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English-German translation for: Holy
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Dictionary English German: Holy

Translation 1 - 50 of 271  >>

English German
ADJ   holy | holier | holiest
NOUN   holy | holies
SYNO   holy | holy place | sanctum
holy {adj}
relig. holy {adj}
holy {adj}
2 Words: Others
relig. All-holy {adj} [representing Greek Panagia: the Virgin Mary]Allheilig
Holy cannoli! [coll.]Heiliges Kanonenrohr! [ugs.]
Holy catfish! [coll.]Meine Güte!
Holy Christ!Heiliger Strohsack! [ugs.]
Holy cow! [coll.]Heilandsack! [ugs., regional: Heiland, Sakrament!]
Holy cow! [coll.]Heiliger Bimbam! [ugs.]
Holy cow! [coll.]Heiliger Strohsack! [ugs.]
Holy cow! [coll.]Heiligs Blechle! [schwäbisch]
Holy cow! [coll.](Ach, du) heiliger Bimbam! [ugs.]
Holy crap! [coll.]Heilige Scheiße! [vulg.]
Holy mackerel! [coll.]Jessasmarantjosef! [österr.] [ugs.]
Holy mackerel! [coll.]Marantana! [österr.] [ugs.]
Holy mackerel! [coll.]Heilige Makrele! [ugs.] [meist verwendet als "Ach du heilige Makrele!"]
Holy moley! [coll.] [hum.]Heiliger Strohsack! [ugs.] [hum.]
Holy moly! [sl.] [hum.]Heiliger Strohsack! [ugs.] [hum.]
Holy Moses! [dated]Potz Blitz! [veraltet, hum.]
Holy shit! [vulg.]Heilige Scheiße! [ugs.]
Holy shit! [vulg.]Heiliger Bimbam! [ugs.]
Holy shit! [vulg.](Ach, du) heilige Scheiße! [vulg.]
Holy smoke! [coll.]Heiliger Bimbam! [ugs.]
Holy smoke! [coll.](Ach, du) heiliger Bimbam! [ugs.]
idiom Holy smoke! [dated or hum.]Heilige Einfalt! [auch: Du heilige Einfalt!, O heilige Einfalt!]
Holy smokes! [Am.] [sl.]Heiliger Strohsack! [ugs.]
idiom Holy Toledo!Heiliger Bimbam! [hum.]
Holy Toledo!(Ach, du) heiliger Bimbam!
Holy Toledo! [coll.] [idiom](Ach, du) heiliger Strohsack! [ugs.] [Redewendung]
relig. most holy {adj}allerheiligste
most holy {adj}hochheilig
relig. most holy {adj}hochheiligste
2 Words: Verbs
to keep sth. holyetw.Akk. heilighalten
2 Words: Nouns
relig. (Holy) Massheilige Messe {f}
relig. (Holy) OrdersWeihen {pl}
hist. Holy AllianceHeilige Allianz {f}
Holy Belt [Christian relic of the Virgin Mary]heiliger Gürtel {m} [auch: Heiliger Gürtel] [Gürtel der Jungfrau Maria]
relig. holy bookheiliges Buch {n}
relig. holy cardGebetszettel {m}
art relig. holy cardkleines Andachtsbild {n}
relig. Holy CommunionEucharistie {f}
relig. Holy Communiondas Abendmahl {n} [Sakrament]
relig. Holy CommunionHeilige Kommunion {f}
relig. holy cross [upon which Jesus Christ suffered death]Kreuz {n} Christi
holy daykirchlicher Festtag {m}
holy dayreligiöser Feiertag {m}
relig. Holy Eucharistheilige Eucharistie {f}
art Holy FaceHeiliges Antlitz {n} [Christusdarstellung]
bibl. Holy FamilyHeilige Familie {f}
relig. Holy FatherPapst {m}
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A 2021-11-10: first (holy) communion dress / suit
A 2021-10-31: The Holy Ghost is correct and synonymous with The Holy Spirit.
A 2020-02-22: Sancta Bavaria! / Holy Bavaria!
A 2019-11-08: "Holy Rude" means Holy Cross .....
Q 2019-11-08: The Church of the Holy Rude
A 2019-03-12: landständisch > (in the Holy Roman Empire) belonging to the territorial estates
A 2019-02-11: sanctissimae theologiae studiosus > student of most holy theology
A 2019-01-26: Richard Lionheart also won battles in vain. Were it not for the Israelis, ...
A 2017-11-20: Clashing starkly: holy days of obligation >< binge drinking days
A 2017-11-20: Kirchlich: holy days; genereller: feast days Im Gebrauch ist das alles de...
A 2015-09-04: ... the soul is of divine nature, is the Holy Spirit's presence in our bodies.
A 2015-08-26: (The) Holy Virgin Mary is very common,
A 2015-08-26: I'd capitalize the Holy Virgin, apart from that I'm fine with the expressi...
Q 2015-08-26: Mary the holy virgin - Maria die heilige Magd
A 2015-06-18: Holy Lands
A 2015-06-18: +Holy Lands+ is either a typo or a dubious concept; normally, it is +Holy ...
Q 2015-06-18: the Holy Lands
A 2015-03-31: naive miscalculation; als Ausruf: Holy simplicity!
A 2014-12-17: 17:18 typo: inter +alia+ \ sacred forces ~ holy agencies
Q 2014-01-17: Overcome by the Holy Spirit? Nun gives birth in Italy, names baby Francis

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