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English-German translation for: Jones
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Dictionary English German: Jones

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NOUN   jones | joneses
VERB  to jones | jonesed | jonesed ... 
SYNO   Jones | Mary Harris Jones ... 
jones [sl.]
Sucht {f} [bes. Heroinsucht]
drugs jones [sl.]
Heroin {n}
jones [sl.]
Heroinsucht {f}
2 Words: Nouns
geogr. Cape JonesKap Jones {n}
med. dancer's fracture [coll.] [sometimes incorrectly used for Jones fracture]Jones-Fraktur {f}
med. dancer's fracture [tuberosity avulsion fracture, pseudo-Jones fracture]Pseudo-Jones-Fraktur {f}
myth. naut. Davy JonesTeufel {m} der Meere
med. Jones criteriaJones-Kriterien {pl}
VetMed. Jones disease [dated] [brucellosis]Brucellose {f}
med. Jones fracture [also: Jones's fracture]Jones-Fraktur {f}
chem. Jones oxidationJones-Oxidation {f}
geogr. Jones PeakJones Peak {m}
math. Jones polynomialJones-Polynom {n}
geogr. Jones SoundJonessund {m} [auch: Jones-Sund]
optics Jones vectorJones-Vektor {m}
math. Jones' lemma [also lemma of Jones]Lemma {n} von Jones
3 Words: Nouns
med. Bence-Jones proteinBence-Jones-Protein {n}
naut. Davy Jones' locker [coll.]Seemannsgrab {n}
idiom Davy Jones's lockerMeeresboden {m}
idiom Davy Jones's lockerMeeresgrund {m}
idiom Davy Jones's lockeralles verschlingendes Meer {n}
idiom Davy Jones's locker [Am.]nasses Grab {n} [veraltet] [das Meer]
stocks Dow Jones AverageDow-Jones-Aktienindex {m}
fin. Dow Jones AverageDow-Jones-Index {m}
Dow Jones IndexDow-Jones-Index {m}
chem. phys. Lennard-Jones potential <L-J potential>Lennard-Jones-Potential {n}
med. pseudo-Jones fracture [fracture of the fifth metatarsal bone of the foot]Pseudo-Jones-Fraktur {f}
that man Jonesder / dieser / diesen Jones {m}
4 Words: Others
following Mr. Jones' suggestion {adv}auf Anraten von Mr. Jones
Mrs Smith, née JonesFrau Smith, geborene Jones
with your Mr. Jonesmit Ihrem Mr. Jones
4 Words: Nouns
fin. Dow Jones Sustainability Index <DJSI>Dow-Jones-Nachhaltigkeitsindex {m}
fin. Dow Jones Sustainability Index <DJSI>Dow Jones Sustainability Index {m} <DJSI>
5+ Words: Others
at the risk of Mr. Jones {adv}auf Gefahr von Mr. Jones
Dr. Jones is in attendance.Dr. Jones behandelt gerade.
for account of Mr. Jonesauf Rechnung von Mr. Jones
The Honorable John /Jane Jones [Am.] [letter address of cabinet member]der Ehrenwerte J. J./die Ehrenwerte J. J. [Briefanschrift eines Kabinettsmitglieds]
The Honorable John J. Jones [letter address/formal introduction of a former president] [Am.]der Ehrenwerte John J. Jones [Briefanschrift/formelle Vorstellung eines Expräsidenten]
5+ Words: Verbs
idiom to be sent to Davy Jones's lockervon der See verschlungen werden
to have a jones (going) for sth. [Am.] [sl.]einen Jieper auf etw. haben [ugs.] [nordd.]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F Along Came Jones [Stuart Heisler]Der Vagabund von Texas
RadioTV F Barnaby JonesBarnaby Jones
film F Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason [Beeban Kidron]Bridget Jones - Am Rande des Wahnsinns
film F Bridget Jones's Diary [Sharon Maguire]Bridget JonesSchokolade zum Frühstück
film F Carmen Jones [Otto Preminger]Carmen Jones
film F Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny [James Mangold]Indiana Jones und das Rad des Schicksals
film F Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull [Steven Spielberg]Indiana Jones und das Königreich des Kristallschädels
film F Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade [Steven Spielberg]Indiana Jones und der letzte Kreuzzug
film F Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom [Steven Spielberg]Indiana Jones und der Tempel des Todes
lit. RadioTV F Jupiter Jones [known as "First Investigator" in The Three Investigators]Justus Jonas [Die drei ??? / Fragezeichen / Detektive]
comics F Neighbor J. Jones [Disney]Nachbar Berger
comics F Neighbor J. Jones [Disney]Nachbar Brösecke
comics F Neighbor J. Jones [Disney]Nachbar Knoll
comics F Neighbor J. Jones [Disney]Nachbar Nickel
comics F Neighbor J. Jones [Disney]Nachbar Schurigl
comics F Neighbor J. Jones [Disney]Nachbar Zorngiebel
comics F Neighbor Jones [Disney]Nachbar Nickel
lit. F The Emperor Jones [Eugene O'Neill]Der Kaiser Jones
lit. F The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling [Henry Fielding]Tom JonesDie Geschichte eines Findelkindes
film F The Testimony of Taliesin Jones [Martin Duffy]Die Wunder des Taliesin Jones
RadioTV F The Young Indiana Jones ChroniclesDie Abenteuer des jungen Indiana Jones
film F Tom Jones [Tony Richardson]Tom JonesZwischen Bett und Galgen
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
zool. T
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A 2023-08-20: The phonetician Daniel Jones and his book
Q 2021-02-01: ... I am Jones demanding what there is to eat...
Q 2018-04-02: Lolo Jones: Doha, Qatar Photo Shoot
A 2016-02-01: Ich bin nicht Herr, sondern Frau Jones. Herr Koenig wird Ihre Frage beantworten.
A 2015-05-28: sitting behind Jones ...
Q 2015-05-28: hinter Jones zu sitzen
Q 2011-07-15: Songzeile aus "Sunrise" von Norah Jones: "we made it through another day"
A 2011-04-16: Given David Pryce-Jones's background, it is preposterous to suggest that h...
A 2011-04-16: Nach Lektüre: Bitte die absonderliche "Buchbesprechung" von Pryce-Jones
A 2011-04-16: Faktisch falsch. Pryce-Jones schreckt auch vor Diffamation nicht zurück.
A 2011-04-16: Also eine Besprechung von Pryce-Jones im Spectator...
A 2011-04-11: But isn't "Jones' action precipitated the reaction" stating the obvious?
A 2010-01-29: Established UK usage: Jones's bakery (but +Joneses' bakery+ if owned by mo...
A 2009-10-17: Let's save the bones for Henry Jones.
A 2009-02-02: Heißt Quincy Jones dann wegen seiner Hautfarbe so?
A 2008-01-03: ... sank der Dow-Jones-Index ständig, ...
A 2007-06-22: Mick Jones came up with the name Foreigner as one half of them were three ...
A 2007-06-01: Another acceptable variation is to write Dear Messers Turner and Jones,
Q 2007-02-19: jones
A 2006-11-02: Like the Tom Jones song:

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