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English-German translation for: Inch
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Dictionary English German: Inch

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NOUN   an inch | inches
VERB  to inch | inched | inched ... 
SYNO   column inch | inch | to edge | to inch ... 
NOUN   der Inch | die Inches
inch {adj}
to inchsichAkk. langsam bewegen
to inchsichAkk. Zentimeter für Zentimeter bewegen
to inch sth. [e.g. forward, to the side]etw.Akk. (vorsichtig) Stück für Stück bewegen [z. B. vorwärts, zur Seite]
unit inch <in.>
Zoll {m} [2,54 cm]
unit inch <in.>
Inch {m} <in.> [2,54 cm]
inch [Scot.] [small island]kleine Insel {f}
2 Words: Others
half-inch {adj}Halbzoll-
half-inch {adj}halbzollig
half-inch {adj}halbzöllig
inch-perfect {adj}zentimetergenau
one-inch {adj} [attr.] [inch-thick]zolldick
2 Words: Verbs
to half-inch sth. [Br.] [coll.] [from Cockney rhyming slang = to pinch]etw. klauen [ugs.]
to inch alongsich ganz langsam entlangbewegen
to inch forwardsich langsam vorwärtsschieben
to inch forwardsich zentimeterweise vorwärts bewegen
to inch throughsich zentimeterweise hindurchbewegen
2 Words: Nouns
unit cubic inch <in³, cui, cu in, cu. in.>Kubikzoll {m}
unit half-inchhalber Inch {m}
unit half-inchhalber Zoll {m}
inch pincher [sl.]Korinthenkacker {m} [derb] [pej.]
tools inch rulerLineal {n} mit Inch-Einteilung
inch threadIndianergewinde {n} [ugs.] [Zollgewinde]
engin. inch threadZollgewinde {n}
unit square inch <in², sq in>Quadratzoll {m}
3 Words: Others
an inch broad {adj}ein Zoll breit
an inch thick {adj}ein Zoll dick
inch by inch {adv}Stück für Stück
inch by inch {adv}Zoll um Zoll
not an inch {adv} [fig.](um) kein Haarbreit [fig.]
not an inch {adv} [fig.]nicht (um) ein Haarbreit
within an inch {adv} [idiom]um ein Haar [Redewendung]
3 Words: Verbs
idiom to budge an inchsich einen Millimeter bewegen
3 Words: Nouns
tools 12-inch ruler [12" school ruler]Schülerlineal {n} [in Ländern mit Zoll-System] [12 Zoll bzw. 1 Fuß lang]
comp. 17-inch monitor [also: 17" monitor]17-Zöller {m} [ugs.] [17-Zoll-Bildschirm]
comp. telecom. 19-inch rack <19" rack>19-Zoll-Rahmen {m} <19"-Rahmen>
bits per inch <bpi>Bits {pl} je Zoll
bits per inch <bpi>Bits {pl} pro Inch
bits per inch <bpi>Bits {pl} pro Zoll <BPI> [Aufzeichnungsdichte]
characters per inchZeichen {pl} je Zoll
comp. print unit dots per inch <dpi>Punkte {pl} je Zoll
comp. print unit dots per inch <dpi>Punkte {pl} pro Zoll
unit inch of mercury <inHg>[angloamerikanische Maßeinheit des Drucks; ca. 3.386,389 Pa]
unit inch of water <inAq, inH2O, in H2O, inwc>[angloamerikanische Maßeinheit des Drucks; ca. 249 Pa]
sports inch-perfect cross [football]Maßflanke {f}
print tech. lines per inch <lpi>Linien {f} pro Zoll
lines per inch <lpi>Zeilen {pl} pro Zoll
comp. pixels per inch <ppi>Pixel {pl} pro Zoll
quarter-inch cartridgeViertel-Zoll-Kassette {f}
tech. threads {pl} per inch <TPI>Gangzahl {f} je Zoll [je 25,4 mm]
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Q 2016-08-04: six-inch cannon
Q 2015-04-22: hair teased to within an inch of its life
A 2015-02-10: 144 mm / 5.6 inch diameter rope
A 2014-12-03: könnte es 60 inch sein?
Q 2014-11-14: 10 inch lift
Q 2014-03-30: Text über Gerät zur Überwachung von Kettenverschleiß, Abgabe Mo. 31.03.201...
A 2013-04-14: I ate my entire 6-inch chocolate Easter bunny in less than 5 minutes.
A 2012-10-12: The gauge is not the same as the needle size, but how many stitches per in...
Q 2012-08-04: „Success by the inch is a cinch, by the yard it is hard.“
A 2012-03-16: http://www.sensorsone.co.uk/pressure-measurement-glossary/tsi-usa-short-to...
A 2011-11-17: As wandle has said, 'inch printer' is only used with a number to indicate ...
Q 2011-11-16: inch printer
Q 2011-10-20: two-inch crowd
Q 2011-08-28: an inch
Q 2010-12-17: canary diamond/one square inch of 128.54 carat
Q 2010-12-03: 6 feet 2 inch equals 1.87 meter, isn't it? Or is the U.S.-foot different?
A 2010-05-19: If it's a conveyor screw, the 220 = 220 mm = 8.5 inch pitch [AE]
A 2010-03-10: 6-feet and 1 inch tall.
A 2010-02-28: @ Jim - when you just say 'give him an inch',
Q 2010-01-15: About half an inch off...

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