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| comm. EU Harmonized System Nomenclature (code) <HS nomenclature code, HSN code> | Nomenklatur {f} des Harmonisierten Systems <HS-Nomenklatur> [Harmonisiertes System zur Bezeichnung und Codierung von Waren der UN] | |
Partial Matches |
| chem. heparan sulfate <HS> [Am.] | Heparansulfat {n} <HS> | |
| chem. heparan sulphate <HS> [Br.] | Heparansulfat {n} <HS> | |
| med. hypereosinophilic syndrome <HS> | hypereosinophiles Syndrom {n} <HS> | |
| med. haematospermia <HS> [Br.] | Hämatospermie {f} <HS> | |
| med. hematospermia <HS> [Am.] | Hämatospermie {f} <HS> | |
| material high-speed steel <HSS, HS, HS steel> | Schnellarbeitsstahl {m} <HSS, HS, HS-Stahl, HSS-Stahl> | |
| comm. EU harmonized system code <HS code> [Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System] | HS-Code {m} [Harmonisiertes System der Zolltarifnomenklatur] | |
| biochem. two-hybrid system <2-hybrid system, 2-HS> | Zwei-Hybrid-System {n} <2-Hybridsystem, 2-HS> | |
| nomenclature | Nomenklatur {f} | |
| biol. bot. binary nomenclature | binäre Nomenklatur {f} | |
| biol. binomial nomenclature | binäre Nomenklatur {f} | |
| biol. binominal nomenclature | binäre Nomenklatur {f} | |
| biol. binominal nomenclature | binominale Nomenklatur {f} | |
| chem. chemical nomenclature | chemische Nomenklatur {f} | |
| biol. Linnaean nomenclature | linnésche Nomenklatur {f} | |
| biol. Linnean nomenclature | linnésche Nomenklatur {f} | |
| astron. planetary nomenclature | planetare Nomenklatur {f} | |
| chem. hassium <Hs> | Hassium {n} <Hs> | |
| biol. Linnaean nomenclature | Linné'sche Nomenklatur {f} | |
| biol. Linnean nomenclature | Linné'sche Nomenklatur {f} | |
| biol. nucleic acid nomenclature | Nukleinsäure-Nomenklatur {f} | |
| admin. comm. EU combined nomenclature <CN> | kombinierte Nomenklatur {f} <KN> | |
| spec. organic chemical nomenclature | organisch-chemische Nomenklatur {f} | |
| anat. med. anatomical nomenclature <AN> [Nomina anatomica] | anatomische Nomenklatur {f} | |
| med. haemangiosarcoma <HS> [Br.] | Hämangiosarkom {n} | |
| med. hemangiosarcoma <HS> [Am.] | Hämangiosarkom {n} | |
| educ. autumn term | Herbstsemester {n} <HS> | |
| educ. fall term | Herbstsemester {n} <HS> | |
| med. health status <HS> | Gesundheitsstatus {m} | |
| med. health status <HS> | Gesundheitszustand {m} | |
| manuscript <ms.> | Handschrift {f} <Hs.> [Manuskript] | |
| educ. autumn semester [Br.] | Herbstsemester {n} <HS> | |
| educ. fall semester [Am.] | Herbstsemester {n} <HS> | |
| electr. high voltage <HV> | Hochspannung {f} <HS> | |
| educ. Michaelmas term [Br.] | Herbstsemester {n} <HS> | |
| med. international nomenclature of diseases <IND> | internationale Nomenklatur {f} der Krankheiten | |
| electr. high-voltage {adj} <HV> [attr.] | Hochspannungs- <HS-> | |
| electr. high tension [high voltage] | Hochspannung {f} <HS> | |
| sports hill size <HS> [ski jumping] | Schanzengröße {f} | |
| educ. hort. acad. horticultural science {sg} <HS> | Gartenbauwissenschaften {pl} <GBW> | |
| HS cement | Zement {m} mit hohem Sulfatwiderstand | |
| comp. high-level languages <HLLs> | Hochsprachen {pl} <HS> | |
| zool. T | | |
| med. hidradenitis suppurativa <HS> [acne inversa] | Acne Inversa {f} [Hidradenitis suppurativa] | |
| zool. International Code {sg} of Zoological Nomenclature <ICZN> | Internationale Regeln {pl} für die Zoologische Nomenklatur <IRZN> | |
| anat. med. Paris Nomina Anatomica <PNA> | Pariser Nomenklatur {f} <PNA> [Pariser Nomina Anatomica] | |
| med. systematized nomenclature of medicine <SNOMED> | systematisierte Nomenklatur {f} der Medizin <SNOMED> | |
| anat. med. Basle Nomina Anatomica <BNA> | Baseler Nomenklatur {f} <BNA> [Basler / Baseler Nomina Anatomica] | |
| electr. high-voltage coil <HV coil> | Hochspannungsspule {f} <HS-Spule> | |
| biol. International Code of Nomenclature of Bacteria <ICNB> | Internationaler Code {m} der Nomenklatur der Bakterien <ICNB> | |
| bot. International Code of Botanical Nomenclature <ICBN> | Internationaler Code {m} der Botanischen Nomenklatur <ICBN> | |
| med. VetMed. systematized nomenclature of human and veterinary medicine <SNOMED> | systematisierte Nomenklatur {f} der Human- und Veterinärmedizin <SNOMED> | |
| material tech. high-speed steel <HSS, HS, HS steel> | Hochleistungsschnellarbeitsstahl {m} <HSS> [auch: Hochleistungs-Schnellarbeitsstahl] | |
| ind. material tech. high-speed steel <HSS, HS, HS steel> | Hochleistungsschnellschnittstahl {m} <HSS> [auch: Hochleistungs-Schnellschnittstahl] | |
| ind. material tech. high-speed steel <HSS, HS, HS steel> | Hochleistungsschnittstahl {m} <HSS> | |
| comp. hot standby <HS> server | Hot-Standby-Server {m} <HSS> | |
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