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English-German translation for: Grand National
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Dictionary English German: Grand National

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sports Grand NationalGrand National {n} [bedeutendes Pferderennen in Großbritannien]
geogr. UWH Grand Canyon National ParkGrand-Canyon-Nationalpark {m}
Partial Matches
games grand solo [skat]Grand Hand {m}
games open grand [skat]Grand ouvert {m}
grand openingGrand Opening {n} [offizielle Eröffnung (für den Kundenbetrieb, meist bei Hotels)]
ind. grand feu technique [high-fire technique]Grand-Feu-Technik {f} [Hochfeuertechnik]
orn. T
games Grand Prix Attack [chess opening]Grand-Prix-Angriff {m} [Schacheröffnung]
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
geogr. Grand Canyon State [one of the nicknames for Arizona]Grand-Canyon-Staat {m} [einer der Spitznamen für Arizona, USA]
sociol. grand theory [pej.] [overly abstract, universal social theory detached from real life]Grand Theory {f} [pej.] [abstrakte, abgehobene universelle Theorie]
med. grand mal epileptic fitGrand-Mal-Anfall {m}
to solve sth. at national leveletw.Akk. national lösen [Probleme, Herausforderungen usw.]
mus. RadioTV Grand Ole Opry®Grand Ole Opry® {f} [US-Radioshow mit Countrymusikkonzerten]
hydro. Grand Coulee DamGrand-Coulee-Talsperre {f}
med. grand mal epilepsyGrand-mal-Epilepsie {f}
med. grand mal seizureGrand-Mal-Anfall {m}
geogr. Grand Pacific GlacierGrand-Pacific-Gletscher {m}
Grand Prix circuitGrand-Prix-Strecke {f}
sports Grand Slam tournamentsGrand-Slam-Turniere {pl}
geogr. naut. Grand Union CanalGrand-Union-Kanal {m}
film F Grand Prix [John Frankenheimer]Grand Prix
film F The Grand Budapest Hotel [Wes Anderson]Grand Budapest Hotel
pol. National Rally [French party "Rassemblement National"] <RN>Rassemblement National {m} [auch {n}] <RN>
pol. National Front [Br.]National Front {f} [rechtsradikale Partei]
ecol. pol. designated national authority <DNA> [Kyoto Protocol]Designed National Authority {f} <DNA> [für die Genehmigung von CDM-Projekten] [Kyoto-Protokoll]
pol. National Front [French party] <FN>Front {m} {f} National [französische Partei] <FN>
educ. National School [in England and Wales]Schule der National Society {f} [in England und Wales]
sports National Football League <NFL>National Football League {f} <NFL> [höchste Spielklasse im American Football]
pol. Republican National Committee [USA] <RNC>Republican National Committee {n} [USA, nationales Organisationsgremium der Republikanischen Partei] <RNC>
grand {adj}beeindruckend
grand {adj}eindrucksvoll
grand {adj}gewaltig
grand {adj}groß
grand {adj}großartig
grand {adj}herrschaftlich
archi. grand {adj}prachtvoll
games grand [skat]Grand {m} [Skat]
geogr. geol. TrVocab. Grand CanyonGrand Canyon {m}
theatre Unverified Grand GuignolGrand-Guignol {m}
med. grand malGrand Mal {n}
sports Grand PrixGrand Prix {m}
sports grand slamGrand Slam {m}
grand {adj} [imposing]grandios
grand {adj} [Irish]okay
Grand Ducal {adj}großherzoglich
mus. concert grandKonzertflügel {m}
mus. grand (piano)Flügel {m}
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