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English-German translation for: Home-Office machen
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Dictionary English German: Home Office machen

Translation 1 - 50 of 3278  >>

VERB   Home-Office machen | machte Home-Office/Home-Office machte | Home-Office gemacht
to work from homeHome-Office machen [ugs.]
Partial Matches
comp. office suiteOffice-Paket {n}
RadioTV F Less than PerfectOffice Girl
Internet Home [button]Home [Schaltfläche]
fin. home bankingHome-Banking {n}
comp. spec. home positionHome-Position {f}
sports home run [baseball]Home-Run {m}
sports homer [home run in baseball]Home-Run {m}
home buttonHome-Taste {f}
lit. F Calico Joe [John Grisham]Home Run
middle officeMiddle Office {n} [Unternehmensbereich]
QM project management office <PMO>Projektmanagement-Office {n} <PMO>
comp. MS Office packageMS-Office-Paket {n}
comp. MS Office programsMS-Office-Programme {pl}
sports home run [baseball]Home Run {m} [Baseball]
film F Buffalo Soldiers [Gregor Jordan]Army Go Home!
lit. F Follow the Rabbit-Proof Fence [Doris Pilkington Garimara]Long Walk Home
film F Rabbit-Proof Fence [Phillip Noyce]Long Walk Home
admin. Foreign and Commonwealth Office <FCO>Foreign Office {n} [britisches Außenministerium]
RadioTV F Less Than Perfect [TV series]Office Girl [TV-Serie]
electr. solar home system <SHS> [photovoltaics]Solar-Home-System <SHS> {n}
sports to hit a home runeinen Home-Run erzielen
sports to homer [to hit a home run in baseball]einen Home-Run erzielen
film F Coming Home [Hal Ashby]Coming HomeSie kehren heim
the Met (Office) [a British national weather-forecasting service]das Met Office {n} [ein britischer nationaler Wettervorhersagedienst]
med. office eye syndrome <OES>Office-Eye-Syndrom {n} [Syndrom des trockenen Auges]
back officeBack Office {n} [Personalbereich und interne Infrastruktur eines Unternehmens]
front officeFront Office {n} [kunden- und öffentlichkeitsbezogener Bereich eines Unternehmens]
United States Patent and Trademark Office <PTO, USPTO>United States Patent and Trademark Office {n} <PTO, USPTO>
market. RealEst. home stagingHome Staging {n} [professionelles Adaptieren von Immobilien zur Verkaufsförderung]
pol. the Oval Officedas Oval Office {n} [wörtlich: das "ovale Büro" - Amtszimmer des US-Präsidenten im Weißen Haus]
QM project management office establishment <PMO establishment>Aufbau {m} des / eines Projektmanagement-Office <PMO-Aufbau>
RadioTV super video home system <S-VHS, Super-VHS>Super Video Home System {n} <S-VHS, Super-VHS>
Gangway! [Make way!]Platz machen!
hort. to layerAbsenker machen
to make noises [coll.] [hint, speak vaguely] [idiom]Andeutungen machen
to furnish particularsAngaben machen
to provide informationAngaben machen
to make approachesAnnäherungsversuche machen
to buy thingsAnschaffungen machen
to make purchasesAnschaffungen machen
to make effortsAnstrengungen machen
to cause suspicionargwöhnisch machen
to call attentionaufmerksam machen
to give (a) fair warningaufmerksam machen
photo. to take picturesAufnahmen machen
to keep a recordAufzeichnungen machen
to keep recordsAufzeichnungen machen
to find out [detect, locate]ausfindig machen
to identify [find, detect]ausfindig machen
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