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English-German translation for: Inclined Orbit
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Dictionary English German: Inclined Orbit

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astron. inclined orbitInclined Orbit {m}
Partial Matches
astronau to send sb./sth. into orbitjdn./etw. in den Orbit schicken
astron. heliosynchronous orbitsonnensynchroner Orbit {m} <SSO>
astron. astronau in orbit {adv}im Orbit
astron. astronau on orbit {adv}im Orbit
math. homoclinic orbithomokliner Orbit {m}
astron. polar orbitpolarer Orbit {m}
astron. prograde orbitprograder Orbit {m}
astron. retrograde orbitretrograder Orbit {m}
astron. sun-synchronous orbit <SSO>sonnensynchroner Orbit {m} <SSO>
inclined {adj} {past-p}geneigt
inclined {adj}schief
inclined {past-p}tendiert
inclined {adj} [sloping]schräg
to be inclinedtendieren
inclined gaugeSchrägpegel {m}
tech. inclined liftSchrägaufzug {m}
constr. inclined pileSchrägpfahl {m}
mining inclined planeBremsberg {m}
inclined positionSchrägstellung {f}
inclined rampSchrägrampe {f}
sb. inclinedjd. tendierte
artistically inclined {adj}musisch veranlagt
psych. suicidally inclined {adj}suizidär veranlagt
to be inclinedgewillt sein
inclined headgeneigter Kopf {m}
phys. inclined planegeneigte Ebene {f}
inclined planegeneigte Fläche {f}
phys. tech. inclined planeschiefe Ebene {f}
phys. inclined planeschräge Ebene {f}
constr. hydro. canal inclined planeRollberg {m}
rail inclined plane railwayStandseilbahn {f}
inclined-tube gaugeSchrägrohrmanometer {n}
inclined {adj}abschüssig [z. B. Gelände]
constr. hydro. canal inclined planeRollbrücke {f} [Rollberg]
inclined {adj} [sloping]abfallend [Gelände, Dach etc.]
slightly inclined {adj} [surface]schwach geneigt [Fläche]
to be inclined to buykaufwillig sein
sb./sth. inclinedjd./etw. neigte (sich)
payment as you feel inclinedZahlung {f} nach Belieben
orbitOrbit {m}
to be inclined [to do sth.]geneigt sein [etw. zu tun]
to be inclined to accept sth.geneigt sein, etw. anzunehmen
to be inclined to reserve sth.geneigt sein, etw. zurückzuhalten
I am almost inclined to think ...Ich meine fast ...
to orbitumkreisen
anat. orbitAugenhöhle {f}
astron. phys. orbitBahn {f}
astron. orbitKreis {m}
orbitKreisbahn {f}
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