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English-German translation for: Heights
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Dictionary English German: Heights

Translation 1 - 24 of 24

English German
NOUN   a height | heights
SYNO   heights | high
Höhen {pl}
2 Words
econ. commanding heightsKommandohöhen {pl}
geogr. Franconian Heights {pl}Frankenhöhe {f}
giddy heightsschwindelerregende Höhen {pl}
giddy heightsschwindelnde Höhen {pl}
geogr. Golan HeightsGolanhöhen {pl}
heady heightsschwindelerregende Höhen {pl}
mountain heightsBergeshöhen {pl} [poet.]
mountainous heightsBergeshöhen {pl} [poet.]
3 Words
fall from heightsAbsturz {m} [aus (großen) Höhen]
psych. fear of heightsHöhenangst {f}
psych. fear of heights [acrophobia]Akrophobie {f} [fachspr.] [Höhenangst]
climbing head for heightsSchwindelfreiheit {f}
idiom head for heights [immunity to high altitudes]Schwindelfreiheit {f}
jobs work at heightsHöhenarbeit {f}
FireResc working at heightsArbeiten {n} in Höhen
4 Words
geogr. in the Jura heights {adv}in den Jurahöhen
to aspire to great heightshoch hinaufstreben
psych. to be afraid of heightsHöhenangst haben
to be scared of heightsnicht schwindelfrei sein [Höhenangst haben]
5+ Words
She has already scaled the heights of her profession.Sie hat bereits den Höhepunkt ihrer Karriere erreicht.
to have no head for heightsnicht schwindelfrei sein
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film lit. F Wuthering Heights [novel: Emily Brontë, film: William Wyler, 1939]Sturmhöhe
film F Wuthering Heights [William Wyler, 1939]Stürmische Höhen [Sturmhöhe]
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A 2019-12-07: I think below might be more common with heights rather than lengths
A 2012-02-14: http://www.google.de/search?q=%22reached+quite+good+heights%22&hl=de&sourc...
Q 2012-02-14: (BE) ...a well-known footballer, who'd reached quite good heights...
A 2010-06-03: Heights
A 2010-03-12: Addendum: heights in comparison to gilts
A 2010-03-12: The extent of recession worries is illustrated by corporate bond yields th...
A 2009-05-18: myths entwined in sagas and legends soaring the heights of Olympus
A 2009-01-13: commanding heights > beherrschende Höhen (militärisch)
Q 2009-01-12: seizing the commanding heights of
A 2008-04-29: or: at varying heights
A 2008-04-29: yes; various heights
A 2008-01-13: Wuthering Heights
Q 2008-01-13: an Extract from 'Wuthering Heights'
A 2007-12-04: However, both are still well off the heights of historic economic powers
Q 2007-12-04: However, both are still well off the heights of historic economic powers
A 2007-10-18: ... which charts the heights of mountains for use by/as information for hikers
A 2007-08-09: must lift their game (? to new heights)
A 2007-06-11: It could be an AE/BE difference, but in my experience (BE) it's just to do...
A 2007-04-26: When will we ascend the heights for you?
A 2007-03-09: leads to new heights, also in English

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