| English | German | |
– | |
| biochem. imidazoline receptor | Imidazolin-Rezeptor {m} | |
Partial Matches |
| biochem. α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid receptor <AMPA receptor, AMPAR> | α-Amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolpropionsäure-Rezeptor {m} <AMPA-Rezeptor, AMPAR> | |
| biochem. epidermal growth factor receptor <EGFR, EGF receptor> | epidermaler Wachstumsfaktor-Rezeptor {m} <EGFR, EGF-Rezeptor> | |
| biochem. gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor <GABA receptor> | Gamma-Aminobuttersäure-Rezeptor {m} <GABA-Rezeptor> | |
| spec. receptor | Rezeptor {m} | |
| biochem. adrenoceptor | adrenerger Rezeptor {m} | |
| biochem. angiotensin receptor | Angiotensin-Rezeptor {m} | |
| biochem. asialoglycoprotein receptor | Asialoglykoprotein-Rezeptor {m} | |
| biochem. dopamine receptor | Dopamin-Rezeptor {m} | |
| biochem. duffy receptor | Duffy-Rezeptor {m} | |
| biochem. endothelin receptor | Endothelin-Rezeptor {m} | |
| biochem. Fas receptor | Fas-Rezeptor {m} | |
| biochem. frizzled receptor | Frizzled-Rezeptor {m} | |
| biochem. intracellular receptor | intrazellulärer Rezeptor {m} | |
| biochem. ionotropic receptor | ionotroper Rezeptor {m} | |
| biochem. metabotropic receptor | metabotroper Rezeptor {m} | |
| biochem. NMDA receptor <NMDAR> | NMDA-Rezeptor {m} | |
| biochem. receptor degradation | Rezeptor-Abbau {m} | |
| biochem. receptor recycling | Rezeptor-Recycling {n} | |
| biochem. receptor sub-unit | Rezeptor-Untereinheit {f} | |
| biochem. RGD receptor | RGD-Rezeptor {m} | |
| biochem. biol. growth hormone receptor <GHR> | Somatotropin-Rezeptor {m} | |
| biochem. signal recognition particle receptor <SRP receptor> | SRP-Rezeptor {m} | |
| med. vascular endothelial growth factor receptor <VEGF receptor> | VEGF-Rezeptor {m} | |
| biochem. AMPA receptor <AMPAR> | AMPA-Rezeptor {m} <AMPAR> | |
| med. diphtheria toxin receptor <DTR> | Diphtherietoxin-Rezeptor {m} <DTR> | |
| biol. Fc receptor <FcR> | Fc-Rezeptor {m} <FcR> | |
| biol. fragment crystallizable receptor <FcR> | Fc-Rezeptor {m} <FcR> | |
| biochem. glucocorticoid receptor <GR, GCR> | Glucocorticoid-Rezeptor {m} <GR> | |
| biochem. nuclear receptor <NR> | nukleärer Rezeptor {m} <NR> | |
| biochem. olfactory receptor <OR> | olfaktorischer Rezeptor {m} <OR> | |
| biochem. receptor tyrosine kinase <RTK> | Rezeptor-Tyrosinkinase {f} <RTK> | |
| biochem. ryanodine receptor <RyR> | Ryanodin-Rezeptor {m} <RyR> | |
| biochem. transferrin receptor <TfrR> | Transferrin-Rezeptor {m} <TfR> | |
| biochem. hormone-receptor interaction | Hormon-Rezeptor-Interaktion {f} | |
| biochem. hormone-receptor complex | Hormon-Rezeptor-Komplex {m} | |
| biochem. hormone-receptor interaction | Hormon-Rezeptor-Wechselwirkung {f} | |
| biochem. receptor-ligand interaction | Rezeptor-Liganden-Interaktion {f} | |
| biochem. receptor-ligand interaction | Rezeptor-Liganden-Wechselwirkung {f} | |
| biochem. biol. orphan receptor | Orphan-Rezeptor {m} [auch: Orphanrezeptor] | |
| biochem. pregnane X receptor <PXR> | Pregnan-X-Rezeptor {m} <PXR> | |
| MedTech. somatostatin receptor scintigraphy <SRS> | Somatostatin-Rezeptor-Szintigrafie {f} <SRS> | |
| med. MedTech. somatostatin receptor scintigraphy <SRS> | Somatostatin-Rezeptor-Szintigraphie {f} <SRS> | |
| biochem. Toll-like receptor <TLR> | Toll-ähnlicher Rezeptor {m} <TLR> | |
| med. tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily <TNFRSF> [Am.] | Tumornekrosefaktor-Rezeptor-Superfamilie {f} <TNFRSF> | |
| med. tumour necrosis factor receptor superfamily <TNFRSF> [Br.] | Tumornekrosefaktor-Rezeptor-Superfamilie {f} <TNFRSF> | |
| pharm. angiotensin II receptor antagonist | Angiotensin-II-Rezeptor-Antagonist {m} | |
| pharm. angiotensin II receptor antagonists | Angiotensin-II-Rezeptor-Antagonisten {pl} | |
| biochem. mannose-6-phosphate receptor | Mannose-6-Phosphat-Rezeptor {m} | |
| biochem. G protein-coupled receptor <GPCR> | G-Protein-gekoppelter Rezeptor {m} <GPCR> | |
| biochem. gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptor <GNRHR> | Gonadotropin-Releasing-Hormon-Rezeptor {m} <GNRHR> | |
| biochem. monoclonal T cell receptor <mTCR> | monoklonaler T-Zell-Rezeptor {m} <mTCR> | |
| med. pharm. peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor <PPAR> | Peroxisom-Proliferator-aktivierter Rezeptor {m} <PPAR> | |
| biol. fibronectin receptor <FN-R, FnR> | Fibronektin-Rezeptor {m} <FN-R, FnR> [auch: Fibronektinrezeptor] | |
| biochem. toll-like receptor <TLR> | Toll-like-Rezeptor {m} <TLR> [auch: Toll-like Rezeptor] | |
| biochem. cannabinoid receptor type 1 <CNR1, CB1, CANN6, CB-R, CB1A, CB1K5, CB1R, CNR> | Cannabinoid-Rezeptor 1 {m} <CNR1, CB1, CNR, CB-R, CB1A, CANN6, CB1K5> | |
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