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English-German translation for: Judgment
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Dictionary English German: Judgment

Translation 1 - 50 of 126  >>

English German
NOUN   a judgment | judgments
SYNO   judgement | judgment | perspicacity ... 
Beurteilung {f}
Urteil {n}
relig. judgment
Gericht {n}
judgment [ability]
Urteilsvermögen {n}
judgment [ability]
Urteilskraft {f}
judgment [formation of an opinion] [Am.]
Urteilsbildung {f}
law judgmentrichterliche Entscheidung {f}
Unverified judgment [discretion]Gutdünken {n}
2 Words: Verbs
law to arrest judgmentein gerichtliches Verfahren einstellen
to bias sb.'s judgmentjds. Urteil beeinflussen
to cloud sb.'s judgmentjds. Urteilskraft trüben
law to deflect judgmentdas Urteil beugen
to pass judgmenturteilen
idiom to taint sb.'s judgmentjds. Urteilskraft benebeln [selten] [jds. Urteilskraft trüben]
2 Words: Nouns
philos. apriori judgment [also: judgement]apriorisches Urteil {n}
artistic judgmentKunstverstand {m}
consent judgmenteinverständlich beantragtes Urteil {n}
law contested judgmentangefochtenes Urteil {n}
law false judgmentFehlurteil {n}
final judgmentEndurteil {n}
law Unverified final judgment [by the highest court of a land]Leiturteil {n}
fin. law interlocutory judgmentZwischenurteil {n}
judgment callErmessensentscheidung {f}
judgment callErmessensfrage {f}
law judgment creditorVollstreckungsgläubiger {m}
relig. Judgment DayGerichtstag {m}
relig. Judgment Dayder Jüngste Tag {m}
relig. Judgment DayTag {m} des Jüngsten Gerichts
relig. judgment day [also: Judgment Day]jüngster Tag {m} [auch: Jüngster Tag]
judgment debtvom Gericht anerkannte Schuld {f}
judgment debtorVollstreckungsschuldner {m}
judgment notevom Gericht erstellter Schuldschein {m}
relig. Last JudgmentEndgericht {n}
art relig. Last JudgmentWeltgericht {n}
relig. Last JudgmentJüngstes Gericht {n}
relig. Last Judgment [esp. Am.]Letztes Gericht {n}
overall judgmentGesamturteil {n}
law part judgmentTeilurteil {n}
philos. perceptual judgmentWahrnehmungsurteil {n}
psych. self-judgmentSelbstbeurteilung {f}
snap judgment [Am.]vorschnelles Urteil {n}
sound judgmentgesundes Urteil {n}
law summary judgmentUrteil {m} im Schnellverfahren
law summary judgmentUrteil {m} im abgekürzten Verfahren
value judgmentWertentscheidung {f}
value judgmentWerturteil {n}
value judgmentWertvorstellung {f}
value judgment [Am.]Wertung {f} [Werturteil]
3 Words: Others
relig. on Judgment Day {adv}am Jüngsten Tag
relig. on Judgment Day {adv}am Tag des Jüngsten Gerichts
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Q 2020-07-07: summary judgment order (US law) - vielen Dank für jeden sachdienlichen Hinweis
Q 2014-08-07: policy judgment +vs+ legal judgment (context: US supreme court decision on...
A 2013-11-17: "may be made a judgment" verstehe ich als: "kann ALS Urteil (Nominativ) er...
Q 2013-11-17: to be made a judgment
A 2013-08-08: I'm just happy to know that the US doesn't have a monopoly on horny politi...
A 2013-05-24: Against my better judgment
Q 2013-01-24: action for declaratory judgment, accounting, negligence, conversion, ...
Q 2012-10-25: in a judgment-incurring fashion
A 2012-05-30: Me, too... is there a native around to give a judgment?
A 2012-05-22: enter a judgment
A 2011-10-07: Why must you pass judgment on people's reading preferences?
A 2011-04-28: "incapable of moral judgment"
Q 2010-10-23: You might allow a personal feud to cloud or override your judgment.
A 2010-03-07: deficiency judgment > Urteil über den Fehlbetrag nach Zwangsversteigerung
Q 2010-03-07: Pursue and obtain a deficiency judgment
Q 2010-01-26: The fact ... shall not influence your judgment.
A 2008-10-08: Streitwertbeschwerde > appeal against the judgment on the value of the cla...
A 2008-08-26: Had one entitled 'in the name of the people'..the judgment is passed....
A 2008-07-06: that's it!!! gratissimus! judgment reference?
A 2008-04-05: Judgment http://www.utcourts.gov/resources/rules/urcp/forms/form_39.htm

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