me! Or maybe it is meant to be sarcastic?
A 2009-07-26: GM's suggestion confirmed: http://de.bab.la/woerterbuch/deutsch-englisch/L...
A 2009-04-13: Schon rückübersetzt wäre auch ein Ort möglich: http://www.fallingrain.com/...
A 2009-03-08: Isn't it a GM +plant?+
A 2009-03-08: Diese Vorhersagen haben sich nicht erfüllt, abgesehen vielleicht beim GM-P...
A 2009-02-20: GM: Fehler? Tippfehler!
A 2009-02-20: That's true - Thank you, GM and Fidlesticks!
A 2009-02-20: SNAP @GM
A 2009-02-20: @ Fiddlesticks and GM
A 2009-02-20: @GM
A 2009-02-17: @ GM - we call it Freudian slip .... quite funny with irony of fate .... ;))

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