| English | German | |
| to convect | Hitze transferieren | |
Partial Matches |
| to transfer | transferieren | |
| transferring | Transferieren {n} | |
| ardency | Hitze {f} | |
| ardor [Am.] | Hitze {f} | |
| ardour [Br.] | Hitze {f} | |
| fieriness | Hitze {f} | |
| heat | Hitze {f} | |
| hotness | Hitze {f} | |
| to conduct away heat | Hitze ableiten | |
| to radiate heat | Hitze ausstrahlen | |
| to conduct heat | Hitze leiten | |
| to reflect heat | Hitze zurückwerfen | |
| animal heat | animalische Hitze {f} | |
| radiant heat | ausstrahlende Hitze {f} | |
| blistering heat | brennende Hitze {f} | |
| oppressive heat | brütende Hitze {f} | |
| sweltering heat | brütende Hitze {f} | |
| oppressive heat | drückende Hitze {f} | |
| dark red heat | dunkelrote Hitze {f} | |
| pitiless heat | erbarmungslose Hitze {f} | |
| stifling heat | erdrückende Hitze {f} | |
| passable heat | erträgliche Hitze {f} | |
| tech. moist heat | feuchte Hitze {f} | |
| med. hot flashes [Am.] | fliegende Hitze {f} | |
| med. hot flushes | fliegende Hitze {f} | |
| blazing heat | glühende Hitze {f} | |
| blistering heat | glühende Hitze {f} | |
| searing heat | glühende Hitze {f} | |
| blood red heat | glutrote Hitze {f} | |
| meteo. temperature-humidity index | Hitze-Index {m} | |
| violent heat | intensive Hitze {f} | |
| meteo. humid heat | schwüle Hitze {f} | |
| blazing heat | sengende Hitze {f} | |
| scorching heat | sengende Hitze {f} | |
| withering heat | sengende Hitze {f} | |
| summer heat | sommerliche Hitze {f} | |
| intense heat | starke Hitze {f} | |
| tech. dry heat | trockene Hitze {f} | |
| meteo. tropical heat | tropische Hitze {f} | |
| Store away from heat! | Vor Hitze schützen! | |
| to swelter | (vor Hitze) vergehen | |
| to deal with the heat | die Hitze aushalten | |
| to decompose under heating | unter Hitze zerfallen | |
| healthy even heat | gesunde gleichförmige Hitze {f} | |
| idiom cut and thrust of the debate | Hitze {f} der Debatte | |
| conduction of heat | Übertragung {f} von Hitze | |
| action of the heat | Wirkung {f} der Hitze | |
| film lit. F Heat and Dust [novel: Ruth Prawer Jhabvala, film: James Ivory] | Hitze und Staub | |
| med. calor [one of the four classic signs of inflammation] | Hitze {f} [Grundzeichen der Entzündung] | |
| extreme heat | affige Hitze {f} [ugs.] [regional] | |
| to fly off the handle [Am.] [coll.] [idiom] | in Hitze geraten [Redewendung] | |
| to swelter | vor Hitze umkommen [ugs.] | |
| gastr. to boil over a slow fire | bei geringer Hitze kochen | |
| gastr. to cook in a gentle oven | bei schwacher Hitze kochen | |
| gastr. to cook over / on a low heat | bei schwacher Hitze kochen | |
| to cook over a low fire | bei schwacher Hitze kochen | |
| gastr. to cook slowly | bei schwacher Hitze kochen | |
| to cook in a quick oven | bei starker Hitze kochen | |
| to cook over high heat | bei starker Hitze kochen | |
| idiom to be roasted alive [swelter] | vor Hitze fast umkommen | |
| lit. F The Man in the Water [Robert Sheckley] | Duell in der Hitze | |
| med. hot flushes {pl} | fliegende Hitze {f} [auch: fliegende Hitzen] | |
| EU Keep away from heat. [safety phrase S15] | Vor Hitze schützen. [Sicherheitssatz S15] | |
| to deal with the heat | mit der Hitze klarkommen [ugs.] | |
| Keep away from direct sun and heat. | Vor Sonnenlicht und Hitze schützen. | |
| gastr. to simmer | bei geringer Hitze kochen lassen | |
| film lit. RadioTV F In the Heat of the Night [novel: John Ball, film: Norman Jewison] | In der Hitze der Nacht | |
| film F Desert Bloom [Eugene Corr] | In der Hitze von Nevada | |
| I can't bear this heat. | Ich kann diese Hitze nicht ertragen. | |
| in the heat of the moment {adv} [idiom] | in der Hitze des Gefechts [Redewendung] | |
| sb. suffers in the heat | jdm. macht die Hitze zu schaffen | |
| We're absolutely frying in this heat. [coll.] | Wir schmoren (in dieser Hitze). [ugs.] | |
| hot {adj} [e.g. flush or flash, spell] | Hitze- [z. B. Wallung, Welle od. Periode] | |
| heat {adj} [attr.] [e.g. collapse, rash, dome, record, shield] | Hitze- [z. B. Kollaps, Ausschlag, Glocke, Rekord, Schild] | |
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