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English-German translation for: Knowing
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Dictionary English German: Knowing

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ADJ   knowing | more knowing | most knowing
VERB  to know | knew | known ... 
SYNO   knowing | knowledgeable | intentional ... 
knowing {adj}
knowing {adj} {pres-p}
knowing {adj}
knowing {adj}
knowing {adj}
Kenntnis {f}
philos. relig. knowing
Erkennen {n}
2 Words: Others
all-knowing {adj}allwissend
knowing you, ...wie ich dich kenne, ...
more knowing {adj}wissender
worth knowing {adj} [postpos.]wissenswert
2 Words: Nouns
knowing betterBesserwissen {n}
knowing lookvielsagender Blick {m}
knowing smileAugurenlächeln {n} [geh.]
not knowing [uncomfortable state of uncertainty]das Ungewisse {n}
3 Words: Others
knowing full well {adj}wohlwissend [alt] [wohl wissend]
more worth knowing {adj} [postpos.]wissenswerter
3 Words: Nouns
basis for knowingErkenntnisgrund {m}
4 Words: Others
with a knowing hand {adv}mit kundiger Hand
without sb. knowing about it {adv} [in the past]ohne dass jd. davon wusste
4 Words: Nouns
philos. state of not knowingAgnosie {f}
state of not knowingNichtwissen {n}
5+ Words: Others
I'd be interested in knowing how many ...Mich würde interessieren, wie viele ...
I'll sleep better at night knowing that. [ironic]Jetzt, wo ich das weiß, werde ich nachts bestimmt besser schlafen. [ironisch]
It's a case of the right hand not knowing what the left hand's doing. [idiom]Das ist so ein Fall, wo die rechte Hand nicht weiß, was die linke tut. [Redewendung]
law knowing sth. to be a fakeim Bewusstsein, dass etw. gefälscht ist
There's no knowing what he'll do when he's had a few. [coll.] [idiom]Im Suff ist er unberechenbar. [ugs.]
through knowing the right people {adv}durch Beziehungen [zu einflussreichen Leuten]
5+ Words: Verbs
to know, without knowing how, that ...wissen, ohne zu wissen, woher, dass ...
5+ Words: Nouns
expert in / on knowing peopleExperte {m} in Sachen Menschenkenntnis
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F Knowing [Alex Proyas]KnowingDie Zukunft endet jetzt
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A 2016-12-29: This is hard to do without knowing the game.
Q 2015-12-28: knowing(ly?)
A 2015-06-01: 05:16 +In general one just notices that such phrases sound off, not knowin...
A 2015-03-26: Knowing yourself
A 2014-09-16: Without knowing what kind of product it is, any attempt to help is just gu...
A 2014-06-11: A 10-year old middle-class Berliner kid of 1816 may jolly well have uttere...
A 2014-04-09: But without knowing Blattspinat's context...
A 2014-03-31: Without knowing what sort of Förderung it is, it's difficult to suggest a ...
A 2013-11-29: Without knowing the article - possibly.
A 2013-11-03: Knowing what you want to say in German would help.
A 2013-05-14: Know where you are going, by knowing where you are coming from.
A 2013-04-23: Knowing all about your future is no good
A 2012-12-28: (Your) comments are (very) helpful/knowing and much appreciated as usual/a...
A 2012-03-10: not knowing what or who Big D. .... - maybe they are inside Big D. ?? or ...
A 2012-02-02: Not knowing the text I'd read "undiscussables" as sth.
A 2012-01-03: it's difficult without knowing the meaning of rate and good 1 or 2
A 2011-11-18: I can't say if the translation is correct without knowing the original :-)
A 2011-09-17: Too bad that knowing the truth won't change anything.
Q 2011-09-15: What does a native speaker understand by the phrase "core-check" ? (withou...
A 2011-08-05: There's no way of knowing for sure (Capital Hill)

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