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English-German translation for: Juice
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Dictionary English German: Juice

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NOUN1   a juice [type/glass of] | juices
NOUN2   juice [liquid; electricity; influence; strength] | -
VERB  to juice | juiced | juiced ... 
SYNO   juice | succus
to juice sth. [extract the juice of sth.]
etw.Akk. entsaften
Saft {m}
electr. juice [coll.] [electricity]
Strom {m} [Elektrizität]
electr. juice [coll.] [electric energy]
Saft {m} [ugs.] [elektrische Energie]
juice [coll.] [influence]
Beziehungen {pl} [an einflussreicher Stelle]
juice [sl.] [funds, money]
Kohle {f} [ugs.] [Geld]
juice2 [Br.] [coll.] [petrol / diesel]
Sprit {m} [ugs.] [Benzin / Diesel]
juice [sl.] [gossip]
Tratsch {m} [ugs.] [üble Nachrede]
juice [coll.] [liquor]
Schnaps {m}
gastr. juiceJuice {m} {n} [österr. nur {m}] [Obst- oder Gemüsesaft]
2 Words: Verbs
to juice up [charge a battery] [coll.]aufladen [ugs.]
2 Words: Nouns
gastr. apple juiceApfelsaft {m}
gastr. TrVocab. apple juiceObi {n} [von: obi®] [österr.] [schweiz.] [Apfelsaft]
gastr. apricot juiceAprikosensaft {m}
gastr. apricot juiceMarillensaft {m} [österr.]
gastr. banana juiceBananensaft {m}
tech. battery juice [coll.] [electric potential]Batteriesaft {m} [Jargon] [elektrische Spannung]
gastr. beet juice [Am.]Rotebetesaft {m} [auch: Rote-Bete-Saft]
gastr. beetroot juiceRotebeetesaft {m} [Rsv.]
gastr. beetroot juiceRotebetesaft {m}
gastr. beetroot juiceRote-Beete-Saft {m}
gastr. beetroot juiceRote-Bete-Saft {m}
gastr. beetroot juiceRote-Rüben-Saft {m} [österr.]
bot. gastr. bissap juiceBissap-Saft {m}
gastr. blackberry juiceBrombeersaft {m}
gastr. blackcurrant juiceschwarzer Johannisbeersaft {m}
gastr. blackcurrant juiceSaft {m} aus Schwarzen Johannisbeeren
gastr. blueberry juiceBlaubeersaft {m}
gastr. blueberry juiceHeidelbeersaft {m}
gastr. cabbage juiceKohlsaft {m} [auch: Kohl-Saft]
bot. gastr. cactus juiceKaktussaft {m} [auch: Kaktus-Saft]
gastr. carrot juiceKarottensaft {m}
gastr. carrot juiceMöhrensaft {m}
gastr. carrot juiceMohrrübensaft {m} [nordd.]
gastr. celery juiceSelleriesaft {m}
gastr. cherry juiceKirschsaft {m}
gastr. citrus juiceZitrussaft {m}
gastr. coconut juice [less common for: coconut water]Kokoswasser {n}
gastr. corn juiceMaissaft {m}
gastr. cow juice [Am.] [coll.] [hum.] [milk]Milch {f}
gastr. cranberry juiceMoosbeerensaft {m} [auch: Moosbeeren-Saft]
gastr. cranberry juicePreiselbeersaft {m} [seltener auch: Preiselbeer-Saft]
FoodInd. gastr. cranberry juiceCranberry-Saft {m}
gastr. cucumber juiceGurkensaft {m}
gastr. currant juice [either blackcurrant or redcurrant]Johannisbeersaft {m}
gastr. currant juice [red or black]Ribiselsaft {m} [österr.]
biol. digestive juiceVerdauungssaft {m}
med. duodenal juiceDuodenalsaft {m}
gastr. elderberry juiceFliederbeerensaft {m} [regional, bes. nordd.] [Holunderbeersaft]
gastr. elderberry juiceFliederbeersaft {m} [regional, bes. nordd.] [Holunderbeersaft]
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A 2022-07-21: wie "srained juice"? Dann: passierter Saft
Q 2022-07-21: smooth juice
Q 2021-07-11: The juice is worth the squeeze
Q 2019-07-06: juice
A 2016-11-27: Give it more juice
A 2015-10-02: Another possibility: If life gives you lemons - make lemon juice.
Q 2015-09-13: crab juice
A 2013-09-15: Well, the English is confusing to begin with. No one jacks juice at all.
Q 2013-09-13: juice jacking
A 2013-04-04: As it involves milk, it could be strawberry purée rather than juice (like ...
A 2012-09-02: Collins defines it (apart from meat juice) as (Slang) "money or gain acqui...
A 2011-10-24: oliver, not quite the same. Sure-enough clam juice is juice separated out ...
A 2011-10-24: Melody's in Munich has Clamato juice.
Q 2011-10-24: Another ingredient question: clam juice?
A 2011-08-15: commercially produced carrot juice
A 2011-04-09: Streep and apple juice
A 2010-04-07: This doesn't make sense: "the juice sector made it appealing"
A 2009-11-30: I finished my juice already, thanks
A 2009-11-27: 'hitting the cactus juice' = 'Mezcal / Tequila zischen'
A 2009-11-27: "hitting the cactus juice"

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