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Dictionary English German: King

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NOUN   a king | kings
NOUN   der King | die Kings
König {m}
games king [chess]
König {m} [Schach]
hist. levee [reception at court upon a king's rising from bed]
Lever {n} [Morgenempfang beim Hochadel]
hist. levee [reception at court upon a king's rising from bed]
Morgenempfang {m}
Kini {m} [österr. und bayer. für: König]
King {m} [ugs.]
games king [checkers / draughts]Dame {f} [Doppelstein beim Damespiel]
2 Words: Others
king-like {adj}königsgleich
king-size {adj}extragroß
king-size {adj}Riesen-
king-size {adj}übergroß
king-size {adj}besonders groß
king-size {adj}überdurchschnittlich groß
king-size {adj} [e.g. cigarette]überlang
king-sized {adj}extragroß
king-sized {adj}übergroß
king-sized {adj} [e.g. cigarette]überlang
2 Words: Verbs
to anoint sb. kingjdn. zum König salben
to anoint sb. kingjdn. zum König weihen
games to check sb.'s kingjdm. Schach bieten
to crown sb. kingjdn. zum König krönen
to declare sb. kingjdn. zum König proklamieren
2 Words: Nouns
hist. Achaemenid kingAchämenidenkönig {m}
actual kingeigentlicher König {m}
hist. Akkadian kingAkkaderkönig {m}
hist. anti-kingGegenkönig {m}
hist. Assyrian kingAssyrerkönig {m}
Bavarian kingBayernkönig {m}
bean kingBohnenkönig {m}
hist. Carolingian kingKarolingerkönig {m}
hist. Celtic kingKeltenkönig {m}
hist. citizen king [also: Citizen King] [Louis-Philippe]Bürgerkönig {m}
hist. client kingVasallenkönig {m}
hist. co-kingMitkönig {m}
Danish kingDänenkönig {m}
myth. erl-kingErlkönig {m}
hist. pol. former kingEx-König {m} [auch: Exkönig]
French kingFranzosenkönig {m}
relig. god kingGottkönig {m}
relig. god-kingGottkönig {m}
hist. Great KingGroßkönig {m}
hist. Guelph kingWelfenkönig {m}
relig. heavenly kingHimmelskönig {m}
hist. heretic kingKetzerkönig {m}
ethn. hist. Hindu kingHindukönig {m}
hist. Hittite kingHethiterkönig {m}
myth. King ArthurKönig Artus {m}
gastr. king cake [also: kings' cake]Dreikönigskuchen {m}
king closerDreiviertelziegel {m}
hist. King EmperorKönig und Kaiser [Herrscher über Großbritannien und Indien]
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A 2023-07-02: Die Sprüche von King-of-Pomp-Charles sind wirklich Fantasie anregend.
A 2023-06-23: Großbritannien is King.
Q 2023-03-01: Clearer if you simply state in square brackets: Rex is Latin for king.
A 2020-01-11: I don't think the eagle is generally known as the king of the skies/air in...
Q 2019-12-17: Defined & targeted correct? Premises outlined for "Cash is King"-scenario:...
Q 2018-04-23: homecoming king (Am.) (often capitalized)
A 2017-04-03: Cleveland’s King of Kielbasa
A 2017-02-03: Are you referring to King Donald's little wee-wee?
A 2016-08-04: Most well-known Bible phrases in Britain come from the King James version.
A 2015-07-14: King Size Male Enhancement
Q 2014-11-21: King O sued
A 2014-09-14: In the King James Bible / Authorized Version (!), +which+ may also refer t...
A 2013-12-03: to be bound by allegiance to the king
A 2013-11-15: At once the King of H had the seal ... examined
A 2013-09-11: +king of editing+ smacks of someone very skilled in using editing software...
Q 2013-09-11: Editing King
Q 2013-07-22: It's like the guy said, "You're the king's kid."
A 2013-07-04: Hat mich sofort an den Filmtitel 'The King's Speech' erinnert...
A 2013-06-26: @Catesse: interesting! Clearly, "king tide" is in use now in the U.S.
A 2013-06-25: King tides

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