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English-German translation for: Insurance Companies
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Dictionary English German: Insurance Companies

Translation 1 - 50 of 1031  >>

NOUN   an insurance company | insurance companies
comm. insurance companiesVersicherungen {pl} [Firmen]
insur. insurance companiesVersicherungsgesellschaften {pl}
insur. insurance companiesVersicherungsunternehmen {pl}
Keywords contained
insur. private insurance companiesPrivatversicherer {pl} [Privatversicherungsgesellschaften]
fin. insur. funds of the insurance companiesMittel {pl} der Versicherungsunternehmen
Partial Matches
insur. difference in conditions insurance <DIC insurance>Konditionsdifferenzversicherung {f}
companiesBegleitungen {pl}
comm. econ. companiesFirmen {pl}
companiesGesellschaften {pl}
to consolidate companiesFirmen vereinigen
associate companiesBeteiligungsunternehmen {pl}
associated companiesangeschlossene Gesellschaften {pl}
associated companiesBeteiligungsunternehmen {pl}
biotech. biotechnology companiesBiotechnologieunternehmen {pl}
bogus companiesSchwindelfirmen {pl}
capital companiesKapitalgesellschaften {pl}
Companies Act[britisches Gesetz betreffend Kapitalgesellschaften und Kaptialgesellschaftsrecht]
companies registerHandelsregister {n} <HReg.>
law companies' actGmbH-Gesetz {n}
competing companieskonkurrierende Firmen {pl}
constr. econ. construction companiesBauunternehmen {pl}
econ. construction companiesBauunternehmungen {pl}
contracting companiesVertragsunternehmen {pl}
ind. pharm. drug companiesArzneimittelhersteller {pl}
econ. energy companiesEnergiefirmen {pl}
film companiesFilmgesellschaften {pl}
incorporated companiesKapitalgesellschaften {pl}
econ. ind. industrial companiesIndustriefirmen {pl}
econ. ind. industrial companiesIndustrieunternehmen {pl}
innovative companiesinnovative Unternehmen {pl}
econ. stocks listed companiesBörsenunternehmen {pl}
ind. oil companiesErdölfirmen {pl}
pharmaceutical companiesPharmaunternehmen {pl}
film production companiesProduktionsfirmen {pl}
film mus. RadioTV production companiesProduktionsgesellschaften {pl}
insur. reinsurance companiesRückversicherungsunternehmen {pl}
econ. service companiesDienstleister {pl}
naut. shipping companiesReedereien {pl}
sister companiesSchwesterfirmen {pl}
software companiesSoftwarefirmen {pl}
econ. startup companiesNeuunternehmen {pl}
touring companiesWandertruppen {pl}
trading companiesHandelsgesellschaften {pl}
law Companies Act [Br.][entspricht AG-Gesetz und GmbH-Gesetz]
law Companies Act [Br.]Aktiengesetz {n}
law Companies Office [NZ][Handelsregisterbehörde für Neuseeland]
econ. transnational companies <TNCs>transnationale Konzerne {pl}
to compare different companiesverschiedene Unternehmen vergleichen
all leading companiesalle führenden Firmen {pl}
amalgamation of companiesZusammenschluss {m} von Unternehmen
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A 2012-08-09: Unless it regulates insurance companies I'd say:
A 2009-11-22: What health insurance companies have been preaching in vain, is a matter o...
A 2009-11-22: What health insurance companies have been preaching without success, the y...
A 2008-06-12: notices to the insurance companies

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