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English-German translation for: Knights
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Dictionary English German: Knights

Translation 1 - 50 of 50

English German
NOUN   a knight | knights
VERB  to knight | knighted | knighted ... 
hist. knights {pl} [collectively]
Ritterschaft {f} [die Ritter]
2 Words: Nouns
household knightsritterliches Gefolge {n}
hist. imperial knights {pl} [collectively]Reichsritterschaft {f}
knights festival {sg}Ritterfestspiele {pl}
knights festival {sg}Ritterspiele {pl}
hist. Knights HospitallerMalteserritter {pl}
hist. relig. Knights TemplarTempelherren {pl} [Templerorden]
hist. relig. Knights Templar [Order of the Temple]Tempelritter {pl} [Templerorden]
archi. knights' hallRittersaal {m}
Teutonic KnightsDeutschherren {pl}
hist. relig. Teutonic KnightsDeutschritter {pl}
hist. mil. Teutonic KnightsKreuzritter {pl}
hist. Teutonic KnightsOrdensritter {pl} [Deutschordensritter]
hist. Teutonic KnightsTeutonische Ritter {pl} [Deutschritterorden]
hist. relig. Teutonic Knights {pl}Deutschorden {m} [Deutscher Orden]
hist. Teutonic Knights {pl}Deutscher Orden {m}
3 Words: Nouns
hist. (Palatinate) Knights' Revolt [Holy Roman Empire, 1522-23](Pfälzischer) Ritteraufstand {m} [Heiliges Römisches Reich, 1522-23]
games Four Knights Game [chess opening]Vierspringerspiel {n} [Schacheröffnung]
archi. hall of knightsRittersaal {m}
hist. knights / knights' gamesRitterspiele {pl}
relig. Knights of ColumbusKolumbus-Ritter {pl}
relig. Knights of MaltaMalteser {pl}
relig. Knights of RhodesMalteser {pl}
order of knightsRitterorden {m}
lit. stories of knightsRittergeschichten {pl}
games Three Knights Game [chess opening]Dreispringerspiel {n} [Schacheröffnung]
4 Words: Others
of the Imperial Knights {adj} [postpos.]reichsritterschaftlich
4 Words: Nouns
hist. Knights of Saint JohnJohanniterritter {pl}
hist. Knights of St. JohnJohanniter {pl}
relig. Knights of the Cross <OSCr>Kreuzherren {pl} <OSCr>
gastr. Poor Knights of Windsor [Br.]Arme Ritter {pl}
religious order of knightsgeistlicher Ritterorden {m}
5+ Words: Nouns
hist. (Free) Imperial Knights of the Holy Roman EmpireReichsritterschaft {f}
Grand Master of Teutonic KnightsHochmeister {m} der Deutschherren
Knights of St. John of JerusalemJohanniter-Orden {m} <JO>
archi. relig. Knights of the Cross monasteryKreuzherrenkloster {n}
relig. Knights of the order of the Hospital of Saint John of JerusalemJohanniter {pl}
archi. relig. monastery of the Knights of the CrossKreuzherrenkloster {n}
geogr. hist. Monastic State of the Teutonic Knights [(East) Prussia to 1525]Ordenspreußen {n}
relig. Order of the Knights of MaltaMalteserorden {m}
archi. hist. Palace of the Grand Master (of the Knights of Rhodes)Großmeisterpalast {m} von Rhodos
hist. relig. Poor Knights / Fellow-Soldiers {pl} of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon [Pauperes commilitones Christi templique Salomonici] [Templars]Arme Ritterschaft {f} Christi und des salomonischen Tempels zu Jerusalem [Tempelritter, Templerorden]
hist. War of the Imperial Knights [also: Knights' Revolt] [Holy Roman Empire, 1522/23]Ritterkrieg {m} [auch: Reichsritter- oder (Pfälzischer) Ritteraufstand]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F The Acts of King Arthur and His Noble Knights [John Steinbeck]König Artus und die Heldentaten der Ritter seiner Tafelrunde
RadioTV F The Big KnightsDie Retter-Ritter
lit. F The Jaguar Knights [Dave Duncan]Die Jaguar-Krieger
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
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A 2015-07-03: Cf. Encyclopaedia of Medieval Knights > Medieval Knights > Becoming a Knight
A 2011-10-04: ... adelte man mich zum Sir: Knights and baronets are not part of the nobi...
A 2011-03-31: http://www.middle-ages.org.uk/knights-code-of-chivalry.htm
A 2009-09-07: Or else: knights errant http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knight-errant
A 2008-06-14: Poor Knights Of Windsor
A 2007-06-30: knights & fights
A 2007-03-27: many white knights around, these days .... :-)
A 2006-11-14: oder auch: Knights Templar

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