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English-German translation for: Joke
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Dictionary English German: Joke

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NOUN   a joke | jokes
VERB  to joke | joked | joked ... 
SYNO   to jest | to joke | jest | jocularity ... 
NOUN   der Joke | die Jokes
to joke
to joke
juxen [ugs.]
to joke sb. [coll.]
jdn. anführen
to jokejökeln [regional] [spaßen, scherzen]
to jokeWitze machen
Witz {m}
Scherz {m}
Spaß {m} [Scherz, Witz]
Spass {m} [österr.] [schweiz.] [Scherz, Witz]
joke [also person]
Lachnummer {f} [ugs.] [auch Person]
Joke {m} [ugs.]
2 Words: Others
joke apartSpaß beiseite
joke asideSpaß beiseite
2 Words: Verbs
to joke aroundherumscherzen
to joke aroundrumflachsen [ugs.]
to joke aroundschäkern
to joke with sb.mit jdm. flachsen [ugs.]
2 Words: Nouns
(practical) jokeJokus {m} [ugs.]
(practical) jokeJux {m} [ugs.]
anti-jokeAntiwitz {m}
bad jokefauler Scherz {m}
blonde jokeBlondinenwitz {m}
blue joke [coll.]schlüpfriger Witz {m}
broad jokederber Scherz {m}
cheap jokebilliger Scherz {m}
coarse jokegrober Scherz {m}
coarse jokeunanständiger Witz {m}
corny jokeKalauer {m} [dummer Witz]
crude jokederber Scherz {m}
cynical jokebrutaler Scherz {m}
dad joke [coll.]Flachwitz {m} [ugs.]
dirty jokeFerkelei {f} [Witz] [ugs.]
dirty jokeHerrenwitz {m}
dirty jokeSaukram {m} [ugs.] [pej.] [dreckiger Witz]
dirty jokeSchweinigelei {f} [ugs.] [schmutziger Witz]
dirty jokeZote {f}
dirty jokedreckiger Witz {m}
doctor jokeArztwitz {m}
doctor jokeDoktorwitz {m}
elephant jokeElefantenwitz {m}
favorite joke [Am.]Lieblingswitz {m}
favourite joke [Br.]Lieblingswitz {m}
gallows jokeGalgenwitz {m}
in jokeInsider {m} [ugs.] [Insiderwitz]
in jokeInsiderwitz {m}
in-jokeInsider {m} [ugs.] [Insiderwitz]
in-jokeInsiderwitz {m}
inside jokeInsider {m} [ugs.] [Insiderwitz]
inside jokeInsiderwitz {m}
insider jokeInsiderjoke {m} [ugs.]
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A 2023-12-12: Wegesrand - my joke of the day
A 2022-07-09: No, it's just a joke/game with words from a German satirical magazine. Thi...
Q 2021-12-10: beat you to your own joke
Q 2019-05-19: a joke
A 2018-11-24: Another joke
Q 2018-10-11: the meaning of a joke
A 2016-08-12: A provocation, not a joke
A 2016-08-08: Yeah, Jim, it's a joke! It's my online shop and I wanted to take this a ca...
Q 2016-04-28: no end of a joke?
Q 2016-01-13: The greatest opera singer of all time - not a joke
A 2015-12-04: Als Comment noch eingefügt als Anwort auf: Uffie:Subject law is a joke. S...
A 2015-11-26: Here's a good practical joke.....
A 2015-11-10: The joke:
A 2015-11-10: I don't get the joke, sorry.
A 2015-05-18: Sad Joke
A 2015-05-18: Sad joke
Q 2015-05-02: Joke - Unique Rabbit
A 2015-03-09: The reference is to an old American joke.
A 2015-03-09: Surveying joke
Q 2014-12-03: OSHA / joke

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