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English-German translation for: If
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Dictionary English German: If

Translation 1 - 50 of 1433  >>


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if {conj} [whether]
if {conj}
wenn [falls]
if {conj}
if {conj}
if {conj}
if {conj}
wann [veraltet od. österr. ugs.] [wenn, falls]
if {conj}
so [geh.] [falls]
if {conj} [used before an adjective to introduce a contrast]wenn auch
spec. immunofluorescence <IF>Immunfluoreszenz {f} <IF>
2 Words: Others
as if {conj}als ob
as if {conj}als wenn
as if {conj}wie wenn [ugs.] [als ob, als wenn]
As if! [coll.]Schön wär's! [ugs.]
As if! [coll.]Von wegen! [ugs.]
As if! [coll.] [idiom]Wer's glaubt, wird selig! [ugs.] [Redewendung]
even if {conj}auch wenn
even if {conj}selbst wenn
even if {conj}wenn auch
even if {conj}und sei es, (dass) [geh.]
even if ... {conj}auch dann, wenn ...
except ifaußer wenn
if (only)wenn auch (nur)
if any {adv}gegebenenfalls <ggf.>
if any {adv}falls vorhanden
if anywenn überhaupt
if anything {adv}womöglich
if anythingwenn überhaupt
If anything ...Wenn überhaupt, dann ...
if anything, ... {adv}im Gegenteil, ...
if applicable {adv}gegebenenfalls <ggf.>
if applicable {adv}falls vorhanden [falls zutreffend]
if applicable {adv}falls zutreffend
if applicable {adv}soweit zutreffend
if appropriate {adv}falls zutreffend
if available {adv}falls vorhanden
if convicted {adv}im Falle einer Verurteilung
if customaryfalls dies dem Handelsbrauch entspricht
if desired {adv}gewünschtenfalls
if desired {adv}falls gewünscht
if everwenn überhaupt (jemals)
if existing {adv}falls vorhanden
if feasible {adv}nach Möglichkeit
If however ...Wenn jedoch ...
if indeedwenn überhaupt
if indeed [provided that]wenn anders [veraltet] [wenn ... überhaupt]
if known {adv}falls bekannt
if necessary {adv}allenfalls [gegebenenfalls]
if necessary {adv}erforderlichenfalls
if necessary {adv}gegebenenfalls <ggf.>
if necessary {adv}notfalls [gegebenenfalls]
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A 2024-10-26: If Wegesrand is correct, the EN side has to go into square brackets as an ...
A 2024-04-17: I would have voted for it too. If a term is ubiquitous enough in the US th...
Q 2024-03-08: If I did one of those wine and paint nights ...
A 2024-02-18: meaning "not solemn or serious", see the "as if" (or "so to speak")
A 2024-02-18: ... comes along as if with perky polka-dots
A 2024-01-18: Vielen Dank, Sunfunlili. May I know if there differences in the below stat...
A 2023-12-02: if i understood the director correctly
A 2023-10-18: If these are lines in the play, IMO, technical accuracy and cosistency are...
A 2023-06-16: In general, I would always avoid undelete if at all possible. All you're d...
A 2023-05-13: calf attendant Add +female+ if the context does not make that abundantl...
A 2023-04-28: If you google alehouse politician in quotes it obviously exists
A 2023-04-23: as if the decor had been trampled on
A 2023-04-17: Don't really know if that is a fact or not, certainly not something I've e...
A 2023-04-08: Because people are far more likely to vote along with a change if the pers...
Q 2023-03-29: Trying to determine if C. F. Blumhardt is referring to land, influence, etc.
A 2023-03-29: +Geschichtle+ might well be worth an entry if you also include, for instan...
A 2023-03-28: ? if you want to substitute only one letter, * for more than one.
A 2023-03-28: Sure, the smearing of Corbyn was unjustified, absolutely agree, if that's ...
A 2023-03-20: If I may
A 2023-03-16: That’s my mistake, but there’s even more results if you search with good.

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