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English-German translation for: Honour
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Dictionary English German: Honour

Translation 1 - 50 of 194  >>

English German
NOUN   an honour | honours
VERB  to honour | honoured | honoured ... 
SYNO   to honor | to honour | to honour ... 
to honour [Br.]
to honour sth. [Br.] [a promise etc.]
etw. einlösen [ein Versprechen etc.]
to honour [Br.]
to honour [Br.]
to honour [Br.]
auszeichnen [ehren]
to honour [Br.]
to honour sth. [Br.] [accept]
etw. annehmen [akzeptieren]
to honour sb. [Br.]
jdn. beehren [geh.]
to honour sb. [Br.] [treat with admiration and respect]jdm. huldigen [geh.] [jdm. Ehre, Hochachtung erweisen]
to honour sb./sth. [Br.]jdm./etw. Ehre erweisen
honour [Br.]
Ehre {f}
honour [Br.]
Auszeichnung {f}
honour [Br.]
Ehrung {f}
honour [Br.]Gloria {f} [auch {n}] [meist ironisch]
honour [Br.] [archaic] [chastity, virginity of a woman]Ehre {f} [veraltet] [Jungfräulichkeit einer Frau]
2 Words: Others
honour-bound {adj} [Br.]ehrverpflichtet [veraltet]
idiom Scout's honour! [Br.]Großes Indianerehrenwort! [hum.]
idiom Scout's honour! [Br.]Ich schwör's!
Your Honour [title] [Br.] <Yr / Yr. Honour>Euer Ehren
law Your Honour! [Br.] [address]Herr / Frau Rat! [österr.] [ugs. Anrede]
2 Words: Verbs
to bring honour [Br.]Ehre einbringen
to bring honour [Br.]zur Ehre gereichen [geh.]
to honour debts [Br.]Verbindlichkeiten begleichen
to honour sb. (with sth.) [Br.]jdm. die / eine Ehre erweisen
to honour sb.'s memory [Br.]jds. Andenken in Ehren halten
to offend sb.'s honour [Br.]jds. Ehre verletzen
to show honour [Br.]Ehre zeigen
to violate sb.'s honour [Br.]jdn. in der Ehre kränken
to win honour [Br.]Ehre einbringen
to win honour [Br.]zu Ehren kommen
2 Words: Nouns
dubious honour [Br.]zweifelhafte Ehre {f}
family honour [Br.]Familienehre {f}
family's honour [Br.]Familienehre {f}
great honour [Br.]große Ehre {f}
law Her Honour [Br.] [title]Vorsitzende Richterin {f} [seltener, nicht fachspr.: vorsitzende Richterin]
law His Honour [Br.] [title]Vorsitzender Richter {m} [seltener, nicht fachspr.: vorsitzender Richter]
honour crime [Br.]Verbrechen {n} im Namen der Ehre
hist. honour goblet [Br.]Ehrenbecher {m} [veraltet] [u. a. Auszeichnung der dt. Luftwaffe beider Weltkriege für Abschüsse]
mil. honour guard [Br.]Ehrenformation {f}
honour killing [Br.]Ehrenmord {m}
honour roll [Br.]Ehrenliste {f}
mil. weapons honour sword [Br.]Ehrendegen {m}
male honour [Br.]Mannesehre {f}
jobs professional honour [Br.]Berufsehre {f}
jobs professional honour [Br.]Standesehre {f}
wounded honour [Br.]gekränkte Ehre {f}
wounded honour [Br.]verletzte Ehre {f}
3 Words: Others
as an honour [Br.]als Ehre
bound in honour {adj} [Br.]moralisch verpflichtet
in his honour {adv} [Br.]ihm zu Ehren
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Q 2023-06-03: Unterschied und Bedeutung honour, glory
A 2017-12-20: to be as good as one's word, to make good one's promise, to be true to one...
A 2015-01-11: Sporting honour
A 2014-12-10: It's +have the honour of inviting you.+
Q 2014-12-10: honour
A 2013-12-17: (Gala) dinner in honour of ... is quite common
A 2013-07-18: they would have done honour to any company
A 2013-03-01: I agree - but I don't think that that interpretation of honour is the right one.
A 2013-03-01: @ anon - in that sense, you can honour an agreement/contract or a cheque, ...
A 2013-02-28: @ sunfunlili: Honour to whom honour is due! ;)
A 2012-11-23: Is it like "... failed to honour the commitments"?
A 2012-11-23: To what do I owe the honour of your visit?
A 2012-04-11: pleasure - Freude honour - Ehre oder sehe ich das falsch?
A 2011-06-06: Maid of Honour?
A 2011-03-20: May have to be paraphrased: The prize is given in honor / honour of Heinz ...
Q 2010-11-04: Korrekte Diplomatensprache für: "presents its compliments and has the hono...
A 2010-10-21: Maid of Honour?
A 2010-08-30: It gained honour.
A 2010-07-14: I don't bestow the honour of going out with me on just anyone.
A 2010-06-21: It is a great honour for me to be here ... is generally used in speeches.

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