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English-German translation for: Gold holen
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Dictionary English German: Gold holen

Translation 1 - 50 of 369  >>

VERB   Gold holen | holte Gold/Gold holte | Gold geholt
sports to take home the gold medalGold holen [ugs.] [die Goldmedaille gewinnen]
sports to carry off a gold medalGold holen [ugs.] [eine Goldmedaille gewinnen]
sports to win a gold medalGold holen [ugs.] [eine Goldmedaille gewinnen]
Keywords contained
sports to win three gold medalsdreimal Gold holen [ugs. für: drei Goldmedaillen gewinnen]
Partial Matches
to get [fetch]holen
to scoop [prize / jackpot / award]holen [ugs.]
to call sb. [fetch]jdn. holen
to breatheAtem holen
to draw breathAtem holen
to take (a) breathAtem holen
to bring helpHilfe holen
to breatheLuft holen
to draw breathLuft holen
to take (a) breathLuft holen
sports to get pointsPunkte holen
to build up momentumSchwung holen
to get up momentumSchwung holen
to fetch sth.etw.Akk. holen
to catch one's breath [idiom]Atem holen [verschnaufen]
to send for sth.etw. holen lassen
to send for sb.jdn. holen lassen
to summon the lift [Br.]den Aufzug holen
to call the policedie Polizei holen
to bring a telescopeein Fernrohr holen
to fetch a doctoreinen Arzt holen
to get a snifffrische Luft holen
to draw a deep breathtief Atem holen
to take a deep breath [breathe deeply]tief Atem holen
to draw a deep breathtief Luft holen
to take a deep breathtief Luft holen
to bring on sb./sth.jdn./etw. holen [herbeibringen]
to go for sb./sth. [fetch]jdn./etw. holen gehen
to buy some milkMilch holen [ugs.] [kaufen]
comm. to get sth. from stocketw. vom Lager holen
to bring a chair for sb.jdm. einen Stuhl holen
telecom. to get sb. on the blower [idiom] [coll.] [Br.] [Aus.]jdn. ans Telefon holen
to fetch sb. homejdn. nach Hause holen
to bring a bucket of watereinen Eimer Wasser holen
to bring a pail of watereinen Eimer Wasser holen
sports to fell [football]von den Beinen holen
to go and bring sb. sth.jdm. etw.Akk. holen [bringen]
to catch one's breath [idiom] [after exercise]Luft holen [sich [Akk.] verschnaufen]
to get sth. [obtain sth. / catch illness]sichDat. etw.Akk. holen
to catch sb./sth.sichDat. jdn./etw. holen
to bring sb. in [get sb. on board]jdn. ins Boot holen [Redewendung]
to win laurels [idiom]sichDat. Lorbeeren holen [Redewendung]
to lift sb. out of povertyjdn. aus der Armut holen
to bail sb. outjdn. aus der Patsche holen
to rush sb. off his / her feetjdn. von den Füßen holen
to come after sb.kommen, um jdn. zu holen
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