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English-German translation for: Hanunó'o alphabet
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Hanunó'o alphabet in other languages:

Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: Hanunó'o alphabet

Translation 1 - 50 of 480  >>

hist. ling. Hanunó'o alphabetHanunó'o-Schrift {f}
Partial Matches
hist. mil. Joint Army/Navy Phonetic Alphabet <JAN Phonetic Alphabet> [United States Armed Forces, 1941 - 1956]einheitliches Buchstabieralphabet {n} der US-Streitkräfte
orn. T
orn. T
orn. T
Internet You only live once. <YOLO, Y.O.L.O.>Man lebt nur einmal.
relig. Oblates of the Mother of Orphans <O.M.O.>Oblatinnen {pl} der Mutter der Waisen
jack-o'-lantern [archaic] [will-o'-the wisp]Irrlicht {n}
orn. T
orn. T
orn. T
orn. T
orn. T
orn. T
relig. Order of Cistercians of the Strict Observance <OCSO, O.C.S.O.>Orden {m} der Zisterzienser von der strengeren Observanz <O.C.S.O>
relig. Trappists <OCSO, O.C.S.O.>Trappisten {pl}
or near offer <o.n.o.>Verhandlungsbasis {f} <VB, VHB>
orn. T
orn. T
med. alert and orientated {adj} <A&O , A/O> [esp. Br.]wach und orientiert
med. aware and orientated {adj} <A&O , A/O> [esp. Br.]wach und orientiert
comp. object-relational mapping <ORM, O/RM, O/R mapping>objektrelationale Abbildung {f} <OR-Abbildung>
med. pharm. per os {adv} {adj} <P.O., p.o.> [oral administration]per os [durch den Mund]
med. pharm. per os {adj} <P.O., p.o.> [oral administration]peroral <p.o.>
med. pharm. peroral {adj} <P.O., p.o.> [oral administration]durch den Mund [nachgestellt]
med. alert and oriented {adj} <A&O, A/O>wach und orientiert
med. awake and oriented {adj} <A&O, A/O>wach und orientiert
med. aware and oriented {adj} <A&O, A/O>wach und orientiert
econ. Heckscher-Ohlin theory <HOT, H-O-T, HO theory, H-O theory>Faktorproportionentheorie {f}
alphabetAbc {n}
alphabetAbece {n} [Rsv.]
alphabetAlphabet {n}
bot. T
educ. lit. alphabet bookABC-Buch {n}
games alphabet gameAlphabetspiel {n}
gastr. alphabet soupBuchstabensuppe {f}
Braille alphabetBlindenalphabet {n}
braille alphabetBlindenschrift {f}
ling. consonantal alphabetKonsonantenschrift {f}
ling. consonantary alphabetKonsonantenschrift {f}
ling. Cyrillic alphabetkyrillisches Alphabet {n}
ling. finger alphabetFingeralphabet {n}
naut. flag alphabetFlaggenalphabet {n}
ling. German alphabetdeutsches Alphabet {n}
ling. Gothic alphabetgotisches Alphabet {n}
ling. Greek alphabetgriechisches Alphabet {n}
ling. Hebrew alphabethebräisches Alphabet {n}
ling. Latin alphabetlateinisches Alphabet {n}
ling. Latin alphabetrömisches Alphabet {n}
spec. mixed alphabetgemischtes Alphabet {n}
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