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English-German translation for: Hepatitis-C-Virusinfektion
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Hepatitis-C-Virusinfektion in other languages:

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Dictionary English German: Hepatitis C Virusinfektion

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NOUN   die Hepatitis-C-Virusinfektion | die Hepatitis-C-Virusinfektionen
med. hepatitis C virus infection <HCV infection>Hepatitis-C-Virusinfektion {f} <HCV-Infektion>
med. hepatitis A virus infection <HAV infection>Hepatitis-A-Virusinfektion {f} <HAV-Infektion>
med. hepatitis B virus infection <HBV infection>Hepatitis-B-Virusinfektion {f} <HBV-Infektion>
Partial Matches
med. hepatitis C virus <HCV, HVC>Hepatitis-C-Virus {n} [ugs. auch {m}] <HCV, HVC>
med. hepatitis C infection <HCV infection>Hepatitis-C-Infektion {f} <HCV-Infektion>
math. set of complex numbers <ℂ, C>Menge {f} der komplexen Zahlen <ℂ, C>
med. alcoholic hepatitis <AH>Alkohol-Hepatitis {f} [alkoholische Steatohepatitis]
med. recrudescent hepatitis [relapse during the period of recovery]rezidivierende Hepatitis {f} [in der Rekonvaleszenz auftretend]
med. acute hepatitis <AH>akute Hepatitis {f}
med. alcoholic hepatitis <AH>alkoholtoxische Hepatitis {f}
med. viral hepatitisvirale Hepatitis {f}
mus. bass C <c0, c> [also: tenor C]kleines C {n} <c0, c>
jobs tech. chief constructor <c.c., C.C.>Chefkonstrukteur {m}
biol. mouse hepatitis virusMaus-Hepatitis-Virus {n} [ugs. auch {m}]
unit degree centigrade <degree C, °C>Grad {n} Celsius <Grad C, °C> [auch {m}, fachspr. nur {n}]
mus. double top C <c4, c''''>viergestrichenes C {n} <c4, c''''>
unit cycles per second <cps, c/sec, c/s>Zyklen {pl} pro Sekunde <cps, c/sec, c/s>
mus. C major <C>C-Dur {n} <C>
mus. pedal C <C>großes C {n} <C>
mus. tenor Ckleines C {n} <c0, c>
med. alcoholic hepatitis <AH>alkoholische Hepatitis {f} <AH>
pharm. hepatitis A vaccineHepatitis-A-Vakzine {f}
pharm. hepatitis B vaccineHepatitis-B-Vakzine {f}
biol. med. hepatitis D virus <HDV, HVD> [HVD is less common]Hepatitis-D-Virus {n} [ugs. auch {m}] <HDV>
med. hepatitis B surface antigen <HBsAg>Hepatitis-B-Oberflächenantigen {n} <HBsAg>
mil. commander-in-chief <C.-in-C., C in C>Oberbefehlshaber {m}
mus. C minor <c, Cm>c-Moll {n} <c, Cm>
mus. middle C <c1, c'>eingestrichenes C {n} <c1, c'>
mus. top C <c3, c'''>dreigestrichenes C {n} <c3, c'''>
mus. treble C <c2, c''>zweigestrichenes C {n} <c2, c''>
math. d open bracket b plus c close bracket < d(b+c) >d Klammer auf b plus c Klammer zu < d(b+c) >
mus. C flat <C♭>Ces {n} <C♭>
mus. C sharp <C♯>Cis {n} <C♯>
med. viral infectionVirusinfektion {f}
med. virus infectionVirusinfektion {f}
consumer-to-consumer {prefix} <C2C, C-to-C> [e.g. market, transaction]Consumer-to-Consumer- <C2C, C-to-C> [z. B. Markt, Transaktion] [Verbraucher-zu-Verbraucher]
med. hepatitis B virus vaccination <HBV vaccination>Hepatitis-B-Virusimpfung {f} <HBV-Impfung>
med. autoimmune hepatitis <AH>autoimmune Hepatitis {f}
mus. C sharp minor <C♯ minor>cis-Moll {n} <cis, Cism, C♯m>
MedTech. C-arm movementC-Bogen-Bewegung {f} [auch: C-Bogenbewegung]
chem. molarity <c> [molar concentration]Molarität {f} <c> [veraltet] [Stoffmengenkonzentration]
mus. c-hole [e.g. viols]C-Loch {n} [Schallloch]
law precontractual liabilityculpa in contrahendo {f} <c. i. c.>
idiom C for Charlie [Br.]C wie / für Cäsar
telecom. radio telephone network CC-Netz {n} [Funktelefonnetz-C]
MedTech. C-arm X-ray unitC-Bogen-Röntgengerät {n}
MedTech. three-dimensional C-arm system3D-C-Bogensystem {n}
mus. C minor scale [also: c minor scale]c-Moll-Tonleiter {f}
C as in Charlie / Casablanca [Am.]C wie / für Cäsar
ling. mus. print c [letter, musical note]c {n} [Buchstabe, Ton]
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