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Dictionary English German: Hitler

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NOUN   Hitler | Hitlers
SYNO   Adolf Hitler | Der Fuhrer | Hitler
NOUN   (der) Hitler | -
pol. Hitlerian {adj}Hitler-
pol. Hitlerite {adj}Hitler-
hist. pol. HitleriteHitler-Anhänger {m}
pol. HitleriteHitler-Verehrer {m}
2 Words: Nouns
hist. name Adolf HitlerAdolf Hitler {m}
hist. Hitler eraHitlerzeit {f}
Hitler hairdoHitlerfrisur {f}
Hitler moustacheHitlerbärtchen {n} [ugs.]
hist. Hitler saluteHitlergruß {m}
hist. Hitler saluteDeutscher Gruß {m} [offizielle Bezeichnung des 'Hitlergrußes' im Nationalsozialismus]
hist. Hitler saluteHitler-Gruß {m} [Rsv.]
hist. Hitler Youth <HJ>Hitlerjugend {f} <HJ>
hist. Hitler's bunkerFührerbunker {m}
hist. Hitler's country [Nazi Germany]Hitlerland {n} [Deutschland im 3. Reich]
hist. Hitler's GermanyHitlerdeutschland {n}
hist. Munich PutschHitler-Ludendorff-Putsch {m} [Hitler-Putsch]
3 Words: Nouns
hist. Beer Hall PutschHitler-Putsch {m} [Marsch auf die Feldherrnhalle im November 1923]
hist. Hitler Youth leaderHJ-Führer {m} [Hitlerjugendführer]
hist. Hitler Youth officeHJ-Dienststelle {f}
cloth. hist. Hitler Youth uniform [also: HJ uniform]HJ-Uniform {f}
hist. Molotov-Ribbentrop PactHitler-Stalin-Pakt {m}
hist. opponent of HitlerHitlergegner {m}
hist. opponent of Hitler [female]Hitlergegnerin {f}
4 Words: Others
ready to embrace Hitler {adj} [postpos.] [fig.]hitlerreif [selten] [bereit für Adolf Hitler, hitlerfreundlich]
4 Words: Nouns
hist. lit. biography of Adolf HitlerHitlerbiographie {f}
5+ Words: Nouns
Memorial Stone Against War and Fascism [memorial stone placed in front of Hitler's birth house]Mahnstein {m} gegen Krieg und Faschismus
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. RadioTV F Hitler's HenchmenHitlers Helfer [Guido Knopp]
film F NaPolA: Hitler's EliteNapolaElite für den Führer [Dennis Gansel]
film F The Producers [Mel Brooks]Frühling für Hitler
lit. F When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit [Judith Kerr]Als Hitler das rosa Kaninchen stahl
hist. F Hitler DiariesHitler-Tagebücher {pl}
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Q 2022-09-20: Hitler
A 2017-09-20: Das ist wohl ein irriges Zitat. Hitler dürfte von +faulen Patronen+ gespro...
A 2016-04-27: Wagner was abused by Hitler
Q 2016-04-27: vom Missbrauch durch Hitler
A 2015-11-06: aka "The Hitler Channel."
A 2015-10-28: Some Germans still remember where Adolf Hitler came from.
A 2015-10-13: Hitler wollte die deutsche Hegemonie über Europa. Lies bloß +Mein Kampf!+ ...
A 2015-10-13: Wessen Niederlage? Was Hitler in erster Linie im Sinn hatte, ist ihm nahez...
A 2014-10-15: You might add +Hitler's People's Court+ for clarification
A 2013-11-02: Was Hitler angeht: determined by region, by social class or education
A 2012-03-26: Hitler and his Brown Shirts? McCarthyism?? All because of the OED??? Reply
A 2012-03-26: Hitler and his Brown Shirts? McCarthyism?? All because of the OED???
A 2011-07-15: Hitler's "Mein Kampf" may not be traded, either.
A 2011-07-08: Attributed to Hitler 1925. I'm missing some words
Q 2011-07-07: Attributed to Hitler 1925. I'm missing some words
A 2011-06-29: To set the record straight about "Hitler is not a bad man."
A 2011-01-11: Dracs explained the law - and the only publication I know whose sale is pr...
A 2010-02-27: Hitler hatte auch einen IQ über 100
A 2010-02-15: 1958 ... hmm well, at least you can understand Hitler ...
A 2009-12-31: Germans very quickly lose their sense of humour when Hitler is mentioned, ...

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