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English-German translation for: Hound
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Dictionary English German: Hound

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NOUN   a hound | hounds
VERB  to hound | hounded | hounded ... 
SYNO   hound | hound dog | to hound ... 
to hound sb.
jdn. verfolgen [hetzen, jagen]
to hound sb.
jdn. jagen
to hound sb. [coll.]
jdn. piesacken [ugs.] [nerven, ärgern]
to hound sb.jdn. ständig belästigen
hunting zool. hound
Jagdhund {m}
zool. T
zool. hound
Spürhund {m}
zool. T
Hund {m}
zool. hound
Laufhund {m}
hound [dated] [coll.] [rogue]Hund {m} [ugs.] [pej.] [Schuft, Lump]
hunting hound [hunting dog]Jaghund {m} [schweiz.] [veraltet]
zool. T
2 Words: Nouns
anchor houndAnkerhund {m}
booze-hound [sl.]Saufnase {f} [ugs.]
hunting zool. deer-houndJagdhund {m} für die Hetzjagd
zool. hound dog [Am.]Bluthund {m}
hunting hound dog [Am.]Jagdhund {m}
hunting hound dog [Am.]Spürhund {m}
hunting houndHetzhund {m}
hunting hunting houndJagdhund {m}
zool. Ibizan houndPodenco Ibicenco {m}
journ. publicity hound [coll.]Schlagzeilenjäger {m} [ugs.]
zool. racing houndRennhund {m}
hunting zool. scent houndLaufhund {m} [Jagdhund, der Wild über weite Strecken verfolgt]
hunting zool. sleuth-hound [dated, esp. Scot.] [bloodhound] [also fig.]Bluthund {m} [auch fig.]
zool. stag houndHetzhund {m}
zool. track houndSpürhund {m}
3 Words: Verbs
to hound to deathtothetzen
hunting to hound to deathzu Tode hetzen
3 Words: Nouns
zool. Afghan hound puppy [also: Afghan puppy]Afghanenwelpe {m}
myth. hound of hellHöllenhund {m} [auch Schimpfwort]
hound's-tooth (check)Hahnentritt {m}
hound's-tooth (check)Hahnentrittmuster {n}
5+ Words: Verbs
to hound sb. out of the housejdn. aus dem Haus ekeln
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F The Fox and the Hound [Daniel P. Mannix]Fuchsspur. Geschichte einer Feindschaft
film F The Fox and the Hound [Walt Disney]Cap und CapperZwei Freunde auf acht Pfoten
lit. F The Hound of the Baskervilles [Arthur Conan Doyle]Der Hund der Baskervilles [oft: Der Hund von Baskerville]
film F The Hound of the Baskervilles [Sidney Lanfield, 1939; Terence Fisher, 1959]Der Hund von Baskerville
RadioTV F The Huckleberry Hound ShowHucky und seine Freunde
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
fish T
zool. T
Afghane {m}
zool. T
bot. T
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
bot. T
fish T
fish T
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A 2024-07-16: Jagdhundeführer - Ein "hound" ist spezifisch ein Jagdhund, sonst eher "dog"
A 2009-07-06: McNamara means +son of sea hound+ in Irish
A 2008-01-07: bitte nicht verwechseln mit *to hound the sill mite*
Q 2007-12-06: Gloryhound oder Glory Hound
Q 2003-11-03: "catch 22" and "lying hound"

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