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English-German translation for: Kalorie pro Sekunde
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Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: Kalorie pro Sekunde

Translation 1 - 50 of 260  >>

phys. unit calorie per second <cal/s>Kalorie {f} pro Sekunde <cal/s>
Partial Matches
per second {adv}pro Sekunde
unit foot per second <ft/s, ft/sec, fps>Fuß {m} pro Sekunde
unit feet per second <ft/s, ft/sec, fps>Fuß {pl} pro Sekunde
comp. Internet gigabit per second <Gbit/s>Gigabit {n} pro Sekunde
comp. floating point operations per second <FLOPS>Gleitkommaoperationen {pl} pro Sekunde
games damage per second <DPS>Schaden {m} pro Sekunde
characters per second <CPS>Zeichen {pl} pro Sekunde
audio film unit inches per second <ips> <in/s> <in/sec>Zoll {pl} pro Sekunde
comp. unit bits per second <BPS>Bits {pl} pro Sekunde [Übertragungsrate]
comp. frames per second <fps>Bilder {pl} je / pro Sekunde
phys. unit calories per second <cal/s>Kalorien {pl} pro Sekunde <cal/s>
unit meter per second <m/s, mps> [Am.]Meter {m} {n} pro Sekunde <m/s>
unit metre per second <m/s, mps> [Br.]Meter {m} {n} pro Sekunde <m/s>
comp. unit million instructions per second <MIPS>Millionen Anweisungen {pl} pro Sekunde <MIPS>
unit counts per second <c/s, c/sec, cps>Impulse {pl} pro Sekunde <Ips, Imp./Sek.>
unit cycles per second <cps, c/sec, c/s>Zyklen {pl} pro Sekunde <cps, c/sec, c/s>
unit hundredth of a secondhundertstel Sekunde {f} <100stel Sekunde>
thousandth of a secondtausendstel Sekunde {f} <1000stel Sekunde>
unit calorie <cal>Kalorie {f} <cal>
unit calory <cal> [spv.]Kalorie {f} <cal>
unit large calorie <Cal> [equal to one thousand small calories]große Kalorie {f} <Cal> [veraltet] [1 Cal = 4,186 kJ]
unit small calorie <cal> [now usually defined as 4.186 joules]kleine Kalorie {f} <cal> [veraltet] [1 cal = 4,186 J]
Just a sec. [coll.]Sekunde! [ugs.]
mus. second [interval]Sekunde {f} [Intervall]
per second {adv}je Sekunde
twenty-fifth of a secondfünfundzwanzigstel Sekunde {f}
mus. major secondgroße Sekunde {f}
mus. minor secondkleine Sekunde {f}
watches subsidiary secondkleine Sekunde {f}
mus. augmented secondübermäßige Sekunde {f}
mus. diminished secondverminderte Sekunde {f}
tick [esp. Br.] [coll.] [moment]Sekunde {f} [fig.] [Moment]
Hang on. [coll.]Sekunde (mal)! [ugs.]
electr. unit milliampere-second <mAs>Milliampere-Sekunde {f} <mAs>
astron. unit parallax (of one) arc second <parsec>parallaktische Sekunde {f} <Parsec>
for a second {adv}eine Sekunde lang
at this very second {adv}in ebendieser Sekunde
at the last second {adv}in letzter Sekunde
in the last nick of time {adv}in letzter Sekunde
in the nick of time {adv}in letzter Sekunde
just a secnur eine Sekunde
Wait a sec! [coll.]Warte eine Sekunde!
hundredth of a second1/100 Sekunde {f}
bits per secondBits {pl} je Sekunde
unit cusec [short for: cubic foot per second] <cu ft/s, ft3/sec, cfs>Kubikfuß {m} je Sekunde
just a secondnur eine Sekunde {f}
cycle per secondUmdrehung {f} per Sekunde
cycles per secondUmdrehungen {pl} je Sekunde
characters per secondZeichen {pl} je Sekunde
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