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English-German translation for: Joseph's coats
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Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: Joseph's coats

Translation 1 - 50 of 29334  >>

bot. T
Partial Matches
geogr. Joseph's Square [esp. in Vienna]Josefsplatz {m} [bes. in Wien]
relig. Saint Joseph's Day [March 19]Josefi {m} [bayer.] [19. März]
relig. Saint Joseph's Day [March 19]Josefitag {m} [auch Joseftag] [19. März]
relig. Saint Joseph's Day [March 19]Josefstag {m} [19. März]
relig. Saint Joseph's Day [March 19]Josephinentag {m} [selten] [österr.] [Josefitag]
relig. Saint Joseph's Day [March 19]Seppitag {m} [selten] [schweiz.] [Josefitag]
bot. T
bot. T
cloth. coatsJacken {pl}
cloth. coatsMäntel {pl}
in coats {adv}schichtweise [Farbe, Lack]
geogr. Coats LandCoatsland {n}
cloth. fur coatsPelzmäntel {pl}
guests' coatsGästemäntel {pl}
cloth. leather coatsLedermäntel {pl}
cloth. winter coatsWintermäntel {pl}
jobs to check coats [Am.]an der Garderobe arbeiten
cloth. coats [men's jackets]Röcke {pl} [österr.] [sonst regional] [Herrenjacken]
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
sb. coats [applies a layer]jd. beschichtet
bot. T
name JosephJosef {m}
bibl. name JosephJoseph {m}
lit. F Joseph FouchéJoseph Fouché. (Bildnis eines politischen Menschen) [Stefan Zweig]
hist. med. name Carl Joseph GaussCarl Joseph Gauß {m}
geogr. Joseph Bonaparte GulfJoseph-Bonaparte-Golf {m}
bibl. Joseph of ArimatheaJosef {m} von Arimathäa
bibl. Joseph of ArimatheaJosef {m} von Arimathia
bibl. story of JosephJoseph-Erzählung {f}
bibl. story of JosephJosepherzählung {f}
bibl. story of JosephJosephgeschichte {f}
relig. Jesus, Mary, Joseph <JMJ>Jesus, Maria, Joseph <JMJ>
relig. Saint Joseph the Worker(heiliger) Josef {m} der Arbeiter
lit. F Joseph and His BrothersJoseph und seine Brüder [Thomas Mann]
lit. F Missing Joseph [Elizabeth George]Denn keiner ist ohne Schuld
mus. F The Legend of JosephJosephslegende [R. Strauss]
bibl. Joseph novella [Gen 37–50]Josephsnovelle {f}
Jesus, Mary and Joseph! [coll.]Jesus, Maria und Joseph! [ugs.] [Ausruf des Erstaunens]
hist. era of Emperor Franz Josephfrancisco-josephinische Ära {f}
fish T
hist. pol. Joseph Stalin [also: Iosif Vissarionovich Stalin]Josef Wissarionowitsch Stalin {m}
relig. Feast of St. Joseph [March 19]Joseftag {m} [auch: Josefstag, Josefitag] [19. März]
relig. Feast of St. Joseph [March 19]Josephi {m} [südd.] [19. März] [Josephitag, Josephstag, Josefstag]
Francis Joseph [Austro-Hungarian emperor, 1830-1916]Franz Josef / Franz-Josef {m} [veraltet: Joseph]
lit. F St. Joseph in the Forest [Grimm Brothers]Der heilige Joseph im Walde [Brüder Grimm]
bot. T
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