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Dictionary English German: Intelligence

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NOUN1   an intelligence | intelligences
NOUN2   intelligence | -
SYNO   intelligence | intelligence agency ... 
mil. pol. intelligence {adj} [attr.] <intel>
mil. pol. intelligence {adj} [attr.] [espionage] [e.g. chief]
Spionage- [Geheimdienst-] [z. B. Chef]
mil. pol. intelligence {adj} [attr.]
psych. intelligence {adj} [attr.] [e.g. level, quotient, researcher, test]
Intelligenz- [z. B. Niveau, Quotient, Forscher, Test]
mil. pol. intelligence {adj} [attr.] [service etc.]
psych. intelligence2 [intellectual capacity]
Intelligenz {f}
intelligence [cleverness, common sense, wisdom]
Klugheit {f}
intelligence [department]
Geheimdienst {m}
intelligence [information]
Information {f}
intelligence {sg}
Nachrichten {pl}
Einsicht {f}
intelligence [espionage]
Spionage {f}
intelligence {sg} [secret service information]
Geheimdienstinformationen {pl}
intelligence2 {sg} [archaic] [news, information]
Informationen {pl}
psych. intelligence [intellectual capacity]
Auffassungsvermögen {n} [Intelligenz]
intelligence [mental power]
Verstandeskraft {f}
intelligencegeistige Begabung {f}
2 Words: Verbs
to gather intelligenceErkenntnisse sammeln
2 Words: Nouns
comp. ambient intelligence <AmI>Umgebungsintelligenz {f}
comp. artificial intelligence <AI, A.I.>artifizielle Intelligenz {f} <AI, A.I.>
comp. artificial intelligence <AI>künstliche Intelligenz {f} <KI>
econ. business intelligence <BI>Business Intelligence {f} <BI>
sociol. collective intelligenceSchwarmintelligenz {f}
communications intelligence <COMINT>Fernmeldeaufklärung {f}
hist. mil. communications intelligence <COMINT>Nachrichtenaufklärung {f} [bei der Wehrmacht]
econ. competitive intelligence [strategic information gathering] <CI>Wettbewerbsforschung {f}
econ. competitor intelligence [strategic information gathering] <CI>Konkurrenzforschung {f}
comp. computational intelligence <CI>Computational Intelligence {f} <CI>
counter-intelligenceGegenspionage {f}
crowd intelligenceSchwarmintelligenz {f}
biol. crystallised intelligence [Br.]kristalline Intelligenz {f}
biol. crystallised intelligence [Br.]kristallisierte Intelligenz {f}
biol. crystallized intelligencekristalline Intelligenz {f}
biol. crystallized intelligencekristallisierte Intelligenz {f}
mil. electronics intelligence <ELINT>elektronische Aufklärung {f} <EA>
psych. emotional intelligence <EI>emotionale Intelligenz {f} <EI>
astron. extraterrestrial intelligenceaußerirdische Intelligenz {f}
biol. fluid intelligencefluide Intelligenz {f}
biol. fluid intelligenceflüssige Intelligenz {f}
sports game intelligenceSpielintelligenz {f}
mil. imagery intelligence <IMINT>Bildaufklärung {f}
intelligence activitiesBespitzelungen {pl}
intelligence activitiesGeheimdienstaktivitäten {pl}
intelligence agenciesGeheimdienste {pl}
mil. pol. intelligence agencyGeheimdienst {m}
mil. intelligence agentGeheimagent {m}
mil. intelligence agent [female]Geheimagentin {f}
mil. intelligence agent [female] [spy]Spionin {f}
mil. intelligence agent [spy]Spion {m}
comp. intelligence amplifierIntelligenzverstärker {m}
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A 2017-04-24: Lacking any real intelligence, Google artificially switched my search term...
Q 2017-02-15: shedding light on the core of intelligence
A 2016-09-23: +business intelligence+ scheint auch eine im Deutschen eingeführte Bedeutu...
A 2016-04-22: Machine intelligence
Q 2014-12-05: critical intelligence-related operations
A 2014-10-12: dumb artificial intelligence
Q 2014-03-30: safe house (intelligence)
Q 2014-03-30: Financial Intelligence Units (FIUs)
A 2013-11-03: Humanely speaking, highly gifted is nothing to do with intelligence only. ...
A 2013-09-27: oder auch: intelligence of the body / body intelligence / bodily intelligence
A 2013-09-04: intelligence > Ermittlungsergebnisse
Q 2013-09-04: intelligence (im kriminologischen Sinne)
Q 2013-08-08: intelligence holdings
A 2013-05-22: I think the notion that H. had NOT been active in naval intelligence is in...
A 2013-01-17: Intelligence
A 2011-12-19: This looks like artificial-intelligence English.
Q 2011-11-28: Artikel über Emotional Intelligence (Abgabe Di. 14 Uhr) - "backseat driver...
A 2011-10-23: dumb artificial intelligence
A 2011-06-19: Intelligence
Q 2011-06-19: intelligence versus information

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