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English-German translation for: Kid
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Dictionary English German: Kid

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NOUN   a kid | kids
VERB  to kid | kidded | kidded ... 
SYNO   kid | kidskin | child | Kid | Kyd ... 
NOUN   das Kid | die Kids
to kid
to kid sb.
jdn. veräppeln [ugs.]
to kid
to kid sb.
jdn. anführen [veralbern]
agr. zool. to kid [goat]
zickeln [Junge werfen (Ziege)]
to kidjökeln [regional] [spaßen, scherzen]
to kidSpaß machen
to kid [coll.]Jux machen [ugs.]
zool. to kid [goat, antelope]Junge werfen [Ziege, Antilope]
agr. zool. to kid [goat]Zicklein zur Welt bringen [Ziege]
agr. zool. to kid [goats]gitzeln [schweiz.] [Junge werfen bei Ziegen]
to kid sb. [coll.]jdn. auf den Arm nehmen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
kid [coll.]
Kind {n}
zool. kid [of the goat]
Zicklein {n}
gastr. zool. kid [of the goat]
Geißlein {n}
kid [coll.]
Balg {m} {n} [ugs.] [pej.] [(kleines) Kind]
kid [man]
Bursche {m}
kid [coll.]
Gör {n} [nordd.]
kid [coll.] [little boy]
Pimpf {m} [ugs.] [kleiner Junge]
kid [female]
Kleine {f}
zool. kid [of the roe deer]
Rehkitz {n}
kidKleiner {m}
kid [coll.]Blag {n} [pej.] [ugs. für: Kind]
kid [coll.] [child]Kid {n} [ugs.]
zool. kid [of the chamois]Gämsenkitz {n}
zool. kid [of the goat]Ziegenkitz {n}
zool. kid [of the roe deer]Rehkalb {n}
zool. kid [young goat]Geißböcklein {n}
zool. kid [young goat]Kitz {n} [bei Ziegen]
2 Words: Others
kid-glove {adj} [fig.]zimperlich
kid-proof {adj} [coll.]kindersicher
2 Words: Verbs
to kid around [esp. Am.] [coll.]herumalbern [ugs.]
to kid around [esp. Am.] [coll.]rumalbern [ugs.]
to kid around [esp. Am.] [coll.]rumflachsen [ugs.]
to kid oneself [coll.]sichDat. (selbst) etwas vormachen [ugs.] [sich selbst täuschen]
to kid oneself [coll.]sichDat. (etwas) in die eigene Tasche lügen [Redewendung]
2 Words: Nouns
sports ball kid [UEFA term]Balljunge {m}
cool kidMacker {m} [ugs.]
genius kid [coll.]Wunderkind {n}
zool. goat kidZiegenkitz {n}
grubby kidDreckspatz {m} [ugs.] [Kind]
zool. impala kidImpalajunges {n} [auch: Impala-Junges]
zool. impala kidImpalakitz {n} [auch: Impala-Kitz]
law sociol. joyriding kidCrashkid {n} [ugs.] [auch: Crash-Kid]
kid brother [coll.]Brüderchen {n}
kid brother [coll.] [younger brother]jüngerer Bruder {m}
kid brother [coll.] [younger brother]kleiner Bruder {m} [ugs.] [jüngerer Bruder]
cloth. kid glovesGlacéhandschuhe {pl}
zool. kid goatZiegenkitz {n}
educ. hist. kid hack [Am.] [coll.] [horse-drawn vehicle used for transporting children to school][Pferdedroschke, mit der Kinder in den USA zur Schule gefahren wurden]
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Q 2020-07-16: ... this kid is going to be born with a full head of hair
A 2018-03-28: kid skier https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-pK2JheWido < Must Watch!
Q 2017-02-12: i was a tagalong and a kid.
A 2016-07-19: handle/treat with kid gloves
A 2016-01-29: a kid's staging / enactment project ?
Q 2015-09-17: the new kid on the block
A 2015-09-16: @ Jim: I got a boa myself. When she was a kid, I fed her small mice. She's...
A 2014-07-16: @Whiz-Kid
A 2014-06-11: A 10-year old middle-class Berlin kid is most unlikely to have known the i...
A 2014-06-11: A 10-year old middle-class Berliner kid of 1816 may jolly well have uttere...
A 2014-06-03: @rabend: That I should have known as a kid.
A 2014-04-29: I reportedly owned a pair of skies as a kid.
A 2013-08-27: successful kid
A 2013-08-27: As sunfunlili pointed out in her 12:37, be careful with "kid." It could r...
Q 2013-07-22: It's like the guy said, "You're the king's kid."
A 2013-06-01: Once more, the old pro has shown the kid how to do it.
A 2013-03-06: Just to be sure: balance bikes, wooden or not, are kid's bikes propelled b...
A 2013-02-18: I remember the kid's radio program "Onkel Tobias vom RIAS."
A 2012-03-30: Boomerang kid! - I love that concept!
A 2012-03-01: When I was a kid in Berlin, I thought a "Trapper" was a cowboy.

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