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English-German translation for: Kinder Gottes
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Dictionary English German: Kinder Gottes

Translation 1 - 50 of 428  >>

NOUN   das Kind Gottes | die Kinder Gottes
relig. children of GodKinder {pl} Gottes
Keywords contained
film F Children of a Lesser God [Randa Haines]Gottes vergessene Kinder
quote Barnes are blessings. [William Shakespeare]Kinder sind ein Segen Gottes.
lit. F All God's Chillun Got Wings [Eugene O'Neill]Alle Kinder Gottes haben Flügel
Partial Matches
alas {adv}leider Gottes
Unfortunately!Leider Gottes!
relig. omnipresence of GodAllgegenwart {f} Gottes
philos. relig. omnibenevolence of GodAllgütigkeit {f} Gottes
relig. omnipotence of GodAllmächtigkeit {f} Gottes
relig. beatific visionAnschauung {f} Gottes
relig. vision of GodAnschauung {f} Gottes
relig. emotionlessness of GodApathie {f} Gottes
relig. aseity of GodAseität {f} Gottes
relig. messenger of GodBote {m} Gottes
relig. divine covenantBund {m} Gottes
relig. oneness of GodEinheit {f} Gottes
relig. unity of GodEinheit {f} Gottes
relig. Unverified (warning) finger of GodFingerzeig {m} Gottes
gift from aboveGabe {f} Gottes
gift of the godsGabe {f} Gottes
relig. God's messengerGesandter {m} Gottes
relig. messenger of GodGesandter {m} Gottes
gift from GodGeschenk {n} Gottes
relig. God's purposeGottes Absicht {f}
relig. God's designGottes Heilsplan {m}
relig. God's purposeGottes Heilsplan {m}
vox dei [also: vox Dei] [Latin: the voice of God]Gottes Stimme {f}
relig. God's purposeGottes Vorsatz {m}
relig. God's providenceGottes Vorsehung {f}
relig. God's willGottes Wille {m}
relig. God's saving willHeilswille {m} Gottes
flock of godHerde {f} Gottes
relig. child of GodKind {n} Gottes
relig. servant of GodKnecht {m} Gottes
relig. condescendence (of God) [rare]Kondeszendenz {f} (Gottes)
relig. Agnus Dei [Lamb of God]Lamm {n} Gottes
relig. doxologyLobpreisung {f} Gottes
man of GodMann {m} Gottes
relig. man of the cloth [coll.] [clergyman]Mann {m} Gottes
relig. incarnation [of God]Menschwerdung {f} Gottes
relig. divine concourseMitwirkung {f} Gottes
relig. God's will for orderOrdnungswille {m} Gottes
relig. design of GodPlan {m} Gottes
bibl. relig. kingdom of GodReich {n} Gottes
relig. vision of GodSchauen {n} Gottes
relig. God's self-revelationSelbstmitteilung {f} Gottes
bibl. Son of GodSohn {m} Gottes
vox dei [also: vox Dei] [Latin: the voice of God]Stimme {f} Gottes
relig. God's punishmentStrafe {f} Gottes
idiom judgment from aboveStrafe {f} Gottes
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• Kinder Gottes
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