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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: Honorar-Professor
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Dictionary English German: Honorar Professor

Translation 1 - 67 of 67

NOUN   der Honorar-Professor | die Honorar-Professoren
SEE ALSO  honorarprofessor
acad. honorary professorHonorar-Professor {m}
Partial Matches
fin. fee [payment to professional people, e.g. doctors]Honorar {n}
honorariumHonorar {n}
remunerationHonorar {n}
to pay a feeHonorar zahlen
doctor's feeärztliches Honorar {n}
medical feeärztliches Honorar {n}
modest honorariumsgeringes Honorar {n}
for an appropriate fee {adv}gegen angemessenes Honorar
to pay a honorariumein Honorar bezahlen
to receive a honorariumein Honorar erhalten
doctor's feeHonorar {n} des Arztes
honorariumHonorar {n} als ehrenhafte Vergütung
professional feeHonorar {n} [bes. von Freiberuflern, Gutachtern usw.]
professorProfessor {m}
acad. extraordinary professor [not holding a chair]außerordentlicher Professor {m}
acad. educ. non-tenured professoraußerordentlicher Professor {m}
acad. educ. jobs reader [Br.]außerordentlicher Professor {m}
acad. supernumerary professoraußerplanmäßiger Professor {m}
acad. educ. math. Lucasian ProfessorLucasischer Professor {m}
acad. tenured professorordentlicher Professor {m}
acad. professor ofProfessor {m} für
acad. professor emeritusProfessor emeritus {m}
acad. jobs sociol. professor of sociologySoziologie-Professor {m}
lit. F Professor Calculus [Hergé]Professor Bienlein
RadioTV F Professor Moliarty [Darkwing Duck]Professor Moliarty
comics F Professor Norton Nimnul [Disney]Professor Nimnul
[honorary title in Austria]Professor {m} [österr.] [Ehrentitel]
acad. educ. untenured professoraußerordentlicher Professor {m} [österr.]
acad. educ. jobs university professorUni-Professor {m} [ugs.]
absent-minded professor [fig.]zerstreuter Professor {m} [fig.]
acad. law professor of lawProfessor {m} der Rechte
acad. jobs professor of economicsProfessor {m} der Volkswirtschaftslehre
acad. professor of financeProfessor {m} für Finanzwesen
educ. jobs mus. oboe professorProfessor {m} für Oboe
acad. econ. jobs professor of economicsProfessor {m} für Ökonomie
acad. philosophy professorProfessor {m} für Philosophie
acad. jobs professor of political scienceProfessor {m} für Politologie
acad. jobs law professor of constitutional lawProfessor {m} für Staatsrecht
film F So Fine [Andrew Bergman]Der ausgeflippte Professor
lit. F The Professor of Desire [Philip Roth]Professor der Begierde
acad. adjunct professoraußerplanmäßiger Professor {m} <apl. Prof.>
acad. full professor [holding a chair]ordentlicher Professor {m} <o. Prof.>
acad. educ. jobs to be appointed professorzum Professor ernannt werden
acad. relig. professor of Catholic theologyProfessor {m} für Katholische Theologie
RadioTV F Dr. Reginald Bushroot [Darkwing Duck]Professor Benjamin "Benni" Buxbaum
lit. theatre F Professor BernhardiProfessor Bernhardi [Arthur Schnitzler]
lit. F The Incredible Adventures of Professor Branestawm [Norman Hunter]Professor Hirnschlags unglaubliche Abenteuer
games F The Incredible Machine <TIM>Professor Tims verrückte Werkstatt
educ. [inofficial title and address for a grammar school teacher in Austria]Professor {m} [österr. auch für: Gymnasiallehrer]
educ. grammar school teacherProfessor {m} [österr.] [sonst veraltet] [Gymnasiallehrer]
film F House of Wax [André De Toth, 1953]Das Kabinett des Professor Bondi
RadioTV F ManimalEin Fall für Professor Chase
film F Creator [Ivan Passer]Creator: Der Professor und die Sünde
games F Professor Layton and the Lost FutureProfessor Layton und die verlorene Zukunft
games F Professor Layton and the Unwound Future [North America]Professor Layton und die verlorene Zukunft
games F Professor Layton and the Azran LegacyProfessor Layton und das Vermächtnis von Aslant
games F Professor Layton and the Last SpecterProfessor Layton und der Ruf des Phantoms
games F Professor Layton and the Spectre's Call [Europe]Professor Layton und der Ruf des Phantoms
games F Professor Layton and the Miracle MaskProfessor Layton und die Maske der Wunder
film F Creator [Ivan Passer]Der Professor oder Wie ich meine Frau wiedererweckte
lit. F The Blue Angel [also: Small Town Tyrant]Professor Unrat oder das Ende eines Tyrannen [Heinrich Mann]
acad. professor emeritaProfessor emerita {f} <Prof. em., Prof. emer.> [emeritierte Professorin]
acad. emeritus professoremeritierter Professor {m} <Prof. em., Prof. emer.>
acad. professor emeritusemeritierter Professor {m} <Prof. em., Prof. emer.>
acad. associate professor [Am.]außerordentlicher Professor {m} [österr., schweiz.] <ao. Prof., Ao. Prof.>
acad. senior lecturer [Br.]außerordentlicher Professor {m} [österr., schweiz.] <ao. Prof., Ao. Prof.>
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