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English-German translation for: Ice
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Dictionary English German: Ice

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NOUN   ice | -
VERB  to ice | iced | iced ... 
SYNO   ice | ice rink | ice-skating rink ... 
NOUN   der ICE | die ICEs/ICE
SYNO   Hochgeschwindigkeitszug [ugs.] | ICE ... 
ice {adj} [attr.]
to ice sb. [Am.] [coll.] [to murder]
jdn. kaltmachen [ugs.] [ermorden]
gastr. to ice
eisen [Tee, Wodka]
gastr. to ice sth.
etw.Akk. überziehen [Kuchen etc.]
gastr. to ice sth. [cake]
etw.Akk. glasieren [Kuchen]
gastr. to ice sth.etw.Akk. mit einer Glasur überziehen
gastr. to ice sth. [cakes, desserts]etw.Akk. glacieren [mit Glasur überziehen; Kuchen, Süßspeisen]
to ice sth. [cool with ice]etw.Akk. (mit Eis) kühlen
Eis {n}
rail ICE® [Intercity Express]
Intercityexpress® {m} <ICE®>
ice [sl.] [diamonds]
Klunker {pl} [ugs.] [Diamanten]
gastr. ice [Br.] [ice cream]
Eiscreme {f}
ICE [number of contact person in case of emergency]
IN [Nummer der Kontaktperson bei Notfallsituation]
gastr. ice [water ice]
Wassereis {n}
drugs ice [sl.]Crystal Meth {n}
2 Words: Others
archaeo. geol. Ice Age {adj} [attr.] [referring to the Pleistocene epoch]eiszeitlich
gastr. ice cream {adj} [attr.] [also: ice-cream]Eis-
ice green {adj}eisgrün
ice-age {adj}eiszeitlich
ice-blanketed {adj} [attr.]eisbedeckt
ice-blue {adj}eisblau
ice-bound {adj}vereist
ice-bound {adj}durch Eis blockiert [Hafen]
ice-cold {adj}eiskalt
ice-cold {adj}zapfig [österr.] [schweiz.] [ugs.]
ice-cooled {adj}eisgekühlt
ice-covered {adj} [attr.]eisbedeckt
ice-encrusted {adj}eisverkrustet
geol. ice-free {adj}eisfrei
ice-gray {adj} [Am.]eisgrau
ice-grey {adj} [esp. Br.]eisgrau
ice-hard {adj} [e.g. ground]pickelhart [österr.] [südd.] [schweiz.] [z. B. Erde]
ice-hearted {adj}kaltherzig
ice-slicked {adj}eisglatt
without ice {adv}ohne Eis
2 Words: Verbs
to de-ice sth.etw.Akk. von Eis befreien
to de-ice sth.(das) Eis von etw.Dat. entfernen
automot. to de-ice sth. [e.g. the windscreen]etw.Akk. entfrosten [z. B. die Windschutzscheibe]
to de-ice sth. [e.g. the wings of an airplane]etw.Akk. enteisen [z. B. die Tragflächen eines Flugzeugs]
to ice sb. out [idiom] [to treat someone with a lack of affection or warmth]jdm. die kalte Schulter zeigen [Redewendung]
med. to ice sth. downetw.Akk. (mit Eis) kühlen
to ice upvereisen
sports to ice-skateeislaufen
2 Words: Nouns
(ice) floeEisscholle {f}
(ice) floeTreibeis {n}
(ice) skaterEiskunstläufer {m}
sports (ice) skaterSchlittschuhläufer {m}
(ice) skater [female]Schlittschuhläuferin {f}
sports (ice) skatesSchlittschuhe {pl}
sports (ice) skatingSchlittschuhlaufen {n}
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Q 2024-02-18: ice master
A 2023-07-16: Analine in ice cream.
A 2023-05-30: the thickhead ... who skates on thin ice
A 2023-04-08: Und immer aufpassen, in welcher Gegend man ice kaufen kann! ;)
A 2023-04-07: In the US, no one would ever refer to proper ice cream as ice. Even italia...
A 2023-04-07: Yes, informally also just +ice+
Q 2023-04-07: Eiscreme = ice?
Q 2021-01-16: "A yellow snow and ice warning has been issued for Saturday ... " (The Guardian)
A 2019-01-12: dann: https://www.dict.cc/englisch-deutsch/ice+cream+parlour.html
Q 2019-01-12: ice house
Q 2018-11-05: ice making apparatus - ice compartment
A 2018-06-28: but not "rum AND raisin ice cream"
Q 2018-06-26: Malaga-Eis & rum and raisin ice cream
A 2018-06-10: It's just 'some' ice cream.
Q 2018-02-09: cat ice
A 2017-12-26: Ice tooling in action https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vCe12Ky34lY
A 2016-12-18: Ice
A 2016-09-28: to act with ice-cold calculation \ much more frequently +with cold calculation+
A 2016-05-12: All the links to ice saints show that it is an explanation of weather lore...
A 2016-05-12: Ice Saints

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