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English-German translation for: Homme de lettres
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Dictionary English German: Homme de lettres

Translation 1 - 50 of 191  >>

lit. man of lettersHomme de lettres {m} [geh.]
Partial Matches
film F The Wounded Man [Patrice Chéreau]Der verführte Mann - L'Homme blessé
hist. honnête hommehonnête homme {m} [Idealtyp des kultivierten, 'redlichen', Mannes, auch 'Mannes von Welt']
data acquisition <DAC>Datenerfassung {f} <DE>
de facto {adj} {adv}de facto
in fact {adv}de facto
in point of fact {adv}de facto
law de jure {adj} {adv}de jure
spec. from hearsayde auditu [geh.]
law by law {adv}de iure [fachspr.]
law by law {adv}de jure [fachspr.]
engin. unit Dean number <De>Dean-Zahl {f} <De>
engin. unit Deborah number <De>Deborah-Zahl {f} <De>
astron. dwarf elliptical galaxy <dE>elliptische Zwerggalaxie {f} <dE>
Arc de TriompheArc de Triomphe {m}
transp. carnetCarnet {n} (de Passages)
hist. lit. chanson de gesteChanson {f} de Geste
gastr. jobs chef de cuisineChef {m} de Cuisine
sports Head of Mission [Olympics]Chef {m} de Mission
gastr. jobs chef de partieChef {m} de Partie
gastr. jobs chef de rangChef {m} de Rang
sports Code of Points [artistic gymnastics]Code de Pointage {m}
dance theatre corps de balletCorps de Ballet {n}
theatre coup de théâtreCoup de théâtre {m}
textil. crêpe de ChineCrêpe de Chine {m}
archaeo. hist. Lady of GuardamarDama {f} de Guardamar
tech. deinstallation and reinstallationDe- und Reinstallation {f}
tech. disassembly and reassemblyDe- und Remontage {f}
tech. removal and reinstallationDe- und Remontage {f}
phys. de Broglie relationDe-Broglie-Gleichung {f}
phys. de Broglie waveDe-Broglie-Welle {f}
phys. de Broglie wave length [spv.]De-Broglie-Wellenlänge {f}
phys. de Broglie wavelengthDe-Broglie-Wellenlänge {f}
comp. de Bruijn indexDe-Bruijn-Index {m}
automot. de Dion tubeDe-Dion-Achse {f}
biol. de Finetti diagramDe-Finetti-Diagramm {n}
admin. Internet telecom. De-Mail system [de-mail system (rare)]De-Mail-System {n}
econ. EU pol. de minimis aidDe-Minimis-Beihilfe {f}
law de minimis ruleDe-Minimis-Regel {f}
med. de novo bone formationDe-novo-Knochenbildung {f}
biochem. de novo synthesisDe-novo-Synthese {f}
math. de Rham cohomologyDe-Rham-Kohomologie {f}
math. de Rham complexDe-Rham-Komplex {m}
math. phys. de Sitter spaceDe-Sitter-Raum {m}
cosmet. cologneEau de Cologne {n}
cosmet. Cologne waterEau de Cologne {n}
cosmet. eau de cologneEau de Cologne {n}
chem. Javel waterEau de Javel {n} {f}
cosmet. eau de parfumEau de Parfum {n}
cosmet. perfume waterEau de Parfum {n}
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Ähnliche Begriffe
Hommage (an jdn./etw.)
• Homme de lettres
Homo antecessor

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