| English | German  |  |
– | |
 | anat. med. joint {adj} [attr.] [e.g. bleeding, capsule, cavity, contracture, damage, disease] | 156 Gelenk- [z. B. Blutung, Kapsel, Höhle, Kontraktur, Schaden, Erkrankung] |  |
 | tech. articulated {adj} [e.g. arm, bus, excavator, piston, vehicle] | 6 Gelenk- [z. B. Arm, Bus, Bagger, Kolben, Fahrzeug] |  |
Nouns |
 | anat. joint [Articulatio] | 2014 Gelenk {n} |  |
 | tech. hinge | 985 Gelenk {n} |  |
 | automot. knuckle | 379 Gelenk {n} |  |
 | articulation | 135 Gelenk {n} |  |
 | link [of a chain] | 34 Gelenk {n} [einer Kette] |  |
 | anat. acromioclavicular joint <AC joint> [Articulatio acromioclavicularis] | Akromioklavikulargelenk {n} <AC-Gelenk> <ACG> [Schultereckgelenk] |  |
 | anat. sacroiliac joint <SI joint, SIJ> [Articulatio sacroiliaca] | Iliosakralgelenk {n} <IS-Gelenk, ISG> |  |
2 Words: Nouns |
 | weight-bearing joint | belastetes Gelenk {n} |  |
 | anat. zool. bicondylar joint [Articulatio bicondylaris] | bikondyläres Gelenk {n} |  |
 | med. Charcot's joint | Charcot-Gelenk {n} |  |
 | med. neuropathic arthropathy <NA> [Arthropathia neuropathica] | Charcot-Gelenk {n} |  |
 | med. Clutton's joint | Clutton-Gelenk {n} |  |
 | biol. zool. crurotarsal joint | crurotarsales Gelenk {n} |  |
 | anat. distal interphalangeal joint <DIP, DIP joint> | distales Interphalangealgelenk {n} <DIP, DIP-Gelenk> |  |
 | anat. arthrodial joint [Articulatio plana] | ebenes Gelenk {n} [Arthrodialgelenk] |  |
 | anat. gliding joint [Articulatio plana] | ebenes Gelenk {n} [Gelenk mit ebenen Gelenkflächen] |  |
 | anat. plane joint [Articulatio plana] | ebenes Gelenk {n} [Gelenk mit ebenen Gelenkflächen] |  |
 | med. diarthrosis [synovial joint] | echtes Gelenk {n} |  |
 | anat. synovial joint [Articulatio / Junctura synovialis] | echtes Gelenk {n} [bewegliche Verbindung benachbarter Knochen] |  |
 | automot. transp. pony trailer [Am.] [coll.] | Gelenk-Deichselanhänger {m} |  |
 | tech. homokinetic joint | homokinetisches Gelenk {n} |  |
 | tech. constant-velocity joint <CV joint> | homokinetisches Gelenk {n} |  |
 | med. MedTech. artificial joint | künstliches Gelenk {n} |  |
 | anat. biol. zool. plane joint [Articulatio plana] | planes Gelenk {n} |  |
 | anat. proximal interphalangeal joint <PIP, PIP joint> | proximales Interphalangealgelenk {n} <PIP, PIP-Gelenk> |  |
 | med. stiff joint | steifes Gelenk {n} |  |
 | med. amphiarthrosis | straffes Gelenk {n} [Amphiarthrose] |  |
 | med. Charcot's joint | Tabes-Gelenk {n} [selten] [neurogene Osteoarthropathie] |  |
 | anat. med. synarthrosis | unechtes Gelenk {n} [Synarthrose] |  |
 | anat. compound / complex joint [Articulatio composita] | zusammengesetztes Gelenk {n} |  |
3 Words: Others |
 | med. articular {adj} | zum Gelenk gehörend |  |
3 Words: Verbs |
 | med. to disarticulate (sth.) | (etw.) im Gelenk amputieren [exartikulieren, trennen] |  |
 | to case the joint | das Gelenk einrichten |  |
 | to articulate | ein Gelenk bilden |  |
3 Words: Nouns |
 | anat. sternocostal joint [Articulatio sternocostalis] | Brustbein-Rippen-Gelenk {n} |  |
 | anat. sternoclavicular joint [articulatio sternoclavicularis] | Brustbein-Schlüsselbein-Gelenk {n} |  |
 | entom. coxa trochanteris <CT> [coxa-trochanter joint] | Coxa-Trochanter-Gelenk {n} <CT-Gelenk> |  |
 | entom. coxa-trochanter joint <CT joint> | Coxa-Trochanter-Gelenk {n} <CT-Gelenk> |  |
 | entom. femorotibial joint <FT joint> | Femur-Tibia-Gelenk {n} <FT-Gelenk> |  |
 | entom. femur-tibia joint <FT joint> | Femur-Tibia-Gelenk {n} <FT-Gelenk> |  |
 | anat. sacroiliac joint <SI joint, SIJ> [Articulatio sacroiliaca] | Kreuzbein-Darmbein-Gelenk {f} |  |
 | anat. humeroulnar joint [Articulatio humeroulnaris] | Oberarm-Ellen-Gelenk {n} |  |
 | anat. humeroradial joint [Articulatio humeroradialis] | Oberarm-Speichen-Gelenk {n} |  |
 | tools flex handle | Steckgriff {m} mit Gelenk [für Schlüssel] |  |
 | anat. inferior tibiofibular joint | unteres tibiofibulares Gelenk {n} |  |
 | zool. zygosphene-zygantrum articulation | Zygosphen-Zygantrum-Gelenk {n} |  |
4 Words: Others |
 | anat. intraarticular {adj} | in einem Gelenk liegend |  |
4 Words: Verbs |
 | to dislocate a joint | sichDat. ein Gelenk auskegeln [südd.] [österr.] |  |
 | med. to dislocate a joint | sichDat. ein Gelenk auskugeln |  |
4 Words: Nouns |
 | anat. distal radioulnar articulation [Articulatio radioulnaris distalis] | distales Speichen-Ellen-Gelenk {n} |  |
 | anat. distal radioulnar articulation [Articulatio radioulnaris distalis] | körperfernes Speichen-Ellen-Gelenk {n} |  |
 | med. Chopart's fracture-dislocation | Luxationsfraktur {f} im Chopart-Gelenk [Mittelfußfraktur] |  |
5+ Words: Nouns |
 | anat. proximal radioulnar joint [Articulatio radioulnaris proximalis] | proximales / körpernahes Ellen-Speichen-Gelenk {n} |  |
 | anat. proximal radioulnar joint [Articulatio radioulnaris proximalis] | proximales / körpernahes Speichen-Ellen-Gelenk {n} |  |
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