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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: Go-go-Girl
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Dictionary English German: Go go Girl

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NOUN   das Go-Go-Girl | die Go-Go-Girls
dance go-go dancer [female]Go-go-Girl {n}
Partial Matches
film F Go [Doug Liman]Go! Das Leben beginnt erst um 3.00 Uhr morgens [Kinotitel] / Go! Sex, Drugs & Rave'N'Roll [DVD-Titel]
travel to go off [go away, depart]abreisen
aviat. go-around [also: go around]Durchstarten {n}
to go bananas [coll.] [go insane]überschnappen [ugs.]
to go batty [coll.] [go insane]überschnappen [ugs.]
to go cuckoo [coll.] [go insane]überschnappen [ugs.]
to go outside [go out]rausgehen [ugs.] [hinausgehen]
to go too far [go to excess]Ausschweifungen begehen
idiom to go apeshit [vulg.] [to go berserk]fuchsteufelswild werden [ugs.]
to go foreign [coll.] [to go abroad]ins Ausland gehen
to go haywire [coll.] [go badly wrong]überschnappen [ugs.]
to go nuts [coll.] [idiom] [go insane]überschnappen [ugs.]
to go under [perish, go bankrupt]zu Grunde gehen
anxious to go {adj} [eager to go]bestrebt zu gehen
Go for it! [Go ahead!]Schieß los! [ugs.]
to go / get away [coll.] [to go on holiday]Ferien machen
to go toes up [coll.] [idiom] [go bankrupt]bankrottgehen [ugs.]
to go to the wall [idiom] [go bankrupt]bankrottgehen [ugs.]
to go Dutch [also: go dutch] [idiom]getrennte Kasse machen [Redewendung]
to go postal [Am.] [coll.] [idiom] [go crazy]Amok laufen [Redewendung]
to go off track [idiom] [to go off topic]vom Thema abkommen
to go off track [idiom] [to go off topic]vom Thema abweichen
to go toes up [coll.] [idiom] [go bankrupt]Bankrott machen [bankrottgehen]
idiom Go big or go home. [Am.]Ganz oder gar nicht.
to go abroad [go away from home]in die Fremde gehen [geh.]
to go Dutch [also: go dutch] [idiom]sichDat. die Rechnung teilen
Erin go Bragh [Anglisation of Éirinn go brách]Irland für immer
to go to the wall [idiom] [go bankrupt]Bankrott gehen [alt] [ugs.]
to go to the wall [idiom] [go bankrupt]bankrott gehen [alt] [ugs.]
If you don't go forward, you go backwards.Stillstand heißt Rückschritt.
to go awry [fail, go amiss]in die Hose gehen [ugs.] [Redewendung] [misslingen, schiefgehen]
to go bad [deal, etc.] [to go wrong, to fail]in die Hose gehen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
naut. to go by the board [go over a ship's side]über Bord gehen
idiom to go out like a light [coll.] [go to sleep very quickly]sehr schnell einschlafen
to go off track [idiom] [to go off topic; about a person, presentation, etc.](vom Thema) abschweifen
to go tits-up [Br.] [coll.] [idiom] [to go wrong, to fail]in die Hose gehen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to go with sb. [go out with sb., have a relationship]mit jdm. gehen [eine Beziehung haben]
to go off track [idiom] [to go off topic]vom Hölzchen aufs Stöckchen kommen [Redewendung] [vom Thema abkommen]
Go big or go home. [Am.] [idiom]Geh aufs Ganze oder geh nach Hause. [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to go off at a tangent [Br.] [idiom] [to go off on a tangent]abschweifen [vom Thema abkommen]
idiom to go on Shanks's pony [coll.] [to go on foot]auf Schusters Rappen reisen [hum.] [zu Fuß gehen]
to go to the office [to go to work]ins Geschäft gehen [regional] [zum Arbeiten in die Firma, ins Büro]
to pass [go past, go by]passieren [vorbeigehen]
idiom to be happy-go-lucky [to have a happy-go-lucky attitude]eine leichte Ader haben [leichtlebig, unbekümmert, sorglos sein]
I'm gonna go now. [coll.] [I'm going to go now]Ich geh jetzt. [ugs.]
idiom to go looking for a (cute / sexy / tasty) girlauf Schnittenschau gehen [ugs.]
proverb Good girls go to heaven, bad girls go everywhere.Gute Mädchen kommen in den Himmel, böse Mädchen kommen überallhin.
idiom to go by shank's / Shank's mare [coll.] [to go on foot]auf Schusters Rappen reisen [hum.] [zu Fuß gehen]
to let sth. go [fig.] [e.g. let the past go]etw.Akk. auf sich beruhen lassen [z. B. die Vergangenheit]
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