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English-German translation for: Gelenk
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Dictionary English German: Gelenk

Translation 1 - 56 of 56

NOUN   das Gelenk | die Gelenke
SYNO   Gelenk | Scharnier | Scharniergelenk
anat. med. joint {adj} [attr.] [e.g. bleeding, capsule, cavity, contracture, damage, disease]
Gelenk- [z. B. Blutung, Kapsel, Höhle, Kontraktur, Schaden, Erkrankung]
tech. articulated {adj} [e.g. arm, bus, excavator, piston, vehicle]
Gelenk- [z. B. Arm, Bus, Bagger, Kolben, Fahrzeug]
anat. joint [Articulatio]
Gelenk {n}
tech. hinge
Gelenk {n}
automot. knuckle
Gelenk {n}
Gelenk {n}
link [of a chain]
Gelenk {n} [einer Kette]
anat. acromioclavicular joint <AC joint> [Articulatio acromioclavicularis]Akromioklavikulargelenk {n} <AC-Gelenk> <ACG> [Schultereckgelenk]
anat. sacroiliac joint <SI joint, SIJ> [Articulatio sacroiliaca]Iliosakralgelenk {n} <IS-Gelenk, ISG>
2 Words: Nouns
weight-bearing jointbelastetes Gelenk {n}
anat. zool. bicondylar joint [Articulatio bicondylaris]bikondyläres Gelenk {n}
med. Charcot's jointCharcot-Gelenk {n}
med. neuropathic arthropathy <NA> [Arthropathia neuropathica]Charcot-Gelenk {n}
med. Clutton's jointClutton-Gelenk {n}
biol. zool. crurotarsal jointcrurotarsales Gelenk {n}
anat. distal interphalangeal joint <DIP, DIP joint>distales Interphalangealgelenk {n} <DIP, DIP-Gelenk>
anat. arthrodial joint [Articulatio plana]ebenes Gelenk {n} [Arthrodialgelenk]
anat. gliding joint [Articulatio plana]ebenes Gelenk {n} [Gelenk mit ebenen Gelenkflächen]
anat. plane joint [Articulatio plana]ebenes Gelenk {n} [Gelenk mit ebenen Gelenkflächen]
med. diarthrosis [synovial joint]echtes Gelenk {n}
anat. synovial joint [Articulatio / Junctura synovialis]echtes Gelenk {n} [bewegliche Verbindung benachbarter Knochen]
automot. transp. pony trailer [Am.] [coll.]Gelenk-Deichselanhänger {m}
tech. homokinetic jointhomokinetisches Gelenk {n}
tech. constant-velocity joint <CV joint>homokinetisches Gelenk {n}
med. MedTech. artificial jointkünstliches Gelenk {n}
anat. biol. zool. plane joint [Articulatio plana]planes Gelenk {n}
anat. proximal interphalangeal joint <PIP, PIP joint>proximales Interphalangealgelenk {n} <PIP, PIP-Gelenk>
med. stiff jointsteifes Gelenk {n}
med. amphiarthrosisstraffes Gelenk {n} [Amphiarthrose]
med. Charcot's jointTabes-Gelenk {n} [selten] [neurogene Osteoarthropathie]
anat. med. synarthrosisunechtes Gelenk {n} [Synarthrose]
anat. compound / complex joint [Articulatio composita]zusammengesetztes Gelenk {n}
3 Words: Others
med. articular {adj}zum Gelenk gehörend
3 Words: Verbs
med. to disarticulate (sth.)(etw.) im Gelenk amputieren [exartikulieren, trennen]
to case the jointdas Gelenk einrichten
to articulateein Gelenk bilden
3 Words: Nouns
anat. sternocostal joint [Articulatio sternocostalis]Brustbein-Rippen-Gelenk {n}
anat. sternoclavicular joint [articulatio sternoclavicularis]Brustbein-Schlüsselbein-Gelenk {n}
entom. coxa trochanteris <CT> [coxa-trochanter joint]Coxa-Trochanter-Gelenk {n} <CT-Gelenk>
entom. coxa-trochanter joint <CT joint>Coxa-Trochanter-Gelenk {n} <CT-Gelenk>
entom. femorotibial joint <FT joint>Femur-Tibia-Gelenk {n} <FT-Gelenk>
entom. femur-tibia joint <FT joint>Femur-Tibia-Gelenk {n} <FT-Gelenk>
anat. sacroiliac joint <SI joint, SIJ> [Articulatio sacroiliaca]Kreuzbein-Darmbein-Gelenk {f}
anat. humeroulnar joint [Articulatio humeroulnaris]Oberarm-Ellen-Gelenk {n}
anat. humeroradial joint [Articulatio humeroradialis]Oberarm-Speichen-Gelenk {n}
tools flex handleSteckgriff {m} mit Gelenk [für Schlüssel]
anat. inferior tibiofibular jointunteres tibiofibulares Gelenk {n}
zool. zygosphene-zygantrum articulationZygosphen-Zygantrum-Gelenk {n}
4 Words: Others
anat. intraarticular {adj}in einem Gelenk liegend
4 Words: Verbs
to dislocate a jointsichDat. ein Gelenk auskegeln [südd.] [österr.]
med. to dislocate a jointsichDat. ein Gelenk auskugeln
4 Words: Nouns
anat. distal radioulnar articulation [Articulatio radioulnaris distalis]distales Speichen-Ellen-Gelenk {n}
anat. distal radioulnar articulation [Articulatio radioulnaris distalis]körperfernes Speichen-Ellen-Gelenk {n}
med. Chopart's fracture-dislocationLuxationsfraktur {f} im Chopart-Gelenk [Mittelfußfraktur]
5+ Words: Nouns
anat. proximal radioulnar joint [Articulatio radioulnaris proximalis]proximales / körpernahes Ellen-Speichen-Gelenk {n}
anat. proximal radioulnar joint [Articulatio radioulnaris proximalis]proximales / körpernahes Speichen-Ellen-Gelenk {n}
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A 2023-02-08: Wohl +Schuhspanner mit Gelenk+
Q 2019-06-16: nicht im Wörterbuch: ausgeschlagen [Gelenk, Lager] - worn out / worn-out
A 2013-05-31: geschwollenes / knotiges / verdicktes Gelenk
A 2009-11-05: Also agree with P81s 'Gelenk' > pivot.
A 2009-11-05: Yes, it is a scecial term for Gelenk.
A 2009-11-05: Could it also be another word for Gelenk?
A 2007-11-07: *dass* "joint" das gelenk ist +Komma+ weiß ich
A 2007-07-10: Gelenk-Proteine?
A 2005-04-14: http://www.google.de/search?q=%22Spiel+im+Gelenk%22&hl=de&lr=&start=20&sa=N
A 2004-03-15: Gelenk = joint (Handgelenk = wrist; Fußgelenk = ankle)
A 2004-01-04: Osteoarthritis - vom Knochen auf ein Gelenk übergreifende

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