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English-German translation for: Kong-Ming-Laterne
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Kong-Ming-Laterne in other languages:

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Dictionary English German: Kong Ming Laterne

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NOUN   die Kong-Ming-Laterne | die Kong-Ming-Laternen
Kongming lantern [sky lantern]Kong-Ming-Laterne {f} [auch: Kongming-Laterne] [Himmelslaterne]
fire balloon [Kongming / Chinese / sky lantern]Kong-Ming-Laterne {f} [auch: Kongming-Laterne] [Himmelslaterne]
Partial Matches
hist. Ming DynastyMing-Dynastie {f}
film F King Kong Lives [John Guillermin] [also: King Kong 2]King Kong lebt
film F King Kong [Merian C. Cooper, Ernest B. Schoedsack (1933)]King Kong und die weiße Frau
film F King Kong [John Guillermin (1976), Peter Jackson (2005)]King Kong
zool. T
RadioTV F Hong Kong PhooeyHong Kong Fu
RadioTV F Hong Kong PhooeyHong Kong Pfui
film F Red TrousersThe Life of the Hong Kong Stuntmen [Robin Shou]Red TrousersDas Leben der Hong Kong Stuntmen
archaeo. art Ming vaseMing-Vase {f}
geogr. Hong Kong <.hk>Hong Kong {n}
lampLaterne {f}
lanternLaterne {f}
lanthorn [spv.]Laterne {f}
street lampLaterne {f} [Straßenlaterne]
street lightLaterne {f} [Straßenlaterne]
zool. Aristotle's lantern [Laterna Aristotelis]Laterne {f} des Aristoteles
zool. lantern of Aristotle [Laterna Aristotelis]Laterne {f} des Aristoteles
film F Raise the Red Lantern [Zhang Yimou]Rote Laterne
geogr. Hong Kong <.hk>Hongkong {n}
Hong Kong manHongkonger {m}
Hong Kong womanHongkongerin {f}
ling. Hong Kong EnglishHongkong-Englisch {n}
med. Hong Kong fluHongkong-Grippe {f}
hist. pol. Hong Kong Junta [1898 to 1903]Hongkong-Komitee {n}
fish T
bot. T
bot. T
sports bottom of the pile [last position in a table]rote Laterne {f} [fig.] [letzter Tabellenplatz]
zool. T
zool. T
games sports to leave last place [in the standings]die rote Laterne abgeben [fig.] [den letzten Tabellenplatz verlassen]
film F A Countess from Hong Kong [Charlie Chaplin]Die Gräfin von Hongkong
Chinese lantern [traditional lampion]chinesische Laterne {f} [Lampion]
med. Hong Kong foot [coll.] [Tinea pedis] [athlete's foot]Hongkongfuß {m} [ugs.] [Fußpilz]
med. Hong Kong foot [coll.] [Tinea pedis] [athlete's foot]Hongkong-Fuß {m} [ugs.] [Fußpilz]
sky lanternSky-Laterne {f} [Himmelslaterne]
sb./sth. is few and far between [coll.]jdn./etw. mit der Laterne suchen können [ugs.] [Redewendung] [aufgrund seiner Seltenheit kaum finden]
Unverified sb./sth. is thin on the ground [idiom]jdn./etw. mit der Laterne suchen können [ugs.] [Redewendung] [aufgrund seiner Seltenheit kaum finden]
Hong Kong rocks [sl.]Hongkong-Rocks {n} [Heroin-Hydrochlorid, 30 - 60 % rein]
geogr. Kong Karls LandKönig-Karl-Land {n}
med. Hong Kong ear [coll.] [Otitis externa (diffusa)] [swimmer's ear]Schwimmerohr {n} [Otomykose, Otitis externa]
med. Hong Kong ear [coll.] [Otitis externa (diffusa)] [swimmer's ear]Taucherohr {n} [Otomykose, Otitis externa]
bot. T
sports lanterne rouge [red lantern for the last place in the Tour de France]rote Laterne {f} [letzter Platz beim Classement der Tour de France]
curr. Hong Kong dollar <HKD, HK$>Hongkong-Dollar {m} <HKD, HK$>
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