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English-German translation for: Golf
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Dictionary English German: Golf

Translation 1 - 50 of 168  >>


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NOUN   golf | -
VERB  to golf | golfed | golfed ... 
SYNO   golf | golf game
NOUN1   (das) Golf [Sportart] | -
NOUN2   der Golf [Meeresbucht] | die Golfe
NOUN3   der Golf [kurz für: VW Golf] | die Golfs
SYNO   Golf | Meerbusen
golf ball-sized {adj}golfballgroß
the size of a golf ball {adj}taubeneigroß
sports to golf
golfen [ugs.]
sports golf
Golf {n}
geogr. gulf
Golf {m}
geogr. bay
Golf {m}
sports golf
Golfspiel {n}
zool. T
zool. T
sports blind golfBlindengolf {n}
sports (golf) trolleyCaddie {m}
sports urban golfCrossgolf {n}
sports ladies' golfDamengolf {n}
sports disc golfDiscgolf {n}
sports golf facilityGolfanlage {f}
sports golf ballGolfball {m}
zool. T
jobs golf ball diverGolfballtaucher {m}
sports golf club [organization, house]Golfclub {m}
sports golf beginnerGolfeinsteiger {m} [auch: Golf-Einsteiger]
sports golf gloveGolfhandschuh {m}
sports golf club [organization, house]Golfklub {m}
sports golf croquetGolfkrocket {n} [auch: Golf Croquet, Golf-Crocket, Golfcroquet, Krocket]
jobs sports golf instructorGolflehrer {m}
jobs sports golf instructor [female]Golflehrerin {f}
golf cartGolfmobil {n}
sports golf courseGolfplatz {m}
sports golf links {pl} [treated as sg. or pl.]Golfplatz {m}
sports golf rangeGolfplatz {m}
sports golf lawnGolfrasen {m}
sports golf ruleGolfregel {f}
sports rules of golfGolfregeln {pl}
RadioTV sports golf coverageGolfreportage {f}
sports golf club [sports equipment]Golfschläger {m}
sports golf clubs [sports equipment]Golfschläger {pl}
cloth. sports golf shoeGolfschuh {m}
sports game of golfGolfspiel {n}
sports golf playerGolfspieler {m}
sports golf player [female]Golfspielerin {f}
sports golf club [sports equipment]Golfstock {m}
golf bagGolftasche {f}
sports golf tournamentGolfturnier {n}
golf cartGolfwagen {m}
golf widow [hum.]Golfwitwe {f} [hum.]
golf ball [coll.]Kugelkopf {m} [Schreibmaschine]
golf-ball printerKugelkopfdrucker {m}
golf-ball typewriterKugelkopfschreibmaschine {f}
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
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A 2022-06-20: First, I don't play golf or know much about golf terminology ;-)
A 2020-02-10: Kommt aus der Golf-Sprache
Q 2018-04-05: Betrifft golf
Q 2016-05-25: "Familiärer Platz" (auch bei Golf)
Q 2016-05-25: "stumpfe Greens" (Golf)
A 2016-03-27: Oder beim Golf?
A 2015-01-29: Das Ding hieß 'VW Golf' in Europa.
A 2014-03-05: +large course+ makes me think of golf links
A 2013-08-24: Golf-Oscar-Bravo an Mike-India-Kilo
A 2012-03-07: Das Golf ist ein Rasenspiel
A 2011-12-29: http://www.google.co.uk/#sclient=psy-ab&hl=en&newwindow=1&site=&source=hp&...
A 2011-11-12: Unless of course, you agree with Mark Twain - "Golf is a good walk spoiled."
Q 2011-11-11: Golf: hit a club or hit some balls
A 2011-11-11: Golf Tee > Abschlag
Q 2011-11-11: Golf: I just don't want an early tee time.
Q 2011-11-09: Golf: Holz und Wald
A 2011-11-08: meri hat recht. "Hit a 1-iron" ist auch ein Golf-Kürzel für "USE a 1-iron ...
A 2011-11-08: The numbers refer to golf strokes needed to play one round.
A 2011-11-08: Golf is the main point here, isn't it?
A 2011-11-08: drive ist hier doppeldeutig (Autofahren / langer Schlag beim Golf)

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• Golf
Golfe du Lion

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