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English-German translation for: J/ψ-Meson
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Dictionary English German: J ψ Meson

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phys. J/ψ meson <J/ψ>J/ψ-Meson {n} <J/ψ>
Partial Matches
psi <Ψ, ψ> [Greek letter]Psi {n} <Ψ, ψ> [griechischer Buchstabe]
phys. mu meson meson> [dated] [muon]My-Meson {n} <µ-Meson> [veraltet] [Myon]
electr. phys. electric flux <Ψ>elektrischer Kraftfluss {m} <Ψ> [veraltet] [elektrischer Fluss]
geol. phys. angle of dilatancy <Ψ>Dilatanzwinkel {m} <Ψ>
biochem. pseudouridine <Ψ> [C9H12N2O6]Pseudouridin {n} <Ψ>
geol. phys. dilatancy angle <Ψ>Dilatanzwinkel {m} <Ψ>
phys. eta prime meson <η′-Meson>η′-Meson {n}
phys. upsilon meson meson, Υ>Ypsilon-Meson {n} <Υ-Meson, Υ>
J as in Jig [Am.]J wie / für Julius
J as in Jig [Am.]J wie Jakob [schweiz.]
med. prominent J wave [Osborn wave]J-Wellen-Ausschlag {m}
J-shaped {adj}j-förmig [auch: J-förmig]
idiom J for Jack [Br.]J wie Julius
ling. J [letter of alphabet]Jot {n} <J>
chem. volume fraction <ψ, l/l, L/L>Volumenanteil {m} <ψ, l/l, L/L, Vol.-%>
chem. volume ratio <l/l, ψ>Volumenverhältnis {n} <l/l, ψ>
phys. eta meson meson>Eta-Meson {n} <η-Meson>
phys. omega meson meson>Omega-Meson {n} <ω-Meson>
phys. phi meson meson>Phi-Meson {n} <φ-Meson>
phys. pi meson meson>Pi-Meson {n} <π-Meson>
phys. rho meson meson>Rho-Meson {n} <ρ-Meson>
ling. print j [letter]j {n} [Buchstabe]
ling. print J [letter]J {n} [Buchstabe]
bibl. Yahwist <J>Jahwist {m} <J>
The Honorable John /Jane Jones [Am.] [letter address of cabinet member]der Ehrenwerte J. J./die Ehrenwerte J. J. [Briefanschrift eines Kabinettsmitglieds]
The Honorable John J. Jones [letter address/formal introduction of a former president] [Am.]der Ehrenwerte John J. Jones [Briefanschrift/formelle Vorstellung eines Expräsidenten]
idiom mil. J for Juliet [NATO phonetic alphabet]J wie Juliet [NATO-Buchstabiertafel]
chem. Balaban's J index [also: Balaban J index]Balaban-J-Index {m}
RadioTV F PB&J OtterPB&J OtterDie Rasselbande vom Hoohaw-See
phys. eta <η> [meson]Eta-Meson {n} <η-Meson>
acad. libr. publ. Unverified no place, no date {adv} <n.p., n.d.>ohne Ort und Jahr <o. O. u. J.>, <o. O. und J.>
film F Roman J. Israel, Esq. [Dan Gilroy]Roman J. Israel, Esq. - Die Wahrheit und nichts als die Wahrheit
phys. unit Colburn number <J>Colburn-Zahl {f} <J>
film F J. Edgar [Clint Eastwood]J. Edgar
phys. mesonMeson {n}
med. j-pouch [after Utsunomiya]J-Pouch {m} [nach Utsunomiya]
curr. Jamaican dollar <JMD, J$>Jamaika-Dollar {m} <JMD, J$>
phys. B mesonB-Meson {n}
phys. D mesonD-Meson {n}
phys. K mesonK-Meson {n}
phys. meson productionMesonenproduktion {f}
phys. meson decayMesonenzerfall {m} [auch: Mesonen-Zerfall]
bibl. Jahwist <J>Jahwist {m} <J>
phys. unit joule <J>Joule {n} <J>
jobs law judge <J.>Richter {m}
RadioTV F T.J. HookerT.J. Hooker
jobs law judge <J.> [female]Richterin {f}
drugs J [sl.] [joint]Joint {m} [ugs.]
J-bladeMulchmesser {n} [einer Bodenfräse]
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