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English-German translation for: Gothic
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Dictionary English German: Gothic

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ADJ   Gothic | more Gothic | most Gothic
NOUN   Gothic | -
SYNO   Gothic | Gothic architecture ... 
NOUN1   das Gothic | -
NOUN2   der Gothic | die Gothics
Gothic {adj}
gotisch <got.>
gothic {adj} [novel, play, film]
cloth. mus. gothic {adj}
gothic {adj} [fashion, music etc.]
ling. Gothic
Gotisch {n}
print Gothicgotische Schrift {f}
2 Words: Others
archi. early Gothic {adj}frühgotisch
archi. High Gothic {adj} [French Gothic architecture]hochgotisch
archi. late Gothic {adj}spätgotisch
archi. neo-Gothic {adj}neogotisch
archi. neo-Gothic {adj}neugotisch
archi. art post-Gothic {adj}nachgotisch
2 Words: Nouns
print publ. (Gothic) textualis [Gothic book hand](gotische) Textura {f}
archi. brick GothicBacksteingotik {f}
archi. Unverified Collegiate GothicCollege-Gotik {f}
archi. Unverified Collegiate GothicCollegiate Gothic {n}
ling. Crimean GothicKrimgotisch {n}
ling. Gothic alphabetgotisches Alphabet {n}
hist. gothic battleGotenschlacht {f}
ling. relig. Gothic Bible [also Wulfila Bible]Wulfila Bibel {f} [auch Gotenbibel]
archi. Gothic buildinggotisches Bauwerk {n}
archi. Gothic buttressgotischer Strebepfeiler {m}
archi. Gothic cathedralgotische Kathedrale {f}
archi. Gothic churchgotische Kirche {f}
lit. Gothic fictionSchauerliteratur {f}
film gothic filmGruselfilm {m}
Gothic handwritingKurrentschrift {f}
hist. ling. Gothic languagegotische Sprache {f}
hist. Gothic Line [Linea Gotica, WWII]Gotenstellung {f}
film gothic movieGruselfilm {m}
lit. gothic novelSchauerroman {m}
hist. Gothic periodGotik {f}
archi. Gothic RevivalNeogotik {f}
archi. Gothic RevivalNeugotik {f}
lit. gothic romance [gothic novel]Schauerroman {m}
gothic sceneGothicszene {f}
gothic sceneGruftiszene {f}
print Gothic scriptFrakturschrift {f}
print Gothic scriptgotische Schrift {f}
gothic storySchauergeschichte {f}
archi. art Gothic styleGotik {f}
archi. art Gothic stylegotischer Stil {m}
gothic taleSchauergeschichte {f}
print Gothic typeFraktur {f} [Schriftart]
print Gothic typeFrakturschrift {f}
art hist. spec. International Gothic ["Soft Style"]weicher Stil {m}
3 Words: Nouns
archi. art early Gothic periodFrühgotik {f}
archi. French Gothic (architecture)französische Gotik {f}
print Gothic book hand [also: Gothic bookhand]gotische Textura {f}
archi. Gothic Revival architectureneugotische Architektur {f}
archi. High Gothic periodHochgotik {f}
archi. High Victorian GothicNeugotik {f} [in GB und USA]
archi. art hist. late Gothic (period)Spätgotik {f}
archi. neo-Gothic styleNeugotik {f}
archi. red brick GothicBacksteingotik {f}
archi. art hist. the Gothic agedas Zeitalter {n} der Gotik
archi. Victorian Gothic architectureviktorianisch-gotische Architektur {f}
4 Words: Others
archi. art hist. in the Gothic period {adv}in der Gotik
4 Words: Nouns
games Gothic chess pieces set [Capablanca chess on 10x8 squares]Gotischer Figurensatz {m} [Schach auf 80 Feldern]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F Gothic [Ken Russell]Gothic
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
entom. T
entom. T
entom. T
entom. T
entom. T
entom. T
entom. T
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A 2022-05-19: Gothic handwriting
A 2020-12-23: Looks like a +(French Gothic) elbow door lock+ to me
A 2013-05-30: By dint of the general acceptance of his works, he renewed interest in the...
Q 2010-08-01: Gothic myth
Q 2009-02-26: Gothic German
A 2008-11-06: The three-aisled hall, supported by octagonal oaken pillars, has ornamenta...
A 2008-11-06: This gave the cathedral its early Gothic cachet
A 2008-11-05: A particular feature is the silver Bremen Gothic key on a red background.
A 2008-04-27: before it gets too Gothic, he is promising to stick to essentials in a spe...
A 2007-09-25: 'ausgenommen' a misreading of 'aufgenommen': in Gothic handwriting, the "s...
A 2007-04-14: Gothic builders guild
A 2006-05-22: Gothic freak

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• Gothic
Gothic alphabet
gothic battle
Gothic Bible
Gothic book hand
Gothic building
Gothic buttress
Gothic cathedral
Gothic chess pieces set
Gothic church

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