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English-German translation for: HLW-Training
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Dictionary English German: HLW Training

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FireResc med. cardiopulmonary resuscitation training <CPR training>Herz-Lungen-Wiederbelebungstraining {n} <HLW-Training>
Partial Matches
med. activites of daily living training <ADL training>Training {n} der Aktivitäten des täglichen Lebens <ATL-Training, ADL-Training>
med. cardiopulmonary resuscitation <CPR>Herz-Lungen-Wiederbelebung {f} <HLW>
ecol. high-level waste {sg} <HLW>hochaktive Abfälle {pl} <HAA>
on the job training <OJT>Training {n} am Arbeitsplatz [Schulung]
FireResc first aid training <FAT>Erste-Hilfe-Training {n} <EHT>
sports ball bucket training [in table tennis]Balleimer-Training {n} [im Tischtennis]
In order that training be effective ...Damit das Training effektiv ist, ...
air raid precaution training <ARP training>Luftschutzübung {f}
sports to return to trainingwieder ins Training einsteigen
In order that training should be effective ... [Br.]Damit das Training effektiv ist, ...
sports strength endurance trainingKraftausdauertraining {n} <KA-Training>
Computer Based Training <CBT>computerbasiertes Training {n}
rehab training [coll.]Reha-Training {n} [ugs.]
educ. tech. in-plant trainingwerksinternes Training {n} [Schulung]
out of training {adv}aus dem Training
keen on training {adj}eifrig im Training
to undergo trainingan einem Training teilnehmen
sports to resume trainingwieder ins Training einsteigen
mil. survival, evasion, resistance and escape training <SERE training>Überlebens-, Ausweich-, Widerstands- und Fluchttraining {n} [auch: SERE-Training]
computer-aided trainingcomputergestütztes Training {n}
cross-cultural traininginterkulturelles Training {n}
med. sports cardiovascular trainingHerz-Kreislauf-Training {n}
mil. peacetime trainingTraining {n} in Friedenszeiten
analytical traininganalytisches Training {n}
autogenic trainingautogenes Training {n}
autogenous trainingAutogenes Training {n}
solid traininggründliches Training {n}
sound traininggründliches Training {n}
sports intensive trainingintensives Training {n}
sports cardiovascular trainingkardiovaskuläres Training {n}
educ. face-to-face training <f2f training>Präsenztraining {n}
educ. jobs on-the-job trainingOn-the-Job-Training {n} [Ausbildung am Arbeitsplatz durch Zusehen und Mitmachen unter Anleitung einer Facharbeitskraft]
educ. jobs off-the-job trainingOff-the-Job-Training {n} [Vermittlung des Fachwissens unabhängig vom Arbeitsplatz, z. B. überbetriebliche Schulung]
comp. educ. tech. computer-based training <CBT>Computer Based Training {n} <CB-Training, CBT>
comp. educ. tech. computer-based training <CBT>Computer-Based-Training {n} <CB-Training, CBT>
obedience training [dogs]Obedience-Training {n} [Hunde]
training center [Am.]Training Center {n} [Ausbildungszentrum]
med. sports to do cardio trainingCardio-Training machen
survival trainingSurvival-Training {n} [Rsv.]
trainingTraining {n}
educ. trainingAusbildung {f}
trainingSchulung {f}
educationTraining {n}
sports practiceTraining {n}
workoutTraining {n}
trainingÜbung {f}
sports circle trainingCircle-Training {n}
sports core trainingCore-Training {n}
sports cross-trainingCross-Training {n}
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