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English-German translation for: Italian
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Dictionary English German: Italian

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ADJ   Italian | more Italian | most Italian
NOUN1   an Italian | Italians
NOUN2   Italian [language] | -
Italian {adj}
italienisch <it., ital.>
Italian {adj}
wällisch [österr.] [veraltet] [zuweilen pej.]
Italian {adj}
welsch [veraltet] [pej.] [italienisch]
ling. Italian
Italienisch {n}
ethn. Italian
Italiener {m}
ethn. Italian [female]
Italienerin {f}
2 Words: Others
Austro-Italian {adj}österreichisch-italienisch
geogr. central-Italian {adj}mittelitalienisch
Italian American {adj}italoamerikanisch
Italian-born {adj}in Italien geboren
Italian-designed {adj}in Italien entworfen
ling. Italian-speaking {adj}italienischsprachig
non-Italian {adj}nichtitalienisch
geogr. North Italian {adj} [also: north Italian]norditalienisch
geogr. Northern Italian {adj} [also: northern Italian]norditalienisch
She's Italian.Sie ist Italienerin.
geogr. Upper Italian {adj}oberitalienisch <oberit.>
2 Words: Nouns
gastr. (Italian) guanciale [similar to the jowl bacon]Guanciale {m} [auch: Gota Stagionata] [Schweinebackenspeck]
geogr. Italian AlpsItalienische Alpen {pl}
ethn. Italian AmericanItaloamerikaner {m}
Italian American [female]Italoamerikanerin {f}
hist. mil. Italian campaignItalienfeldzug {m}
gastr. Italian cookeryitalienische Küche {f}
educ. ling. Italian courseItalienischkurs {m}
gastr. Italian cuisineitalienische Küche {f}
ling. Italian dictionaryItalienischwörterbuch {n}
hist. pol. Italian Fascismitalienischer Faschismus {m}
games Italian Game [chess opening] [Giuoco Piano]Italienische Partie {f} [Schacheröffnung] [Giuoco piano]
Italian girlsjunge Italienerinnen {pl}
zool. Italian greyhoundItalienisches Windspiel {n}
geogr. Italian PeninsulaItalienische Halbinsel {f}
acad. Italian philologyitalienische Philologie {f}
gastr. Italian place [restaurant]Italiener {m} [ugs.] [italienisches Restaurant]
gastr. Italian restaurantItaliener {m} [ugs.] [italienisches Restaurant]
gastr. Italian restaurantitalienisches Restaurant {n}
gastr. Italian saladitalienischer Salat {m}
gastr. Italian saladItalienischer Salat {m}
film photo. Italian shot <IS>Italienische Einstellung {f}
acad. ling. lit. Italian studiesItalienstudien {pl}
acad. ling. lit. Italian studies {pl}Italianistik {f}
ethn. Italian SwissItaloschweizer {m}
hist. Italian War [91 BC - 88 BC]Bundesgenossenkrieg {m} [Rom; Marsischer Krieg]
hist. mil. Italian Wars [1494-1559]Italienkriege {pl}
ethn. Italian womenItalienerinnen {pl}
ethn. non-ItalianNicht-Italiener {m}
ling. Swiss ItalianSchweizer Italienisch {n}
3 Words: Others
He's an Italian.Er ist Italiener.
of Italian origin {adj} [postpos.]italienischstämmig
3 Words: Nouns
geogr. (the) Italian boot [fig.] [Italy](der) Stiefel {m} [ugs.] [fig.] [Italien]
geogr. pol. Austro-Italian borderösterreichisch-italienische Grenze {f}
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A 2023-04-07: In the US, no one would ever refer to proper ice cream as ice. Even italia...
A 2018-06-29: (your) archetypal Italian
A 2018-06-29: arch-Italian
Q 2017-09-13: I am looking a buyer who needs to translation service for english,italian...
A 2017-06-30: Have the social media not become the domain of substandard English, French...
A 2016-09-30: If ever, you should make up a word such as "enforzonis" to meet the funny ...
A 2016-04-20: My Italian is +very+ basic,
A 2015-07-30: Italienzug, Romfahrt > Italian expedition / Roman expedition NB: The dic...
A 2015-06-18: Emendation: ... between the earlier history ... and later stages +18c ... ...
A 2015-06-18: D. Harper (a bit unclearly) distinguishes between the prehistory +1640s, f...
A 2015-06-14: Across from me sat an Italian girl wearing the same glasses as I do.
A 2014-06-30: I'd say: for both Italian companies that are retired as assets
A 2014-06-30: for both Italian companies that are (to be) depreciated to zero / retired ...
A 2014-03-01: Sid Caesar war schon ein Guter, ein richtig Guter: French, German, Italian
A 2013-09-11: In the first LINK I gave, German and Italian fools are male whereas French...
A 2013-07-22: gefunden: ... mit Halter für Scheibe http://mymemory.translated.net/it/...
A 2013-03-16: In cases like this, I like Lisa's suggestion in the amaretti entry - Itali...
Q 2012-12-22: I didn't know you could speak Italian.
Q 2012-09-01: 1986 world cup France vs Italy-Platini wrecks Italian dreams
A 2012-08-27: quite vulgar, the German (and the English); fact is, the German does not s...

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