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English-German translation for: Kennedy
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Dictionary English German: Kennedy

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SYNO   JFK | Jack Kennedy ... 
hist. Kennedy assassinationKennedy-Attentat {n}
dent. Kennedy barKennedy-Bügel {m}
geogr. Kennedy ChannelKennedy-Kanal {m}
med. Kennedy's / Kennedy disease [spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy]Kennedy-Krankheit {f} [spinobulbäre Muskelatrophie Typ Kennedy]
med. Kennedy's phenomenon [Gowers-Paton-Kennedy syndrome]Kennedy-Syndrom {n}
med. Kennedy's syndrome [Gowers-Paton-Kennedy syndrome]Kennedy-Syndrom {n} [Gowers-Paton-Kennedy-Syndrom]
3 Words
med. Foster Kennedy syndromeFoster-Kennedy-Syndrom {n}
name pol. JFK [most prominent nickname of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy]John F. Kennedy {m} <JFK>
4 Words
med. Gowers-Paton-Kennedy syndromeGowers-Paton-Kennedy-Syndrom {n}
curr. Kennedy half (dollar) [U.S. coin]Kennedy-Half-Dollar-Münze {f}
med. X-linked spinal muscular atrophy type 1 <SMAX1>spinobulbäre Muskelatrophie {f} <SBMA> Typ Kennedy
med. spinobulbar muscular atrophy <SBMA> [Kennedy's disease]spinobulbäre Muskelatrophie {f} Typ Kennedy <SBMA>
med. spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy <SBMA> [Kennedy's disease]spinobulbäre Muskelatrophie {f} Typ Kennedy <SBMA>
X-linked bulbo-spinal atrophy <SBMA> [Kennedy's disease]spinobulbäre Muskelatrophie {f} Typ Kennedy <SBMA>
5+ Words
dent. Kennedy class I: shortened dental arch in one jaw.Kennedy-Klasse I: reduzierte Bezahnung in einem Kiefer.
aviat. JFK Airport [coll.] <JFK, KJFK> [John F. Kennedy International Airport]John F. Kennedy International Airport {m} <JFK, KJFK>
aviat. New York-JFK [coll.] <JFK, KJFK> [John F. Kennedy International Airport]John F. Kennedy International Airport {m} <JFK, KJFK>
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F Kennedy's Brain [Henning Mankell]Kennedys Hirn
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
zool. T
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A 2020-05-10: Kennedy?
A 2017-11-11: PS: Full Kennedy Center intro here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dH29jb...
A 2017-11-11: In 2012, they were among the Kennedy Center honorees. Americans are genero...
A 2017-05-08: Joseph P. Kennedy or Knute Rockne?
A 2011-05-02: Kennedy, Luther King, Bin Laden
A 2010-08-28: Als sie das schreibt, ist Kennedy schon bei seinen Vätern.
Q 2010-08-28: Jackie Kennedy erklärt vor dem Amtsantritt ihres Mannes, wie sie sich zu k...
A 2010-03-10: Ganz so einfach, Proteus, wie mit der albernen Kennedy-Anekdote, ist es di...
A 2009-08-30: US English: On May 25, 1961, in his famous speech President John F. Kenned...
A 2009-08-24: natti with two tts or four sevens? anyway kennedy was lucky, imagine he'd ...
A 2007-10-22: When the going gets tough, the tough get going. Joseph P. Kennedy
A 2005-11-28: when the going gets tough, the tough get going < J. Kennedy
A 2005-10-19: Kennedy family motto: When the going gets tough, the tough get going

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