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English-German translation for: John Maynard Keynes
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Dictionary English German: John Maynard Keynes

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lit. F John Maynard [John Maynard! - Who is John Maynard? - John Maynard was our helmsman, ...]John Maynard [Theodor Fontane]
geogr. Milton Keynes <MK>Milton Keynes {n}
art F John the Sex MurdererJohn der Frauenmörder [George Grosz]
comics F Honest John D. Foulfellow [Pinocchio] [Disney]Ehrlicher John
May I introduce John?Darf ich bekannt machen? Das ist John.
John was immovable in his decision.John war von seiner Entscheidung nicht abzubringen.
Good boy, John!Fein gemacht, John!
zool. T
zool. T
Coming, John? - Coming, Jane. [coll.]Kommst Du, John? - Ich komme, Jane.
Dearest John, ...Liebster John, ...
film Editor - John Miller [film editing by John Miller]Schnitt: John Miller [z. B. im Abspann eines Films]
film F Meet John Doe [Frank Capra]Hier ist John Doe
a certain John Smithein gewisser John Smith {m}
film F John and Mary [Peter Yates]John und Mary
film F John Q [Nick Cassavetes]John Q – Verzweifelte Wut
John Smith, who died in 1994, was ...Der 1994 verstorbene John Smith war ...
The Honorable John J. Jones [letter address/formal introduction of a former president] [Am.]der Ehrenwerte John J. Jones [Briefanschrift/formelle Vorstellung eines Expräsidenten]
John Smith PhDDr. John Smith {m}
RadioTV F John DoeDer Fall John Doe!
film F Being John Malkovich [Spike Jonze]Being John Malkovich
lit. F John Gabriel Borkman [Henrik Ibsen]John Gabriel Borkman
name JohnHans {m}
name JohnJan {m}
name JohnJohann {m}
name JohnJohannes {m}
James, while John had had 'had', had had 'had had'; 'had had' had had a better effect on the teacher.James hatte, während John 'hatte' gehabt hatte, 'hatte gehabt' gehabt; eine bessere Wirkung auf den Lehrer hatte 'hatte gehabt' gehabt. [Beispielsatz u. a. für die Bedeutung von Zeichensetzung]
hist. relig. John-BonitesJohannboniten {pl}
hist. relig. John CapistranoJohannes Capistranus {m}
hist. relig. John CassianJohannes Cassianus {m}
relig. John ChrysostomJohannes Chrysostomos {m}
hist. relig. John ChrysostomJohannes Chrysostomus {m}
hist. relig. John ClimacusJohannes Klimakos {m}
John DoeMax Mustermann {m}
hist. relig. John MilíčJohann Militsch {m}
idiom John SmithMax Mustermann {m}
porta johnmobile Toilettenkabine {f}
porta john [coll.]Mobiltoilette {f}
hist. relig. Prester JohnPriesterkönig Johannes {m}
bibl. (Gospel of) JohnJohannesevangelium {n}
bibl. Apocalypse of JohnJohannesapokalypse {f}
John DoeOtto Normalverbraucher {m} [ugs.]
John Doe [Am.]ein Unbekannter {m}
John Hancock [Am.] [coll.]Unterschrift {f}
bibl. (Gospel of) JohnJohannes-Evangelium {n}
law anti-john laws {pl} [coll.]Sexkaufverbot {n}
St. John's crossJohanneskreuz {n}
relig. spec. St. John's wineJohannisminne {f}
bibl. Gospel according to JohnJohannesevangelium {n}
bibl. Gospel according to JohnJohannisevangelium {n}
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John der Frauenmörder
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