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English-German translation for: Growing
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Dictionary English German: Growing

Translation 1 - 50 of 234  >>

English German
ADJ   growing | - | -
NOUN   growing | -
VERB  to grow | grew | grown ... 
SYNO   development | growing | growth ... 
growing {adj} {pres-p}
growing {adj} {pres-p}
growing {adj} {pres-p}
agr. growing {adj} [attr.] [e.g. area, environment, region]
Anbau- [z. B. Gebiet, Milieu, Region]
growing {adj}
entwickelnd [wachsend]
growing {adj} [attr.] [growth] [e.g. conditions, power, space]
Wuchs- [z. B. Bedingungen, Kraft, Raum]
agr. hort. growing {adj} {pres-p} [cultivating]
growing {adj}am Wachsen
growing {adj} [attr.] [growth] [e.g. cycle, pains, period]Wachstums- [z. B. Zyklus, Schmerzen, Periode]
growing {adj} {pres-p} [increasing]steigend [zunehmend]
agr. hort. growing
Anbau {m} [Anpflanzung]
Anpflanzung {f} [Anbau]
2 Words: Others
continually growing {adj}fortwährend wachsend
bot. for. densely growing {adj}dichtstehend
ever-growing {adj}ständig wachsend
fast-growing {adj}raschwüchsig
fast-growing {adj}schnellwachsend
fast-growing {adj}schnellwüchsig
econ. fast-growing {adj}wachstumsstark
fast-growing {adj}schnell wachsend
fastest-growing {adj}am schnellsten wachsend
growing againnachwachsend
growing exuberantly {adj}wuchernd
growing lonelyvereinsamend
growing oldalternd
growing old {adj} {pres-p}alt werdend
growing olderalternd
growing outherauswachsend
growing paleerblassend
growing paleblass werdend
growing quickly {adj}wuchernd
growing stifferstarrend
biol. growing strongly {adj} {pres-p} [postpos.]wuchskräftig
growing throughdurchwachsend
growing togetherverwachsend
growing togetherzusammenwachsend
growing up {adj}aufwachsend
growing upheranwachsend
growing wild {adj} [pred.]wildwachsend
bot. growing wild {adj} [pred.]wild wachsend
bot. low-growing {adj}niedrigwüchsig
bot. low-growing {adj}niedrig wachsend [niedrigwüchsig]
quick-growing {adj}schnellwüchsig
rapid-growing {adj}schnellwachsend
slow-growing {adj}langsamwüchsig
slow-growing {adj}langsam wachsend
bot. tall-growing {adj}hochwüchsig
vigorously growing {adj}wuchskräftig
wild-growing {adj}wildwachsend
agr. wine-growing {adj}weinanbauend
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A 2022-03-26: es gibt auch "frohwüchsig" (nicht im Wörterbuch) - I suggest: vigorous, ...
Q 2016-10-18: Growing up auf Deutsch?
Q 2015-08-15: It's growing
Q 2015-08-12: Was bedeutet "wüchsig" in diesem Text? Fast-growing?
A 2015-02-22: slowly growing affection
Q 2014-05-09: growing toward …
A 2013-12-30: he felt a mounting / growing apprehension in the run-up of his presentation
A 2013-10-16: when i was growing up, ..... sound fine in EN - but not really in DE ......
Q 2013-04-18: "Here's to never growing up" auf deutsch?
A 2013-03-10: The kids are growing up.
A 2013-01-15: You could ignore +home+ and just translate +a person growing up with an al...
A 2011-12-29: Here perhaps +fast-growing+
A 2011-09-27: and there is "deantidisestablishmentisation" - meaning "growing up" :-))
A 2011-09-26: my heart is growing heavy
A 2011-06-18: It's the image of a tender flower growing in the wild woods.
A 2011-05-16: Revision: In the investigated area, fruit growing was more clearly affecte...
A 2011-05-16: In the investigated area, climatic differences affected fruit growing more...
A 2011-04-11: cries of hatred went to and fro ever growing louder...
A 2010-10-13: Or: whose vineyard locations are part of the Württemberg wine growing region
A 2010-10-13: are part of the wine growing region...

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