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| jobs law judge <J.> | 2893 Richter {m} | |
| jobs law judge <J.> [female] | 86 Richterin {f} | |
| phys. unit joule <J> | 23 Joule {n} <J> | |
| ling. J [letter of alphabet] | 11 Jot {n} <J> | |
| ling. print J [letter] | 10 J {n} [Buchstabe] | |
| drugs J [sl.] [joint] | 8 Joint {m} [ugs.] | |
| ling. print j [letter] | j {n} [Buchstabe] | |
| bibl. Jahwist <J> | Jahwist {m} <J> | |
| junior <Jun., jun., Jnr, Jr> | der Jüngere {m} <d. J.> | |
| relig. the Less | der Jüngere {m} <d. J.> | |
| bibl. Yahwist <J> | Jahwist {m} <J> | |
2 Words: Others |
| as of [in the year] | im Jahr <i. J.> | |
| J-shaped {adj} | j-förmig [auch: J-förmig] | |
| just kidding <J/K, jk> | scherzhaft gemeint | |
| acad. publ. no date {adv} <n.d.> [citation] | ohne Jahresangabe <o. J.> [Literaturangabe] | |
| acad. publ. no year {adv} <n.y.> [of publication] | ohne Jahr <o. J.> | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| jobs law chief judge <C.J., CJ> | Oberrichter {m} [schweiz.] | |
| jobs law chief judge <C.J., CJ> | oberster Richter {m} | |
| jobs law chief judge <C.J., CJ> [female] | Oberrichterin {f} [schweiz.] | |
| jobs law chief judge <C.J., CJ> [female] | oberste Richterin {f} | |
| jobs law chief judge <C.J., CJ> [female] | Vorsitzende Richterin {f} [seltener, nicht fachspr.: vorsitzende Richterin] | |
| phys. unit Colburn number <J> | Colburn-Zahl {f} <J> | |
| med. hathook junction [coll.] [Osborn wave] | J-Welle {f} [Osborn-Welle] | |
| J-blade | Mulchmesser {n} [einer Bodenfräse] | |
| J-blade | Sichelmesser {n} [einer Bodenfräse] | |
| J-blade | Spatenmesser {n} [einer Bodenfräse] | |
| med. j-pouch [after Utsunomiya] | J-Pouch {m} [nach Utsunomiya] | |
| curr. Jamaican dollar <JMD, J$> | Jamaika-Dollar {m} <JMD, J$> | |
3 Words: Others |
| idiom J for Jack [Br.] | J wie Julius | |
| idiom mil. J for Juliet [NATO phonetic alphabet] | J wie Juliet [NATO-Buchstabiertafel] | |
| acad. publ. no date given {adv} <N.D., n.d.> | ohne Jahresangabe <o. J.> | |
| of last year | vorigen Jahres <v.J.> | |
| of this year | dieses Jahres <d.J.> | |
3 Words: Verbs |
| drugs to roll a j [coll: joint] | sich einen Joint drehen [pur] | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| chem. Balaban's J index [also: Balaban J index] | Balaban-J-Index {m} | |
| law Doctor of Jurisprudence <J.D.> | Doktor {m} der Rechte <Dr. jur.> | |
| constr. material J-ring test | Blockierring-Versuch {m} | |
| J-shaped blade | Säbelmesser {n} [einer Bodenfräse] | |
| phys. J/ψ meson <J/ψ> | J/ψ-Meson {n} <J/ψ> | |
| med. late delta wave [Osborn wave] | J-Wellen-Ausschlag {m} | |
| chem. phys. Lennard-Jones potential <L-J potential> | Lennard-Jones-Potential {n} | |
| med. prominent J wave [Osborn wave] | J-Wellen-Ausschlag {m} | |
4 Words: Others |
| J as in Jig [Am.] | J wie / für Julius | |
| acad. libr. publ. no place, no date {adv} <n.p., n.d.> | ohne Ort und Jahr <o. O. u. J.; o. O. und J.> | |
4 Words: Nouns |
| bibl. relig. (St.) James the Little | (hl.) Jakobus {m} der Jüngere <Jakobus d. J.> | |
| bibl. relig. (St.) James the Minor | (hl.) Jakobus {m} der Jüngere <Jakobus d. J.> | |
| bibl. relig. (St.) James the Younger | (hl.) Jakobus {m} der Jüngere <Jakobus d. J.> | |
| tech. internal shakeproof (lock) washer [DIN 6797 Form J] | Zahnscheibe {f} Form J [DIN 6797] | |
| J as in Jig [Am.] | J wie Jakob [schweiz.] | |
| chem. lit. med. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry <J. Med. Chem.> | Journal of Medicinal Chemistry {n} [Fachzeitschrift des Wissenschaftszweigs medizinische Chemie] | |
5+ Words: Others |
| The Honorable John /Jane Jones [Am.] [letter address of cabinet member] | der Ehrenwerte J. J./die Ehrenwerte J. J. [Briefanschrift eines Kabinettsmitglieds] | |
| The Honorable John J. Jones [letter address/formal introduction of a former president] [Am.] | der Ehrenwerte John J. Jones [Briefanschrift/formelle Vorstellung eines Expräsidenten] | |
5+ Words: Nouns |
| bibl. relig. (St.) James the Less / Lesser | (hl.) Jakobus {m} der Jüngere <Jakobus d. J.> | |
| gastr. a glass of OJ / O.J. [coll.] [orange juice] | ein Glas {n} O-Saft [ugs.] [Orangensaft] | |
| law Doctor of Canon and Civil Law <JUD, IUD, DUJ, DUI, DJU, DIU, UJD, UID, JUDr., Dr.iur.utr.> [juris / iuris utriusque doctor, doctor utriusque juris, doctor juris utriusque] | Doktor {m} beider Rechte <Dr. iur. utr., auch Dr. jur. utr., Dr. j. u.> | |
| electr. JK flip-flop / J-K flip-flop <JK-FF> [also: jump/kill flip-flop] | JK-Flipflop {n} [auch: Jump-/Kill-Flipflop] | |
| gastr. peanut butter and jelly sandwich <PBJ, PB&J> [Am.] [Can.] | Erdnussbutter-Marmelade-Sandwich {n} {m} | |
Fiction (Literature and Film) |
| film F J. Edgar [Clint Eastwood] | J. Edgar | |
| RadioTV F J. Gander Hooter [Darkwing Duck] | Direktor Julius Ganter | |
| comics F Neighbor J. Jones [Disney] | Nachbar Berger | |
| comics F Neighbor J. Jones [Disney] | Nachbar Brösecke | |
| comics F Neighbor J. Jones [Disney] | Nachbar Knoll | |
| comics F Neighbor J. Jones [Disney] | Nachbar Nickel | |
| comics F Neighbor J. Jones [Disney] | Nachbar Schurigl | |
| comics F Neighbor J. Jones [Disney] | Nachbar Zorngiebel | |
| film F P.J. [John Guillermin] | Der Gnadenlose | |
| RadioTV F PB&J Otter | PB&J Otter – Die Rasselbande vom Hoohaw-See | |
| film F Roman J. Israel, Esq. [Dan Gilroy] | Roman J. Israel, Esq. - Die Wahrheit und nichts als die Wahrheit | |
| RadioTV F T.J. Hooker | T.J. Hooker | |
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